Chapter 33

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"Ok, Lisa but what the fuck do you want me to do? I have Cam and JJ over, I already know how you feel about them so why the fuck would I invite you over?" I heard Shawn's annoyed voice. I opened my eyes to see his back turned to me, his phone to his ear. I looked around and I was on his bed as opposed to his couch where I last remember being. He must have moved me while I was asleep.

"I'm not going to make them leave just because you want to come over, babe." He sighed. I noticed he started turning around so I quickly pretended to be asleep, closing my eyes and shuffling slightly, as if his talking was disturbing me.

"What is that supposed to me?" He asks in a quieter tone.
"Babe we hang out almost every damn-" He stopped talking, probably listening to Lisa over the phone.
"How am I supposed to know where she is? Maybe with her friends or something, I told you the last I talked to her was that night we were fighting!" He defended himself. He was quiet for awhile.
"Ok! Fuck, ok tomorrow before I go to the music room with Cecilia."
"Ye-es I still have an assignment to do, fighting or not..."
"Yeah, I love you too. I'll see you tomorrow." He says. After a moment I hear him sigh loudly.

"Why fucking bother with her anymore? Why am I...?" He started talking to himself. I then heard his footsteps getting closer to me. After a moment I felt his hand on my jaw slowly and gingerly move up to my cheek. He rested it there and caressed my cheek with his thumb.

"I want you Ce..." Shawn spoke as if he was sharing a secret. I moaned and shuffled again, moving more ready to "wake up." I felt Shawn's hand pull away from my face and his footsteps leaving me as I slowly fluttered my eyes open. When I did I saw Shawn all the way over at the couch. I yawned and sat up looking at him, it wasn't that hard to tell that he just ran over there. I saw his chest moving up and down quickly, I resisted the urge to smile, knowing exactly what he just did.

"Morning!" He called. I furrowed my brow looking for a clock somewhere. Right next to me on his nightstand was a digital clock that said it was 1:23 am. My eyes shot open wide.

"I slept for 9 hours?!" I said standing up quickly.
"Yeah, it was a tiring day, I don't blame you," Shawn said nonchalantly, I heard his voice grew closer. I looked behind me and he was walking towards me.
"I'm sorry I don't mean to freak out, I just don't want to wear out my welcome." I shrugged, nervous that I might be pushing my boundaries.
"No way, you're perfectly fine, Cecilia. I honestly expected you to sleep the entire night I was getting the couch ready for myself." He explained as he reached me.
"Oh no, I can't do that to you in you're own home! You can have your bed, I'll go home it'll be fine." I said looking around for my phone and keys.
"Hey, you sure you wanna do that?" He asks grabbing my shoulders, looking at me worried.
"Well..." I wasn't actually sure. I just felt bad that he'd have to sleep on his couch instead of his own bed.
"We can share the bed." He chuckled, making an obvious joke about it.
"Ok." I agreed almost immediately. Right away he seemed shocked.
"Whoa... really?" He asks.
"Well if it's ok with you." I shrugged.
"I... uh... yeah it's fine but are you sure you wanna really do that?"
"It's a big bed... I'm ok." I confirmed with a smile.
"O-Ok..." He still seems surprised. "Did you uh... want to go to bed now?" He asks.
"Yeah, I'm still pretty tired honestly." I laughed rubbing my eyes as I sat back on the bed.
"Ok Let me get everything turned off and I'll join you in a moment." I just nodded at him.

I looked down at my attire and noticed I was still in the sweats and Harry's sweater.

"Hey, Shawn... would it be too much to maybe ask for something else to sleep in?" I asked as I looked over at him. He was turning off the TV while looking back at me.
"Of course! I'm sorry I noticed you've been in those all day, you much feel uncomfortable in them. Did you want to take a shower too? I don't mind." He says as he walked back towards me.
"That would actually be really great. If you really don't mind." I said standing up once again.
"You're fine. Here." He says as we walked to his dresser and pulls out a pair of shorts and a white t-shirt holding it out to me. I approach him and take it smiling up at him.
"Thank you so much... for everything." I sigh clutching the clothes close to my chest.
"Don't even mention it, after today I want you to feel as safe as possible around me." He says. I just look down at my feet feeling my cheeks flush red.
"Thank you..." I mumbled out, feeling a little embarrassed.
"When you're done just come to bed." He says as I look back up at him. I just nodded before walking over to the bathroom.

It took about 15 minutes to shower and change. I sighed in relief feeling clean and comfortable. I was wrapped in a towel as I grabbed the clothes Shawn gave me. I dried off best I could before grabbing the shorts, as I lifted them I noticed they weren't actual shorts that I expected. I felt my face burn as I held a pair of boxers in my hands. I held off on those and immediately grabbed the shirt slipping it on. I looked down at it on me and it seemed to have stopped slightly below my mid-thigh. Shawn is 6'2 so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.

I look at the boxers that I put back on the counter and sigh. I have no other choice. I quickly grab them and put them on trying to not think about it.

As I finished up in the bathroom, cleaning my mess and making sure the water on the floor was dry I opened the door and turned off the lights, almost completely being engulfed in darkness. The only light was coming from the moon that was peeking in through the window, thankfully it was just bright enough to help me get to the foot of the bed without tripping, but as soon as I got to the bed it was a mystery. Where was Shawn laying and how do I not disturb him?

I slowly reached out feeling the bed under my hand. I slid it along until I hit something. I quickly retracted my hand and walked to the opposite side of where I felt some part of Shawn's body. I grab the blanket and lift it up, crawling into the bed. I was completely submerged in Shawn's heavenly scent. I felt as if I was floating on cloud 9 being here. I took in a deep breath and let it out feeling amazingly comfortable before closing my eyes, ready to sleep.

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