Chapter 17

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I ran as quickly as possible to my dorm room, Shawn was shortly behind me but I didn't mind. I rushed to open the door but in my panic, I found it hard to even do something as simple to find the right key. My hands were shakey and it was hard to breathe. From behind me, Shawn reaches over and helps me pick out the right key. He even guided my hand to the knob and helped put the key in. By myself, I twisted it and unlocked the door. I threw it open and quickly walked to my bed looking around for my phone. I then spotted it on the nightstand and snatched it up quickly unlocking it. Thankfully there were no missed calls, no unread messages. Maybe Lias was bluffing just to get me away from Shawn?

I sighed in relief and threw myself back on my bed. I put my hands over my face and resisted the urge to scream into them. I got the ever living shit scared out of me and I was still shaking like crazy.

Still laying down I felt the side of my bed being weighed down a bit. I move my hands and look over to see Shawn sitting there looking at me worried.
"I'm sorry." I apologized as I placed a hand on his thigh.
"You're fine." He said giving me a small smile as he places his hand over mine.
"Thanks for what you did back there..." I trailed off as I removed my hand from his leg.
"Uh... defending me y'know?"
"Tch, Lisa's always so bitchy, I would have done that even if we were in the middle of a fight." He chuckled. I felt a small smile on my face as I huffed a quiet laugh.
"I'm glad we didn't though." He said nudging my hip with his knee. I smiled.
"Are we really friends?" I asked as I sat up.
"Well... I do like you, and even though you hurt me in the past, I think it's time I try to move on from it." He sighed looking down at the floor. "I'll be honest within those few weeks we weren't acknowledging each other I had a lot of time to think about it all. I think what I wanted most from you was a genuine apology, without putting the blame for your actions on others, and now that it's happened I feel like... I don't know like I did back in high school I guess. It feels like I'm talking to the you I knew back then." He shrugged. I just gave him a weak smile.

It still hurt me that he didn't fully believe that I never meant to hurt him, it also hurt that he chose to believe Lisa over me but then again... she was there for him and I wasn't. But none the less I was happy he wanted to try and be friends.

I sat up and moved slightly closer to him. I sat criss-cross and tossed my phone on my pillow.
"Well, I just hope this means you'll be a little nicer to me," I comment.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You mean being your friend means I have to be nice to you?" He looked at me with a fake shocked expression. I rolled my eyes and pushed him. He just chuckled as he caught himself before he could fall off the bed.
"But hey," he said starting to get serious, "you didn't want to answer my question about Lucas but just know... if you ever need me and I'm serious like if he ever so much as touches you. Call me, text me something, I don't know just let me know ok?" He said with a concerned expression on his face.
"Shawn I appreciate it but really, I'm ok." I gave him a small smile.
"You say that but the things I hear about him..."
"What? What are you hearing? From who?" I asked worried that word might have gotten out.
"Lisa... tells me things, Cecilia and sometimes they're concerning and even when I acted so cold to you I was still worried, so please."
"W-What does Lisa tell you?" I asked.
"Just that Lucas isn't good to you, he doesn't treat you how you should be treated." I felt my eye start to sting. I can't get into this with him.
"S-Speaking of, you should go back to Lisa before she comes back in here screaming and yelling at us." I changed the subject, feeling too awkward staying on our current topic.
"Yeah. I'll take her back to my room so she doesn't bother you." He said standing up.
"Thank you." I smiled at him as he started walking for the door.
"Goodnight Cecilia." He said giving me a smile back before he opened the door and walked out.

After Shawn left I texted Maria to come over to my room to talk to her about everything that happened.

"So... He just had a change of heart?" Maria asked as she was sitting across from me on my bed.
"Well... Yeah, I guess?" I shrugged.
"And he's just... y'know gonna be nice to you now?"
"I would" I kind of agreed not really sure where Maria was going with the conversation.
"Uh-huh..." Maria hummed as she narrowed her eyes at me.
"What? Why does this all seem so skeptical to you? I just think now that we threw everything out in the open last night he's mellowed out. I got my side out to him and he actually listened to me!" I tried to explain.

"I think it's a trap." She said crossing her arms.
"Don't you dare try to say otherwise. While he's with Lisa you know he's up to no good."
"To be fair he barely even listens to Lisa. He followed ME last night not her!" I defended him.
"So what?! That means everything's all fucking sugar sticks and gumdrops?" She exclaimed.
"Well no but he said he'll try and he already said I was his friend!"
"Ok and? Lisa was your friend at some point too but look at that evil little bitch now! How can you so easily trust Shawn like that?"
"Because he's different from Lisa. She may have him under her finger but I think he's starting to realize that he doesn't need her. Like I did back in the summer."
"Well... I guess but it really all does seem so suspicious."
"Look, if things get out of hand then I'll just be done with him ok?"
"Ok... Just please be careful." Maria sighed as she grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I gave her a small smile in return.

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