Chapter 37

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After my phone call with Maria Shawn invited me to spend the night at his place again. I agreed and we basically spent the whole day talking, napping and cuddling in his bed. It wasn't until it was 10 pm that we decided to actually go to bed for the night. Shawn gave me clothes to sleep in and we just went to bed much like last night.

The next day I woke up feeling something heavy on my chest. I flutter my eyes open and look down to see curly brown hair in my face. I felt Shawn's arm wrapped around my stomach holding me close to him. I sighed and raised my hand brushing my fingers through his amazingly soft hair. I look over to Shawn's digital alarm clock and saw it was 8:30 am. I then reached over to the nightstand and grabbed my phone. I went to my recent conversation with Harry and started texting him.

"Hey, Harry! Sorry, I can't make it to our lesson today my mom wants me to come over!" I excused myself. Just as I was about to put my phone down it dinged. I jumped and looked down at Shawn who just simply shuffled and tried to bury his face deeper in my chest. I just opened my phone and turned it on vibrate before checking my new message from Harry.

"All is good, have fun at your mums. I'll miss you ;)" I smiled at his message.
"We'll see each other again... maybe." I teased him. Then my message app notified me he was typing.
"I will find you, even if I have to go to the ends of the earth!"
"Nah just call me when you need me lol"
"Oh alright, that too."
"TTYL weirdo."
"Bye! :)" I smiled as I put my phone down. I looked over at Shawn and went back to run my fingers through his hair again. Once I put my hand on his head though he jolted awake.

"Sorry." I apologized, removing my hand from his head. He just lifted himself off me and rolled over next to me, giving me freedom.

"No, I'm sorry I didn't know I was laying on you like that." He chuckled in his sexy groggy voice, making my heart melt.
"You're fine..." I shyly said.
"So when are you going to meet up with your friend today?" He asks.
"Oh, no I just canceled on him actually my mother invited me over to spend the night for today. She asked me to invite you too but I doubt you'd wanna go-"
"Sure." He interrupted me.
"What?" I asked, slightly dumbfounded.
"I'll go. That is if you don't mind me being there." He says.
"Oh... uh no, I'm just... I'm surprised." I laughed.
"Why?" He asked.
"I didn't think you'd want to meet my parents." I shrugged.
"Well it's kinda intimidating honestly but we're friends, I feel we're close enough." He smiled.
"Oh... ok." I started to get nervous. It felt like we were a couple having him meet my family.

Shawn decided to walk me back to my room after he packed a few things. I asked if he wanted to wait outside the room just in case if Lisa was here. He just said he'd be fine. I entered the room and much to my disappointment Lisa was sitting right there on her bed reading a magazine. She glanced up at us as Shawn and I walked in the room. I tried to make it quick so Shawn wouldn't have to be here long. I grabbed a small suitcase and packed it with my clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, makeup. I tried to hurry while Shawn just stood in the center of the room, his hands in his pockets with his back facing Lisa. The atmosphere was so awkward.

As soon as I finished packing and looked around to make sure I had everything I looked back to Shawn who was just standing there watching me.

"You ready?" He asks. I nod and reach for my suitcase.
"No, I got it, babe." He said reaching over me and grabbing the handle picking up the bag. I felt my cheeks burn when he called me babe. He then grabbed my hand and I quickly lead us out of the room before he could.

As we walked to the elevator I looked up at Shawn who just seemed fine.
"You ok?" I asked, even though he looked ok.
"Yeah, why?" He asks looking down at me.
"Just making sure." I shrugged. "You did call me babe though."
"Yeah... Sorry, I feel like I'm programmed to say it when I'm around her." He explained.
"It's alright." I smiled at him.

We walked to Shawn's truck and loaded it with our belongings. I was still a little nervous bringing Shawn back to my home. It just really felt like I was bringing a boyfriend back to meet my family. But I'm sure once we get home things will smooth over and I'll feel more at ease... hopefully.

It was a 5-hour drive to get back home. On the way, we stopped by a small diner to each lunch then hit the road again until finally, we reached a familiar neighborhood. It hasn't been too long since I was back home but I didn't know how much I truly missed it until I was actually back. Shawn pulled into the driveway of my house. The sound of the car must have alerted my parents as I watched them walk out of the house. As soon as Shawn parked I immediately jumped out of the car and run up to them. I first hugged my dad and then my mom, all the while I heard the car door shut behind me. I turned to watch Shawn reaching in the back and getting our bags.

I quickly ran up to him and tried grabbing my bag to help him but he simply moved it away from me.
"I got it, Ce. Go enjoy your families company." He smiled. I smiled back but just hooked my arm around him and lead him up to my parents.

"Mom, dad, this is Shawn Mendes." I introduced.
"Shawn Mendes?! Oh, you're Karen's son!" My mom chimed opening her arms and pulling Shawn into a big hug.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm sure my mom talks a lot about me." Shawn chuckled as he was being held by my mom.
"Oh, nothing but good things my dear. Like how you're in college now for your music." My mom said finally pulling away from the hug.
"Yes, ma'am." Shawn smiled before turning his attention to my dad.
"Very nice to meet you." He says holding out his hand. My dad raises a brow at Shawn and looks him up and down before grabbing his hand.
"Nice to meet you too, you may call me Mr. Marling." He says. I cross my arms and look up at him.

"Daddy what are you doing?" I asked him, almost scolding him.
"Just checking out your competition, I gotta say I like this young man better than that Lucas boy." He says.
"What!? I said I liked him better how is that insulting!"
"Oh stop teasing, and hug the boy, you know you want to." My mom chimes in. My dad grows a wide smile before pulling Shawn in for a hug as well. Shawn was a bit caught off guard but quickly hugs my father back.

"So mom, who gets which rooms?" I ask grabbing my bag before Shawn had the chance to.
"Oh! About that sweetheart, your father and I made your old bedroom into our office space, so you and Shawn here can share the guest room. At first, I was just going to put you in there alone and have your father pull out the air mattress for your guest but now that we know it's Shawn I can trust you two to share the room!" My mom explained.

"Oh. Uh, are you ok with that Shawn?" I asked looking up at him.
"Only if you are." He answered. I just nodded before following my parents into the house.

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