Chapter Two: And Scene...

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A/N: Ok guys. Starting with this chapter things will begin to get a little on the interesting side. As you read you'll see what I mean. Enjoy! :) 


Larry spent the remainder of his day doing the latter part relaxing just as he told his love he would. He thought about going out and doing something like Laurent suggested...but it's rare that he has a completely free Saturday where he doesn't have work of any kind and because of such a free day he got caught up on some much needed sleep to recuperate from all that he does and overall it has been an extremely relaxing day. He misses Laurent of course but knowing how long photo shoots can last he deals with it. He'll see him tonight, even though it will be late, but he won't go to sleep until Laurent is safe at home and next to him in bed. In his time alone he did decide that he will talk to his love about his concern but will make certain to assure him that nothing is wrong with him. There's absolutely nothing wrong with him and there never will be. He's thankful that Dani assured him that what he's feeling is normal because a part of him has been tormenting himself for feeling the way he does. Larry can't imagine being married to anyone else nor does he want to and it's for that very reason that he wants them to do whatever they can to keep that spark alive and remain married. Hours ago he prepped some dough to use for dinner and now that it's been the proper time for it to rise and double in size he's now rolling it out in a large circle to make pizza from scratch as well as some extra dough to make bread sticks. He has some chicken wings in the fridge in a garlic and herb marinade that he will cook on the grill. Pizza and wings. Not only another one of Laurent's favorite meals but it's also the perfect Saturday night meal. He'll nibble on a little when it's all done but he's saving a bigger portion for when his love is home. Perhaps they won't even eat at the dinner table. It can be a late night, romantic dinner in bed...feeding each other bites of pizza as they giggle at the cheese that stretches from each slice that comes with each bite and in between hopefully finding something on TV that matches the mood or watching a movie that will. Larry can't help but smile at that thought and while he would love for Laurent to come home sooner this vision coming to fruition later will work just as well. With the dough rolled out to the size equaling an extra large he brushes on some garlic butter then begins spooning on his famous marinara sauce that he's perfected since learning how to cook from scratch. He then begins piling the dough with cheese along with various toppings such as pepperoni, sausage and complementing veggies. With the oven nice and hot from preheating he picks up the pizza peel then walks over to it and once it's opened he carefully slides his creation onto the pizza stone. While that bakes he takes the chicken out of the fridge and allows it to come to room temperature while the stove top grill rises to the perfect temperature...

The time is now 7 pm and with a perfect and scrumptious pizza now cooling off on the counter Larry finishes up the last of the wings. Just when he's about to remove them from the grill he hears the alarm ding and his face is reading pure surprise but also excitement because this means Laurent is home so he picks up the wings with the tongs and basically throws them down on the plate with the others then heads for his direction. Larry turns the corner and sees his love walking towards him. He instantly becomes giddy and the second they're face to face Larry wraps his arms around his neck for a hug while Laurent wraps his arms around Larry's back...

Laurent: *chuckles* "Hey bebe", he whispers. 

Larry: *smile* "Hey", he whispers. 

Larry doesn't even have to say what he's thinking for Laurent already knows so with that warm smile on his face...

Laurent: *smile* "I missed you too". 

They eventually release while Larry is more than happy Laurent is home earlier than they thought he would be he's also curious as to what happened that made it happen...

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