Chapter Twenty-Nine: Error

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~two weeks later~

It's a sunny day with the backdrop of a beautiful blue sky and no cloud in sight. There's a sporadic but soothing light breeze that blows through the trees. It's the perfect weather for a walk or relaxing on a chaise lounge...but inside the quiet home Laurent is stretched across the couch with no desire to be among those elements. From the moment Larry told him that he's ok and soul crushingly denied coming back home Laurent naturally hasn't been doing well. One would even say he's close to depression. It's been difficult for those who know and love him to reach him. When they've been successful Laurent merely replied to them that he's ok. Oddly the same answer Larry would give those checking on him when he wasn't heard from and they were concerned. Of course Shawn was the most concerned as he was the first to hear how broken Laurent when he was told what happened. He was also shocked that Larry denied anything was going on knowing how frightened he looked in the market. Shawn is still convinced while Larry's mouth was telling him that Anthony's hand was just an accident his eyes were pleading with Shawn to save him. Being told that Larry also had a bruise on his arm confirmed his fear. The fact that the bruising on Larry's arm came from Anthony grabbing him tightly instead of hitting him was no reason to step back. It was still abuse and Shawn instantly became all the more determined to help Laurent devise a plan to help Larry escape and they've tried their best for these last couple of weeks...but their efforts were to no avail. Going to bed every night is the biggest struggle for Laurent because it's just him and the silence around him which has only made way for his mind to think of what Larry could be going through at Anthony's hands. Needless to say he hasn't slept much and he's exhausted in every aspect. He and Larry saw each other at the final meeting before the new campaign launch party and while Larry was hardcore avoiding eye contact Laurent did the opposite and studied his face carefully along with any part of his body that was visible to check for any bruises. Much to his relief he didn't see any but that still didn't mean Larry wasn't in danger. Larry sensed every bit of Laurent's concerned stares so when the meeting was over he tried to make a dash for the parking lot to prevent being stopped just as he did at Dani's party only Laurent was miles ahead of him this time. Larry didn't resist any questions...but he wasn't exactly answering them either. Most of his responses were short but seeing the heavy concern in Laurent he made sure to tell him that there hasn't been a major incident. Well, not another one. Laurent really didn't want to let him leave after that. He just wanted to put him in his own car and bring him back home. But, he couldn't. He reluctantly let him go but insisted that Larry call if he needs him no matter the reason. The reason didn't have to be known. All Larry had to do was reach out to him. Now he's hearing the sound of the doorbell and he's somewhat frustrated because while he already knows it's Shawn showing up to check on him he really just wants to be alone but of course he would never turn Shawn away so he pushes himself to get up and begins heading for the front door. He places his hand on the door knob and closes his eyes and blows out a hard sigh then opens the door. As he and Shawn look at each other Shawn's expression is that of empathy because of the vulnerable state Laurent is in. With a soft tone he greets, "hey bro". Laurent doesn't even have the strength to greet him back. He merely lowers his saddened his eyes then turns around to head back for the living room while Shawn steps in and closes the door behind him. By the time he makes it to the living room Laurent is back on the couch but instead of being stretched across it his back is resting against the cushion...his head tilted back and his eyes closed. Shawn observes the space and sees a pizza box with only a few slices left, a carton of eaten ice cream and several wrappers of candy and such. Laurent's always has a big appetite...but the sight of everything looks like that of emotional eating. He brings his eyes back to Laurent and continues with his soft tone...

Shawn: "I've been worried about you bro. We don't talk as much lately". 

*brief pause*

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