Chapter Thirty: Face Off

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A/N: The previous update was posted a few days ago (Friday) so if anyone missed it please read it before proceeding with this chapter. Enjoy! :)  


There's an absolute stillness. Not a gust of wind has blown through the tree leaves outside. Not a cloud scattered about in the blue sky above and not a sound can be heard either close at hand or in the distance. Even Laurent's breathing has fallen silent as he stands in place with his eyes lowered to the piece of paper containing the shocking words that he and the love of his life are still married. Naturally his next step is to call Larry only his feet have been planted in such overwhelming news that it's hard to move. But, he does and what was restricted movement has turned into quickly reaching in his pocket for his phone to hit the button for his love. His palms are sweating slightly and his hands are shaking but neither of these are from being nervous as they would typically indicate as his heart is beating just hard as the day he saw Larry walking towards him on their wedding day signifying happiness and reading these words has brought the hope back that they will be together again. Happy tears are on the brink of his eyes when Larry's phone goes straight to his voicemail. It confuses him of course but he decides he will merely try again as news like this can't be placed on a voicemail...only it goes to his voicemail again. A few more attempts later and it's the same result so he exhales in despair as he has to leave a message for him... 

"Bebe I just got a letter from the court and it says we're still married. Please call me back as soon as you can and I'll tell you the rest. I love you". 

Laurent isn't exactly sure when he'll receive that call back but he can only hope that it will be much sooner than later. For now, he has to wait. He will try to distract himself keeping busy with something but he's certain that won't work as he won't be ok until he hears Larry's voice and know that from here on out it will be just the two of it should be. There's some laundry that needs to be done so he'll start there. His phone goes back in his pocket then he turns around to go upstairs and gather the clothes. When he's halfway up his phone rings so it's in his hands in less than a second because without question it's Larry returning his call. It turns out to be Shawn and he's somewhat frustrated only because it's not who he wants it to be...but he'll never not answer Shawn's call if he can help it...

Laurent: "What's up bro"?

Shawn: "Hey bro. I know you were upset earlier so I won't keep you long. I just wanted to invite you to dinner with me and my baby tonight". 

Laurent: "Thanks bro but I don't think so". 

Shawn: "Something wrong"?

Laurent: "I got a letter from the court today. Larry and I are still married". 

Shawn: "What"?! 

Laurent: "Yeah bro. I can't believe it". 

Shawn: "I can't either but this is great bro"! 

Laurent: "Yeah it is but I can't get a hold of Larry. His phone keeps going to voicemail so I had to leave a message. Now I'm waiting for him to call me back".

Shawn: "I can get Dani to try too". 

Laurent: "That would be great". 

Shawn: "Ok and I understand if you prefer staying in but if you change your mind about dinner we're going to Pho Thai at 7:30". 

Laurent: "Oki. I'll think for that". 

Shawn: "Cool and everything will be fine ok? It happened this way for a reason. You and Larry belong together". 

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