Chapter Twenty-Five: Uncovering

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It had been an overcast since Laurent had woken. At first he was certain that it was too early to be awake because there was a darkness to the sky. When he looked over at the clock on the nightstand and noticed that the time of the morning should have reflected a bright sunlight a quizzical look formed on his face so he slowly flipped the covers off of him then got up to walk over to the bedroom window. He took a peek outside and noticed that the sky was awash with various shades of grey. In certain places a small light managed to break through but otherwise it was almost as dark as pre-dawn. It was early morning and already the day was starting off eerie but he had to proceed with his day so he released his hand to allow the curtain to fall back into place then headed for the bathroom to shower and get dressed. Lately his appetite hasn't been the greatest because ever since the night Larry came over in distress he's been worried about him. He's not use to seeing Larry so sad as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders. He's also not use to Larry not telling him what's bothering him. He never imagined that their divorce would affect their connection in that sense and it only makes him wonder if his hunch about Anthony was correct. Since that day he's sent Larry texts just to check on him. Even Larry's responses were concerning and Laurent could just feel the sadness seeping through. He vividly recalls one of the last texts sent to him sweetly instructing Larry to call him if he needs him for anything. Larry thanked him of course and even used a happy face emoji...but Laurent knew he did that strictly for his benefit. Perhaps by leaving the smiley face Laurent wouldn't have reason to worry but that's all he's been able to do lately as something just isn't right and he needs to find out what that something is... 

When Laurent was ready to leave he grabbed his keys and also a jacket from the closet as he's sure he would need it. He stepped outside and into the humid air that smelt of storms and began internally hoping that it wouldn't be too bad of one. Of course the pending weather only made him think of the last time he saw Larry and how he was on the porch drenched in the heavy rain. The thought of the hard raindrops hitting his body as Larry walked to seek his help and shelter makes Laurent's heart hurt. He told Laurent that his phone battery died but had he been able to call him Laurent would have been there in a flash. Now the vision of Larry warm and snug in bed looking as angelic as ever hits him and while the vision of him being in the rain hurts that vision brings him solace for he was absolutely beautiful. Now it's the afternoon and the gloom of the day is reflected in the moods of the citizens. Grey still carpets the sky so completely that even at noon the cars need full headlights. His last stop is a mutually agreed upon place to meet up with Shawn which is their favorite restaurant and bar. Laurent isn't sure if there's a specific reason Shawn wants to meet. Perhaps it was just lunch but usually Shawn tells him if that's all it is. This time he just asked if he could meet him there and of course Laurent agreed. He pulls into the parking lot and spots Shawn's car then notices the space next to his car is free so he pulls into it. Normally he would be excited about meeting here and his mouth would be salivating at ordering any of his top delightful dishes...but Larry is too heavy on his mind so he doesn't have much of an appetite. Meeting Shawn came at the right time because he really needs to talk but since he's sure they're meeting for a specific reason he'll bring it up when the time is right. He walks inside and informs the cheerful hostess who he's here to join so she grabs a menu then politely instructs him to follow her to him which isn't far away. Shawn is sitting in a booth and he senses someone coming towards him so he looks up from the menu and smiles when he sees his bro. He stands up and they greet each other with their usual hand clasp and bro hug...

Shawn: *smile* "What's up bro? You good"?

Laurent: *smile* "I'm alright bro. I see you're in a great mood". 

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