Chapter Eleven: Detached

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When Anthony heard the sound of his doorbell the last thing he expected to see is Larry standing there. Normally the elements of nature would have Larry looking even more like the gentle, beautiful creature he is...but with Laurent on his phone all he can think about is how crucial it is to end the call quickly because one word spoken by Larry means that Laurent will hear him. The last time he and Laurent were together Larry wanted to come the same night. Anthony already feels extreme guilt and this moment is a reminder of that night. Laurent hears the sudden silence and he's utterly confused as he waits to hear him speak. Anthony is now seeing Larry's mouth forming to say something so he quickly interjects...

Anthony: "I have to go now. We'll talk later". 

Laurent: "Yeah ok...."

Laurent stops mid-reply because he has a feeling Anthony already released the call so he looks at his phone screen. Sure enough it's returned to normal and the confusion in him is increased. He slowly places the phone back to the mattress and he begins thinking how odd it was for him to end the call so abruptly...but it's also strange that Larry isn't home and Anthony had someone show up. Larry's behavior is also different so it's definitely a strange coincidence...but then he lets go of any suspicious connection because even though the past couple of weeks have been difficult between them Laurent truly feels that Larry isn't harboring a secret that he unfortunately is. Besides, whenever Larry needs to get away he always goes to his favorite place in this beautiful city for relaxation if not in a private area of their home. He feels his face relax and decides to get some rest before it's time to get ready for the meeting he and Larry have later...


Larry is now looking confusingly at Anthony because he seems so nervous all of a sudden and he's curious as to who Anthony was talking to. In fact, he's beginning to wonder if he was expecting someone else. He never mentioned dating anyone so he doesn't understand what his frazzled nerves are all about. Just as he's about to ask Anthony finally greets him...

Anthony: *clears throat* "Hey babe". 

Larry: "Hi. Why are you so nervous"?

Anthony: "No, I'm not nervous. I just wasn't expecting to see you today". 

Larry: "I know and I'm sorry I didn't call or text. I just wanted to see you". 

Anthony: *smile* "That's ok. Come in". 

Larry smiles and nods as Anthony steps to the side to let him in. Larry's facial expression is actually more of a blush because he can't pretend he didn't hear Anthony's term of endearment for him and when Anthony sees his expression...

Anthony: *smile* "What"?

Larry: *smile* "You called me babe". 

Anthony: *smile* "I did"? 

Larry: *smile* "Yeah and I like it". 

Anthony can't help but chuckle at how adorable Larry's reaction is. Of course what happened only moments ago was touchy and he's thinking about what a close call it was...but Larry smiling so hard and so beautifully at him is more than enough to settle his nerves...

Anthony: "You want something to drink"?

Larry: "No, thank you". 

Suddenly Larry's expression begins to change as if he's thinking about something and it's really disturbing Anthony. The fact that Laurent had a solemn voice the entire time they spoke it's now coming to him why Larry is here and Laurent called. There's an issue between them. He doesn't know what it could be...but just as he was prepared to listen to Laurent he's ready to do the same for Larry...

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