Chapter Nine: Double Dose

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As Anthony leads the way to his office Laurent is nervously following him and the thoughts swirling through his mind signal that he's struggling to take each step because the part of him that knows he shouldn't be here. Now would be the perfect time to get Anthony's attention and tell him this was a huge mistake to come down here as there's also a voice inside screaming at him to just turn around and leave. Run out of there if he has to. But, he isn't listening to that voice at all for the part of him that has been heavily craving this man won't allow him to do so. Especially since he's watching the back of Anthony as he walks. The lightness of his footsteps are as graceful as he's ever seen in a man yet it's still insanely sexy. As they walk by the many people on various machines getting in their workout seemingly carefree yet very focused he glances at a few of them. Then the minute he turns his head forward he sees Anthony's office straight ahead. He watches Anthony turn the knob and for some reason Laurent feels compelled to look back and all around as if he's being watched and the gym members know the reason for his visit as a married man even though they don't know who he is. Perhaps that's his guilty conscious speaking to him...but he still isn't listening and now inside the door is shut along with Anthony locking it which is something he usually never needs to do but feels it's highly necessary in this case. He doesn't instruct Laurent to have a seat across from him...and something tells him he doesn't need to. Laurent isn't a gym client nor is he trying to be signed up as one. Perhaps Laurent is here to propose that they partake in another tryst which he would be all for since he did tell them to let him know...but instead of asking him if that's why he's here he will allow Laurent to divulge the reason so with a soft tone but also with a dash of eagerness...

Anthony: "So, what's up"?

Laurent could pretend that he's there for conversation starting off with the "oh I was just in the neighborhood" kind of talk...but Anthony would know he isn't here for that...

Laurent: "I'm here because...I can't stop thinking about that night. I try so hard but I just can't do it". *sigh* "I know I'm married which is why I know this probably sounds crazy to you and that night was supposed to be only that night but...I go crazy because I think for you so much". 

Anthony's eyes slightly widen in shock and he whispers a "wow". What's really getting to him is that it wasn't that long ago Larry showed up at his home and said the same thing, give or take a few words, but essentially the same and since that night the two of them have carried on an affair that Laurent doesn't have any knowledge of. Knowing where this conversation is going he still needs to hear Laurent say the words so he asks, "what are you saying"? Laurent is looking lustfully into his eyes as that question is asked and there's no better way to answer it then to step closer...and he does. If their lips get any closer they'll be sharing a kiss. Laurent is well aware of his no kissing rule which is why he won't proceed with it. Instead he takes his shaky and lightly sweaty hands to undo Anthony's pants prompting deep breathing in him. Then the light thud of those pants are heard dropping around his ankles and as Laurent lowers himself to his knees he keeps his seductive eyes on Anthony's and the moment his member goes into his mouth Laurent tries to control the volume of the suction while Anthony tries to control his sounds of pleasure considering where they are...but Laurent is sucking him entirely too damn good that Anthony can't help but to moan. He then realizes that if he gets too loud the whole gym will know what's going down so even though it feels incredible he reluctantly stops him...

Anthony: "Hold on", he whispers. 

Laurent lets go of him and as the hard wood slaps back against Anthony Laurent looks confusingly at him as to why he stopped...

Laurent: "What", he breathes out. 

Anthony: "I'm sorry. This feels amazing but...not here. Meet me at my house". 

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