Chapter 28

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"So," Harry started, "you mind telling me why you look like you've just cried out your heart?" He asks.
"I just have a lot going on." I sighed.
"I'm sorry." Harry sympathetically said.
"It's ok." I shrugged, playing with my fingers.
"You know what always cheers me up?" He asks. I just look up at him not saying anything. He reached over and turned on the radio, switching through the channels until he found one.

"Listen to the wind blow, watch the sunrise
Running in the shadows, damn your love, damn your lies

And if, you don't love me now
You will never love me again
I can still hear you saying
You would never break the chain," He sang beautifully. I smiled as I watched him.

"C'mon, don't tell me you don't know it!" He smiled, glancing at me.

"And if you don't love me now
You will never love me again
I can still hear you saying
You would never break the chain," I sang along with him, a huge smile on my face. His voice much more powerful than mine.

After our duet of The Chain by Fleetwood Mac, the air felt much lighter. I smiled looking out the window. Noticing the sky getting darker from the clouds, I then simply looked at Harry. He was jamming to his own tunes happily. I smiled feeling his chill vibes and relaxed in the seat. Harry was just so chill and nice to be around, he made me feel like everything was going to be alright.

"Oh, Harry can I ask you something?" I just thought of something.
"You just did," he said wiggling his brows at me, making me giggle, "go ahead." He laughed.
"Why were you in the bar? Just getting a drink or...?" I asked genuinely curious.
"I sing there almost every day around this time. The bartender gives me a few drinks for free and pays me decently." He shrugged.
"Oh... With your voice, you should be on an actual stage." I said.
"Thank you. But I think I still have a while before that." He smiled.
"I suppose, I can only assume you're so young and you still have a long way ahead of you."
"How old do you think I am?" He asks.
"Hmm... 22," I answered. He shook his head.
"24. My turn." He said glancing over at me.
"Go on," I say.
"On the nose!" I clapped.
"Eeeeh what can I say, I call's it as I see's it." He said, putting on an American accent. I laughed and shook my head.
"May I ask again what you were doing there at the bar, though?" He asks in his normal voice, slightly sounding concerned. I just sigh slumping over.
"Just... lost. Really." I looked out the window.
"Alright, if that's what you wanna go with. I was just hoping if you talked about it, you'd feel better." He shrugged.
"Well, thank you," I said with a small smile looking back over to him.

We arrived back at the school. Harry parked in the parking lot and quickly ran to my side of the door to open it for me. I thanked him as I stepped out, he simply bowed his head to me before shutting the door behind me.

"Let's get you home safely ma'am." He said formally holding his elbow out to me. I giggled and wrapped my hand around his arm.
"Why thank you, good sir." I played along. Harry started walking leading the way.

Harry walked me to my door room, we stood outside arms still locked together. I released his arm to face him. I smiled up at him.

"Thank you... for just everything you did back there." I sighed, feeling guilty I put him through all that trouble.
"You're fine." He waved me off, "I'd gladly do it again for such a sweetheart as yourself." He said pinching my cheek. I giggled pulling away shyly.
"Oh, here I almost forgot about your sweater!" I remembered. I reached down and grabbed the bottom but before I could pull it off Harry grabbed my hand.
"Keep it, it looks cute on you." He winked at me. I felt my cheeks start to burn and I looked away shyly.
"I''m going to go. I'll see you tomorrow, 10 am sharp." He reminded me.
"Ok." I smiled at him as he started walking back to the elevators.

I inhaled deeply before turning around and unlocking the door to the room. I opened it to see Shawn sitting on my bed looking down at his hands. But once the door opened he immediately looked up and saw me. He stood up and started walking over to me.

"Fuck, Cecilia you scared the shit out of me!" He said grabbing me and pulling me into a hug.
"S-Sorry." I apologized just standing in his grasp.
"You, ok? What happened back there?" He asked as he looked me in the eyes, pulling away and holding me by my shoulders.
"I... I don't wanna talk about it." I admitted.
"What? What do you... wait." He stopped himself looking me over. "Who's sweater is that?" He asks pinching the fabric of the sweater.
"Harry's..." I mumbled.
"That dude giving you singing lessons?" Shawn asked looking confused as ever.
"When did you-"
"Shawn I appreciate you worrying about me but... I want to be alone." I said looking up at him pleadingly.
"What? But Cecilia-"
"I'm just tired..." I lied. I watched as his expression change from confusion to anger.
"Too tired to talk to me but not Harry, aye?" He asked.
"It's not like that he was just giving me a ride back here."
"Really? A ride all the way back to your room too?" He crossed his arms sounding annoyed.
"Shawn please..."
"What? I'm here fucking worried about you, looking around the streets and dorm rooms for you and yet you're there getting fucking cozy with-"
"Stop it! I said it's not like that! No one asked you to care about me!" I snapped at him. He looked taken back.
"Excuse me?" He says offended.
"I didn't ask you to care about me..." I repeated myself in a moody tone.
"Right. How fucking stupid was I to do that." He scoffed. He reached in his pocket and pulled out my phone tossing it on the bed. He just had a dark glare at me as he still stood tall in front of me.

"Don't worry about sleeping tonight, I'm taking Lisa back to my place, she is my girlfriend after all and apparently the only one that likes me around here." He hissed at me before pushing past me, purposely bumping my arm on his way to the door. I just stayed standing there, not saying anything or wanting to stop him as he slammed the door shut. My eyes started watering and I looked at my phone that was laying on my bed. I couldn't hold back anymore and feel to my knee's sobbing.

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