Chapter Fifteen: Adrift

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A/N: I realized that you all have seen the characters of Dani and Anthony but not Shawn so that's him above. Enjoy! :)   


It's a sunlit day, and the sky holds a soft, blue glow. On the perfectly landscaped ground the green grass is adorned with specks of color from flowers such as roses and asters. The trees are standing tall with bright green leaves resting on the branches. Among this splendid park there are people taking a stroll along the beautiful grounds. A few doting moms are smiling brightly as they push their babies in strollers whilst enjoying the beautiful scenery around them. The atmosphere is always a pleasant one...but on this day it's slightly different and in the center of the park stands Laurent and Shawn who catch confused eyes as the conversation between them escalated to that of anger. Well, anger from Shawn to which Laurent was shocked to see the magnitude that it reached. He's never heard Shawn yell before and to know that he's so upset with him because of what he just disclosed is really getting to him. He didn't think Shawn would ask the question of Laurent possibly being in love with another man...but he did and the answer has shaken Shawn to his core. Silence immediately fell the moment Laurent confessed and for the past several moments, which actually has felt like an eternity, Shawn hasn't been able to utter another word. Until now...

Shawn: "I don't believe you're in love with him. Your mind is playing tricks on you so stop talking like this". 

Laurent: "No, Shawn. He's amazing. He makes me laugh, he's sweet and...just so many things". 

Shawn: "Stop it Laurent".   

Laurent: "I'm serious bro. I don't think you know these things about him. He...."

Shawn: "I don't need to know. This...thing...with him is just something different. I told you that when we talked about this the first time and you agreed". 

Laurent: "That was before I started spending time with him. He's a great guy and...I know I'm in love with him". 

Shawn: *shakes head* "I don't believe it and what about your husband? You got a taste of something else and now you're not in love with him anymore"?

Laurent hears that question then drops his head as he belts out another sigh...

Laurent: "Don't do that bro. You know I love Larry". 

Shawn: "You said that there will never be anyone that you want or love more than Larry. You remember that, don't you"?

Laurent's head remains dropped in deep despair for he just can't look Shawn in the eyes right now...

Laurent: "Yeah. I remember". 

Shawn looks at Laurent who's essentially staring at the ground...seemingly too ashamed to look at him and while the part of him that loves Laurent like a brother hates to see him in this state the other part of him is far too angry at the mess he's created...

Shawn: "I don't know how you expect me to absorb all of this Laurent". 

Laurent: "I'm sorry. I just couldn't hold it in anymore". 

Shawn: "Well I wish you did because I can't believe this. Did you think about Larry at all before you started going back to him"?

Laurent: "Yes I did but I couldn't stay away Shawn. That's what I'm trying to tell you". 

Shawn: "You could've tried harder. How would you feel if Larry was cheating on you"?

Laurent closes his eyes and blows out another sigh of despair because that question is like another sting to his heart. He finally gets the gumption to raise his head to look Shawn as he replies...

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