Chapter Five: Down to Business

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A/N: This chapter may be a little, or heavily, on the erotic side so should anyone feel any type of way by the end of it I am NOT responsible lol! :) 


Larry and Laurent stand in the middle of their bedroom...dare to move. Dare to breathe. Frozen to the spot. There's silent yet deep breathing and the hairs on their arms are nearly standing at attention like a militia as chills run down their spine. That's how intense this moment is. The crazy thing is, nothing has started. They're still gazing at Anthony who's shirtless and their eyes are playing tricks on them because the definition in his abs is seemingly getting stronger right before them. Their minds don't seem to be too clear as the specimen before them has them completely awestruck. Not only in the physical sense but by his voice too. The way he erotically laid out the rule that there's to be no kissing as it's too personal then ultimately saying, "let's get this started". They don't think they've ever been rendered speechless before...but they do eventually take notice of those dark, erotic eyes darting between them as if he's asking what they're waiting for. Laurent looks over at Larry then back at him to finally break the strong silence among them...

Laurent: *clears throat* "Um, I need to get the protection". 

Anthony gently nods and Laurent's eyes stay locked on his as he walks over to the nightstand to retrieve the box of condoms. He then unexpectedly hears...

Anthony: "Just leave those on top". *pause* "Now who's the dominant"?

Laurent: "That's usually me". 

Anthony: *chuckles* "I thought you would be. I'll get to that later...but right now I have a request". 

Laurent: "What is it"?

Anthony: "I want to watch you suck your husband". 

Laurent looks over at Larry and with a sweet smile he replies...

Laurent: "I can do that".

Larry smiles back at him and if there's one thing he loves is when he feels Laurent's mouth around him. Larry proceeds to walk over...but stops dead in his tracks by the sound of Anthony's voice again...

Anthony: "I don't want to see it in a normal way so to speak". *looks at Laurent* "I want you to lay upright on the bed...." *looks at Larry* "You get on top and rest on your knees on the outside of him. I want your dick looking at him". 

Larry: "Wow. Oki".

Anthony: "When it starts getting intense you'll have the headboard to hold onto".

