Chapter Eighteen: Conflict

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Larry and Laurent have arrived home from Milan and for ten minutes they've sat in the backseat as the car glides smoothly against the road. The mood of the ride home matches the flight back. Quiet and distant. From the moment they woke up to get ready and leave they haven't said more than two words to each other. Actually, from the moment they agreed to dissolve their marriage they haven't said too much of anything. Laurent did suggest to Larry that he stay in their room since the cost was covered and it wasn't necessary to spend money on a separate room. There were two beds in the suite and plenty of room to give each other space. Larry agreed and with the exception of deciding what to eat conversation was sparse. Business remained successful since their first day where the energy being off was brought to their attention so they made the decision to do what they needed to do to get the job done. Thankfully, the designer was impressed and pleased with his decision to choose them. More importantly, there wasn't any threat to their brand despite the troubles between them. Now, the reality of their personal lives have set in and while they're in agreement of a divorce it's still a shock for both. They will be home soon and the conversation that they avoided in Milan is one they need to have now. Unbeknownst to each other divorce attorneys have been searched for...but now they will be made known. Laurent is resting against the seat cushion and as he looks out the window his heart is in shambles and the divorce is indeed a huge reason...but what's also heavy on his heart is how all this time he's felt so deeply for Anthony only to hear that Anthony cares more for Larry. His mind goes back to his conversation with Shawn and how he divulged his feelings for him not even thinking that Anthony didn't feel the same way. He was always so affectionate and passionate towards him. The way he made love to him was so sweet and sensual. He really thought they shared a deep connection...but Laurent was in it all alone. Shawn expressed caring a lot about him but Laurent fell hard so it just hurts now. He and Larry have yet to decide who's keeping the house and other aspects of a divorce but he imagines that Larry will move in with Anthony and begin a new life with him. Larry was no doubt angry with Anthony but Laurent is convinced that anger was because of those shared feelings. Nothing proved that more than the pain Laurent heard in Larry's voice as he blared into the phone at Anthony. Now the driver is pulling up at their home and they're retrieving their bags. The walk to the front door is a slow one because the talk they never imagined they would ever have is upon them. They walk inside with Larry instantly heading for the stairs to take his bags up while Laurent heads for the kitchen and drops his bags to the side. He grabs a cold drink from the fridge and as the silence swirls around him he's thinking about how this may go down. Will they end up fighting or will things be calm and amicable. He then hears the faint sound of the bathroom sink from upstairs running then shutting off then the bathroom door opening. He goes for another sip when he sees Larry coming downstairs and for a brief moment he looks at him before dropping his head again. Larry hits the bottom of the stairs but hesitates for a moment before slowly walking over to him...

Larry: "Are you ready to talk"?

Laurent: *nods* "Yeah. We can go over to the couch". 

Larry nods then turns around and begins walking over. Laurent is a few steps behind him who takes a seat on the love seat while Larry sits on the couch across from it. They had been anticipating this conversation for days...but now that the moment is here neither of them can say anything. Laurent takes a few more sips of his drink with a few short glances at Larry who seems as though he's trying to find words to speak himself. Laurent realizes that if he doesn't saying something, anything, they will never talk. He's sure that the first thing to mention will be a shock to Larry...but he will discover that he isn't the only one...

Laurent: "So I um...." *clears throat* "I found a lawyer when we were in Milan that I think I want to hire". 

Larry: "I found one too". 

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