Chapter Thirty-Three: Hidden Truths Pt. 2

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In the soft silence of the small office, Dr. Beaufort sits across from Larry and Laurent observing this emotional moment between them. Only moments ago Larry revealed the reason he was so drawn to Anthony. He never imagined that there was an actual term such as love language for what he was missing in his marriage but he's certainly relieved to know that it's essentially normal. Dr. Beaufort assured him that he wasn't being needy, rather, there are different ways in which emotional love speaks to us...and physical touch is his but while he's elated that she was able to validate his feelings a part of him also feels regret because he never told Laurent what his needs were. Looking back he would have much rather told him even at the fear of him being too needy than to let it go because of all that's happened. He's now looking into Laurent's eyes who's looking back at him and when two tears slip from Larry's slightly puffy eyes Laurent brings his thumb up to gently wipe them away. He then applies another sweet kiss to Larry's forehead and when he goes back to looking lovingly at him his hand begins to caress his cheek. Dr. Beaufort continues to watch this intense yet beautiful dynamic and it moves her immensely. To witness a love like this...a love that's been through the ultimate trial yet is seemingly getting stronger right before her eyes is emotionally overwhelming. She would love to continue watching such a moment but there's still time left in this session and they've only heard from Larry so she gently clears her throat which catches their attention. Then in her gentle and soothing tone...

Beaufort: "Larry, thank you so much for opening up and sharing that with your husband". 

Larry: *nods* "Welcome", he replies softly. 

Beaufort: "Laurent, this is your time to share your feelings". 

Laurent nods but slowly drops his head first as if he's somewhat unsure about how to say it. It's as if the words are jumbled in his mind and is also unsure of where to start. Larry senses his hesitation so he takes his hand to gently rub his back in a soothing circular motion prompting Laurent to raise his head and turn towards him. Larry sees a single tear drop fall from Laurent's eye then off his chin so he wipes it away then nods as if to tell him, "it's ok". Laurent takes a silent breath in and quietly blows it out in an attempt to help push his words along...

Laurent: "I um...." *clears throat* "I don't know how to say this because of how it might make my love feel but...." *pause* " with Anthony made me feel good because he was the one who made love to me and it just felt good to be...." *deep sigh* "I don't know".  

Dr. Beaufort's eyes immediately go to Larry whose expression is that of shock as if he knows exactly what Laurent is trying to say. She knows as well but sees Laurent struggle in saying it...

Beaufort: "It felt good to be desired in that way". 

Laurent: *nods* "Yeah". *pause* "I always make love to Larry but we changed before and Larry made love to me. I loved that a lot but every time we made love after that I was in control because that's what my bebe wanted. I didn't mind because just like he told you I always take care of him because that's my job. To take care of him. To make sure he's happy and always satisfied when we make love. I would watch his face when I made love to him and he was. When we were done he was always glowing. I'm supposed to do all of that for him and I'm not doing my job as his husband if I don't". 

Laurent's emotions have come back tenfold and as he pours his heart out Larry is next to him with a stream of tears falling from his own eyes. Just as Laurent had no idea that he needed attention and affection Laurent was struggling with his own lack. It crumbles his heart into a million pieces and Larry can't catch Laurent's tears as fast as they're falling. The therapist even feels a soft spot for him and her voice becomes all the more gentle...

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