Chapter 7

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"I just... I-I can't believe that jerk!" I whined as I laid in bed with Maria. She spooned me as she was gently stroking my hair.
"I know Mija, I know." She shushed me as she tried pulling me closer, but it was physically impossible.
"I liked him so much, Maria! I really did he was so sweet and so nice," I sobbed, "he literally spat at me! He kissed me without permission then spat at me!" I cried harder thinking of the encounter between me and Shawn.
"Cecilia baby I had no idea that you even had that kind of thing for Shawn Mendes! He's such an asshole for doing that to you. And Lisa! What is wrong with her?!"
"She lied to him! She made him believe that what she did in high school I did!"
"I know babes, I know." Maria cooed kissing the top of my head.
"She's so evil, she's the devil, not me!"
"I know! You're honestly too good for this world, darling."
"I never want to go back to that room Maria not while she's living in it." I cried.
"We'll go to the office when it opens Friday and when you don't have classes and see if we can switch you. This is too much you shouldn't have to deal with her." Maria comforted me. I nodded.
"Thank you," I croaked, trying to calm down, "can I please sleep in here tonight?" I asked pouting.
"Ok but I have to text my roommate real quick and let her know."
"Ok." I sighed as I stood up and dragged myself to the bathroom. I looked into the mirror and I was a mess. I sniveled as I turned on the sinks cold water and started washing my face.

As I was laying in bed with Maria I was thinking. I was wondering how Shawn could so easily believe Lisa. She was always so mean to him, glaring at him pulling me away from him. Did he just never notice? I think I just need to get my side of the story out to him. Yes! I'll apologize for upsetting him and explain what I think happened! I smile to myself with my plan in my head as I close my eyes ready for bed.

I set my things down on my desk in class. I sat and waited patiently for the professor to show up even though I was pretty early and the only person in the room. I had my plans set for after class today, I'll go find Shawn, explain the misunderstanding and maybe he'll be my friend again.

I sigh in content and close my eyes. Kind of doing my own type of meditation to calm my nerves. While I was relaxed I was interrupted by my desk being hit. I gasped and immediately grabbed my bag before it fell.

I looked up only to see Shawn with a mischievous smirk on his lips. I looked around to see if anyone else was here yet but it was just me and Shawn.

"Oops." He said before sitting on the desk right next to me, throwing his bag in the chair. I just closed my eyes and took a deep breath knowing he did it on purpose but I still need to be calm.

"Shawn Mendes," I said opening my eyes and looking at him. He raised a brow while looking back at me, "I would like a word with you." I requested.
"So far you've said..." he trailed off and started counting on his fingers, "7...? Yeah, no 7 words to me, not including my name." He smiled.
"That's not-"
"I know, don't belittle my intelligence I was just being a dick to you."
"Oh... uh... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you I just-"
"You didn't offend me you were just implying I was stupid by assuming I took you literally."
"Look, Shawn please listen to me for a minute." I sighed.
"I really don't want to."
"Please..." I begged. He just narrowed his eyes at me.
"What?" He asked.
"I just want you to know that... I'm sorry ok. I didn't mean to get worked up yesterday and hit you-"
"Oh right after I so kindly let you kiss me." He smiled again this time flashing his perfect white teeth at me.
"Shawn please, I'm trying to explain myself-"
"I actually think my cheek still hurts." He completely ignored me as he stood up. He then just leaned over placing one hand on my desk and the other on the back of my chair. He leaned his face down towards mine but the closer he got the further I'd pull away. I stopped moving when I felt like I'd fall out of my seat making him stop just as close as he was yesterday before he kissed me.

"I think you should kiss it and make it feel better," I felt his warm breath on my lips. It smelled like super strong mint, as if he just brushed his teeth 5 times in a row, "you did, after all, put me in pain." He smirked at me. I saw from the corner of my eye his hand on my desk slowly moving towards me. As quick as I could I placed my own hand over it, stopping him.

"I know your game, Shawn!" I barked at him angrily.
"Do you now?" He chuckled.
"Yes yo-" I was cut off by his other hand grabbing my face much like yesterday.
"Because I don't think you do?" He said seriously. I grabbed his arm with both my hands and tried to pull him off but when I tried to pull he'd tighten his grip hurting me more. As I was trying to pry him off, he then leaned in closer his lips just grazing mine.

"Shawn?!" A familiar high pitched voice yelled. Shawn pulled back sighing in annoyance and he hung his head down. He let go of my face and put his hand back where they were before he grabbed me.

"Listen, we'll have to continue this later if that's good for you." He said to me.
"No! Absolutely not!" I yelled in his face. He just smiled his stupid toothy smile again.
"Great." He said before quickly pecking me on the forehead and standing up.

"Are you fucking serious?!" The voice yelled again. I looked over pissed from Shawn when I saw Lisa.
"Shawn what the fuck?! Does me being your girlfriend mean nothing to you?!" She kept yelling.
"Girlfriend?!" I went from anger to shock.
"Ooooh right. Cecilia, my girlfriend Lisa, my girlfriend Lisa, Cecilia." He sarcastically introduced us.
"Shawn, are you seriously gonna fucking ignore that you just basically kissed Cecilia?" She kept yelling.
"Probably should mention we kissed yesterday too." He said sticking his hands in his pockets.
"What?!" She looked at me shocked.
"He kissed me, Lisa! Did you not see him fucking forcing me to kiss him?" I defended myself standing up in anger.
"You enjoyed it." He said winking at me.
"You're a pig!" I yelled at him and pushed at his chest with both my hands but he barely moved.
"Don't fucking touch him with your whore hands, bitch!" She yelled at me and started stomping towards me. Just as she was getting closer Shawn stepped in between my desk and the one in front of it until he was standing right in front of me.

"Lisa go to class." He demanded.
"What?! No! Shawn what the FUCK is wrong with you!" She hissed and I heard a thump. I couldn't see much with Shawn's massive body in the way.
"I said. Go back to class. I'll talk to you later." He was calm but Lisa was enraged.
"Damn right we'll talk fucking later." She said and I watched her storm off. But before she did she stopped and looked at me.
"You watch your fucking back bitch!" She cried out to me. Her eyes were red and tearing up before she continued out the door.

"Wow," Shawn chuckled turning around to me, "she's fucking crazy." He said with his thumb up pointing back to the door where Lisa just left.
"No, you're fucking crazy." I retorted before sitting back down in my chair with my arms crossed.

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