Larry and Laurent shockingly gaze at him...but they also don't need to be told twice. Within seconds they're in the requested positions on the bed and when Laurent sees Larry's soldier standing at full attention right before his eyes he licks his lips then opens his mouth to receive all of it. Larry throws his head back as he pumps his hips forward with Laurent sucking powerfully and along to Larry's rhythm. For several moments Larry forgets that Anthony is watching them due to the intensity of Laurent's suction...but he eventually brings his head down then turns to look at him who's standing there watching with his eyes dripping in lust. He even licks his lips and the pure sexiness before his eyes causes Larry's eyes to squint also in lust and bite his lip as he watches Anthony watching them. Laurent's suction suddenly becomes even stronger so Larry has no choice but to throw his head back again as his eyes close. His reaction is switching between belting out sounds of ecstasy and telling Laurent how amazing it feels in a choppy, raspy voice. By this point Anthony has stripped all the way down and as he walks over to the nightstand his thick wood is swinging freely...his focus remaining on the hot action happening on that bed even as he takes a condom out of the box to begin unwrapping it with his teeth. Laurent is also moaning as Larry's large wood continuously hits the back of his throat...spit building up and spilling from his mouth, running down his chin then onto his bare chest. Then he suddenly feels his legs being lifted and spread open but he keeps the suction going on Larry although he doesn't know what Anthony is about to do. Seconds later he feels the pressure from a finger being slowly inserted into his puckered hole and he briefly lets go of Larry's member to gasp deeply. He then goes back to the sweet taste of his love and since he stopped he makes it up to him by sucking ten times harder. Larry's hips are aggressively pushing forward where even he can feel his wood hitting the back of Laurent's throat and it turns him on more. Suddenly Anthony takes a gentle hold of Larry's hips and pulls him back so his dick falls out of Laurent's mouth. Laurent is curious as to what he's doing but immediately gasps when he feels Larry glide down his dick. He's tight...he's warm and Larry wastes no time riding his love as they pant heavily at the sensation. Anthony bites his lip at the sight of them going at it as the flapping sounds of Larry slamming down on him echo around the room. He's also gone back to stretching Laurent's hole as he plans to enter him as Larry rides him. His manhood becomes so hard that he feels he might explode before he has an opportunity to feel Laurent's walls tighten around him. He makes sure he's fully stretched then with his wood lined up with Laurent's entrance he grabs himself then slowly pushes in. Larry's eyes suddenly pop open when he hears a deep gasp resounding from his love followed by whimpering. He also hears additional slapping sounds so as he continues to ride his love he turns his head to look at Anthony whose eyes are closed while holding onto Laurent's hips as he pumps feverishly into him. He's staring in near disbelief...but it also begins turning him on and so much so that he joins in with the deep panting echoing around the room. Laurent feels like he's going crazy and he almost can't take the double stimulation. Larry is riding him powerfully while Anthony's hard wood is gliding in and out of him. He wasn't expecting Anthony to be so large. Not to mention, stretching him ever so brilliantly. His eyes roll to the back of his head and his body is damn near shaking at how amazing this all feels. He feels his climax at the tip and the sounds coming from his love makes it harder to hold back so he's about two seconds away from his climax. Laurent's dick inside of Larry feels insane that Larry is about to release his own. Anthony's rhythm also picks up and his panting has turned into releasing expletives into the air signifying that his is on the rise. Larry's body begins shaking so it seems as though all three of them will be letting go together. Seconds later Anthony is growling powerfully while Larry is loudly whimpering at the sensation of Laurent's warm liquid oozing into him and coating his walls. Laurent's hard abs that are contracting at the sensation of his spillage while also delighting in the utterly satisfied look on his loves face as the milky substance continues to fill him up. He then feels Anthony remove himself and can also feel him get up from the bed...curious as to what his next move is so he peeks around Larry and sees him walking towards the bathroom to dispose of the condom. He then sees Larry getting up too and once he's on his feet he looks down and sees Laurent's sleepy but incredibly sweet eyes so he gives him a sweet but also a seductive smile and with heavy seduction behind his eyes as they stay connected to Laurent's he places his knees on the bed and begins crawling up. The moment he's hovered over him he drops his mouth to Laurent's and they engage in a fiery kiss. Anthony is now creeping back in and making his way back over to the nightstand for condom number two while also keeping his eyes on what's going down. He has the condom secured in a matter of seconds and walks back to the foot of the bed. Larry's plump ass is in the air allowing easy access and suddenly Laurent's eyes pop open at the sound of Larry nearly screaming along with a loud clapping sound. Anthony had quietly placed his knees on the bed and caught Larry off guard when he eased inside of him and when Larry felt that huge meat the reaction was instant. Larry is now switching between screaming, moaning, cussing, and biting his lip so hard he could draw blood. Extremely turned on Laurent grabs his meat and gives it a few hard strokes. He then raises up and crashes his lips onto Larry's...but Larry is feeling so much pleasure he can hardly kiss back so Laurent just watches his face. Larry's eyebrows are furrowed and his mouth is hanging open as he pants deeply. Since Laurent can't kiss his lips he kisses everywhere else. He then whispers in Larry's ear, "how good does it feel bebe" who whimpers, "it feels so good baby". Laurent then lowers his mouth to Larry's neck to begin sucking and pulling at the skin all while looking lustfully at Anthony who is in perfect view of him. When Anthony feels his gaze he looks boldly into his eyes then bites his lower lip as his strokes inside Larry speed up prompting Larry to damn near scream again. Anthony is now on his second orgasm and the second he feels it shooting out he grabs Larry's hips...for sure to leave an imprint of his fingers on his skin while also pushing deeper inside Larry and holding himself there. He eventually belts out a deep breath in an attempt to regroup then drops his head and watches himself pull out. He smacks Larry on the ass which results in a yelp then stands to his feet and has another request as he looks at Laurent, "I want to see you make love to your husband on the floor". Larry is so into this moment that he's off the bed, on his back on the floor and stroking himself as he waits impatiently for his love to oblige Anthony's request. When he sees Laurent stand up and walk towards him his eyes squint as he licks his lips. The next second Laurent is on his knees and hovered over him. Anthony requested that there's no kissing among the three of them...but Larry and Laurent can never get enough of kissing each other and they have the freedom to do exactly that. Their lips crash in a fiery kiss and right away their tongues are swirling around and when Laurent moves his lips to Larry's neck again he pushes in...wasting no time to pump strong and hard. What kicks this wild and extremely passionate moment up a notch is when Anthony gets on his knees behind Laurent, grabs his hips then pulls him back which abruptly stops the relentless pounding in Larry. He's sliding his manhood back into Laurent with Larry looking up and now watching Laurent's face which mirrors the same expressions he made when Anthony was hitting his spot over and over again so he takes his meat back in his hands and begins stroking at a hurried speed...eventually releasing yet another orgasm all over his abs. Laurent opens his eyes and sees the "mess" Larry made so he lowers his mouth to lick him clean as Anthony continues his mission from behind. To switch it up Anthony stops before having any chance of another orgasm and smacks Laurent's ass before telling him to slide back into Larry. The back and forth of Laurent inside Larry and Anthony pulling him back to fuck him again continues until the three of them release for the final time thus putting an end to this insane menage a trois. They're all sweating profusely and nearly out of breath...but without question satisfied. Laurent stands up then helps his love off the floor and when they turn to Anthony...

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