Chapter 25

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The next day everything went by smoothly. I managed to get out of the room before Lisa could wake up and before Maria could catch me on the way out. I don't want to avoid Maria, I know I should just go up to her talk to her about it but I'm truly scared of her doing something that would cause Lisa to tell Lucas. I need this to blow over before I talk to her.

I was thinking as I was mindlessly drawing invisible patterns with my index finger on Shawn's black skinny jeans he was wearing. We were in the music room instead of class because of Mr. Keegan's excuse for the fundraiser.

"Hey, you alright?" Shawn asked looking away from his journal to look at me.
"Hmm?" I hummed, breaking out of my head to look up at him.
"Cecilia," he started picking up my hand, "are you ok?" He asked more concerned this time.
"Yes! Yeah no, I'm fine." I smiled grasping what was happening.
"Really? You've been just sitting there blank since we got in here. You don't wanna talk?" He asks closing his journal and putting it down grabbing my other hand, now holding both.
"Well... I don't know I'm thinking about Lisa and Maria again." I shrugged, feeling a little embarrassed.
"Again? Do you want me to talk to Lisa again? I can get her away from you if you want." He said as he squeezed my hand a little.
"Uh... I don't know, you think it'll be fine if you do? Do you really want to?" I asked.
"If it's for you, Cecilia then of course." He smiled leaning over and placing a sweet kiss on my forehead. I closed my eyes and smiled as he did.
"Thank you," I said as he pulled away.
"Cecilia, you don't mind that I kiss you like that right?" He asks.
"No, not really it seems harmless to me." I shrugged.
"And what about the kiss from last night?" He asks again.
"Oh... well... I-I won't lie, I really liked it but... uh. I think we were both caught in the moment." I blushed looking down at my hands which were still in his.
"Yeah." He agreed. I looked back up at him and he looked a little hurt. I just raised my hand and lifted it to his cheek.
"If this was a different situation, Shawn, I would gladly do it again." I smiled at him. He just grew a wide smile on his face and I swear I saw his cheeks tint red. I giggled and leaned down picking up his journal.
"Shall we?" I asked holding it up to him. He took it from me and nodded.

Shawn and I stopped for the day of writing the song. I sighed in content before checking the time. It was only 4:30 even though we got here at 3:00.

"Hey Shawn, you got anything new?" I asked him, putting my phone back in my pocket.
"Honestly... no." He sighed.
"I think we have writer's block." I chuckled.
"Happens to the best of us." He smiled as he stood up. I just watched him put the guitar away and looked at him quizzically.
"Are we done?" I asked standing up and grabbing my bag from the floor.
"For now, we gotta get rid of this writer's block." He says walking back over to me.
"How?" I ask. A smile creeps up on his face and he holds out his hand.
"Let me show you." He says. I hesitate for a moment before finally giving him my hand. He then proceeds to lead me out of the room.

Shawn wound up convincing me to get in his truck so we can take a "field trip." When I asked him where we were going he just said it was a surprise and it should help with the writer's block. I was skeptical at first but figured Shawn's a good guy, I doubt he'd go out of his way to hurt me now that we're on such good terms.

I sat there in the passenger's seat quietly looking out the window. I watched as grey clouds started forming in the sky. I felt slightly cold but didn't say anything not wanting to bother Shawn.

"You good?" He asks.
"Yeah, why?"
"You got goosebump." He chuckled.
"Oh. Yeah, I'm just a little cold." I admit, not wanting him to assume I was uncomfortable.
"Well if you don't mind it, Lisa has a jacket in the back seat there." He said taking one hand off the wheel and pointing to the back seats with his thumb.
"Sure," I said unbuckling and turning around. I look in the back to see some blankets, pillows, loose makeup and two jackets on the floor. I felt my heart sink a little seeing everything he had back here and only assuming what Shawn and Lisa have done in this truck. Not saying anything I leave the jacket and sit back right in my seat before I start to buckle up again.

"You didn't grab it?" Shawn asks furrowing his brows, confused, at me.
"N-No," I said looking out the window again.
"You, ok?" He asks.
"Yeah! Just didn't think it'd be right to borrow something from someone without their permission." I lied, fake smiling at Shawn.
"Oh, well I think I also have my jacket back there." He said quickly glancing over the seats but immediately returning his eyes to the road.
"I didn't see anything." I shrugged looking back out the window.
"Ok give me a minute." He says. I raise a brow and look over at him. I watch as Shawn started taking off his denim jacket he was currently wearing.

"Oh no, Shawn you gotta drive!" I exclaimed putting my hands on his bicep, stopping him from taking it off any further.
"But you're cold." He said in a sympathetic tone. I couldn't help but let out a giggle.
"It's ok if you're really that worried I'll just use Lisa's jacket, we just don't have to tell her." I smiled at him. He just smiled back as I went back to grab the jacket.

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