Chapter Seventeen: Resolution

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It's been minutes since Larry stormed out of the hotel suite...but it's felt like hours to Laurent. While his heart is in turmoil and his mind is still trying to process everything that just went down he's still very concerned about whether or not Larry will show up tomorrow. They've worked so hard to reach the status they have and for it to all go downhill is frightening. He's wanted to call him to ask if he's checked into a different hotel...only he's certain Larry won't answer his calls which has him wondering why Larry is so upset. If it was just Laurent who stepped out on their marriage he could understand the anger...but Larry cheated too and now everything is starting to come together. All the times Larry randomly left their home and simply said he was going for a drive or to the bridge. The time he noticed Larry taking extra time in the mirror when he was getting ready to go the club. Or supposed to be at the club. He was essentially trying to look perfect and he had never taken that much care before. Laurent realizes he was going to see Anthony that night. Then instantly Laurent's eyes widen because the night he went to surprise Larry at the club only to discover he wasn't there hits him. When he met him outside Larry appeared nervous and Laurent is certain he was coming from Anthony's home which means Larry started his affair first. Of course he realizes it doesn't make his right...but it's all finally making sense. When they made love after their threesome Larry didn't connect with Laurent as he usually did and Larry came up with every excuse as to why he didn't. The truth is, he was thinking about Anthony and while he isn't sure exactly when their affair began he knows it wasn't much sooner after that. He closes his eyes as he takes in a big breath and when he slowly blows it out he's thinking he needs to call Anthony as he can confirm or fill in any missing pieces. He picks up his phone but hesitates for a few moments before finally pushing himself to call him. It begins ringing but it isn't immediately answered. Perhaps Anthony is reluctant to answer because he doesn't want to face his part in this...but he can't avoid it. If the call goes to voicemail he will just call back until he answers...but it won't get that far because he's now hearing his voice...

Anthony: "Hi".

Laurent hears the nervous tone in his voice and his rising emotions won't greet him back. He just goes right into it...

Laurent: "If you want to know how Larry found out he saw pictures of us in the airport".

Anthony closes his eyes and drops his head as he realizes it was the paparazzi who took the pictures. He and Laurent were so caught up in each other they didn't see them nor did the high possibility that they would be seen came to them. He doesn't even know how to respond...but Laurent speaks up with something he actually did see coming...

Laurent: "All this time you were with both of us". 

Anthony: "I'm really sorry Laurent". 

Laurent: "Are you"?

Anthony: "Yes I am". 

Laurent: "I don't know for that". *deep sigh* "Look, I'm wrong too. I cheated on my husband. I just don't understand why both of us". 

Anthony: "It's because I'm attracted to both of you. I know that doesn't make it right but it's the truth. Both of you just captured me in different ways and I couldn't stop". 

Although Laurent wanted to know the why he's beginning to put more of this together so he doesn't respond to that...

Laurent: "When I wanted to come over and you told me no it's because Larry was coming".

Anthony: "Yeah". 

Laurent: "He skipped the club a lot to come and be with you".   

*brief pause*

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