Chapter 19

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"Huh... so was his body nice?" Maria asked.
"Maria!" I exclaimed, she wasn't listening to a word I said about Shawn and Lisa.
"What?! You expect me to not want to talk about an incredibly hot guys body that YOU got to feel?! I want answers, Cecilia!" She yelled over the phone.

Shawn left about 2 hours ago it was now 12 pm and I figured I should talk to Maria about my concerns with Shawn and Lisa. She was in class so I had no choice but to explain over the phone after her class.

"I knew I shouldn't have told you that part." I groaned throwing myself back on my bed.
"No, you should have because if you didn't I would have killed you."
"Becuase if this starts something with you two then how will I know to back off?"
"NOTHING is going to start between us!"
"That's what they all say! Next thing you know you and Shawn start fooling around, he dumps Lisa for you, kicks Lucas' ass then you're getting married, having Shawn and Cecila Jr's. I'm gonna be Auntie Maria who spoils the fuck out of them and then-"
"Maria that is not going to happen!" I cut her off from her very long, very fast fantasy.
"Ok, but at least something I said has to be true. I'm putting my money on you two fooling around."
"Maria, please! I just wanted your opinion on what Shawn said to me about Lisa. How can I make him see who she really is?" I whined.
"Simple." She said.
"Well?" I was open to all suggestions.
"You can't." She said to my disappointment. I groaned again louder this time expressing my annoyance.
"What do you want me to say, Cece? You can't force someone to see the truth in someone else, he'll just have to figure out on his own that she's no good! He's in his own denial but he has to pull himself out of it."
"But... I don't want him to get hurt." I said concerned.
"Sometimes that's just what someone needs, my dear."
"But Shawn's still that sweet kid he used to be back in high school. I can't bear to watch him in pain."
"First off, you and I both know that's bullshit. The Shawn you used to know is dead. Lisa butchered him long ago and fed him to the sharks. But the one thing she couldn't get was his heart, and it sounds like you have that part of him."

"Oh stop it. I'm sure he's just lost and confused because of Lisa. If he loved me he'd listen to me."
"Do you love me, Cece?"
"Of course, Bean."
"Then why the fuck ain't you listening to me about this?"
"This is different!"
"It's really not." She sighed. "Look, I know you're worried about him Cecilia because of your crush on him but you just have to let him ride it out."
"I do not-"
"Don't... Say you don't have a crush on him Cece. You're in just as much denial as him."
"But... I'm not." I pouted, feeling slightly defeated.
"Cecilia Grace Marling, think about it. Just that's it. Think about Shawn, think about how he makes you feel."
"Because then you'll know. But hey I gotta go, I'll meet you in my room after class alright?"
"Yeah, I'll text you when I get back to the building so you know I'm coming," I commented.
"Ok, love you, Cece!" She says before hanging up. I dropped my phone from my hand and took in a deep breathe.

What did she even mean by, 'you'll know' if I just think about Shawn? What's there to even think about honestly? I mean maybe think about how big of an asshole he was before we became friends. Well... He sexually assaulted me on more than one occasion there really is no justification for that but... I'm so used to that kind of abuse. I guess I just didn't realize at the moment how big of a deal it really is.

I sit up, furrowing my brows.

"Why does he want to be my friend?" I questioned myself.

Maybe there's some truth about what Maria said before, this whole friendship with Shawn, being a trap. I was too excited to become friends with him that I didn't even think about why he would be my friend, he obviously still doesn't trust me over Lisa which doesn't really start a foundation of trust... maybe I should tell him something. I should at least ask him why he wanted to be my friend, or at least why he kissed me the way he did...

I was too lost in thought to realize the door being unlocked. I jumped at the sight of the door swinging open. I gasped as I was pulled out of my own head. In stomps Lisa. She looks like she's been crying, her eyes were puffy, her eyeliner was in lines down her face, making it obvious that she was crying.

"Such a jerk!" She growled lowly to herself but I heard her perfectly clear. "Jackass!" She yelled grabbing the necklace around her neck and throwing it at the wall at her bed.

She finally acknowledges my existence but just glares at me.

"What the fuck did you tell him?" She asks in an angry tone.
"W-What?" I asked in shock but also confusion.
"Shawn, you bitch!" She screeched at me making me jump again.
"What did I tell him?" I asked, kind of scared.
"Why the fuck did he just say that he wants to 'take a break' for awhile?!" She yelled, bending her fingers in air quotes and saying, 'take a break' in a deep voice as if she was imitating Shawn. I just scoffed.

"Good," I mumble to myself looking away.
"What?!" She screeched again.


She stomped over to me and raised her hand bringing it down hard on my face with a loud smack! My head jerked to the side as I feel the burning pain on my face and my eyes start to water. I cupped my cheek where she hit me and kept my head to the side.

"You think you're so cute and so funny? You think you can undo all the hard work I put into Shawn?! He's mine now! I gave up on you years ago but I will NOT give up on him, do you fucking hear me, you whore?!" She screamed at me but I didn't acknowledge her. I couldn't hold it in anymore and started sobbing.

I then felt a hand grabbing the back of my head by my hair and yank back. I was forced to look at her.
"DO. YOU. HEAR. ME?!" She yelled again in my face, slowly.
"Y-Yes..." I mumbled.
"God, you're pathetic." She said in a disgusted tone, "this is why Lucas beats you... you're WEAK." She said 'weak' in a firm tone. I shook my head and stood up. She just watched me as I quickly grabbed my phone and my keys before running out of the room.

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