Chapter Twenty: Epiphany

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~one month later~

It's been four weeks of uneasy adjustment for Laurent. Although he and Larry have divorced and gone their separate ways, with the exception of work, he ultimately decided against putting the house up for sale as it would have been very difficult to part with. Sure there are things around the house that remind him of their time together...but this home is near to perfection and he simply can't let it go. There's the most beautiful view of land and mountains from the backyard where many beautiful sunsets have occurred. It's mostly peaceful throughout the neighborhood but the features of the home itself are what drew him in when he and Larry first took a tour of the splendid palace. Of course thinking about he and Larry's early beginnings as well as their time here together leads the way to thinking about Larry and how it's been a full month yet still very shocking to know where it all ended up. In his heart he will always love Larry and there is a part of him that does miss what they had...but what he's found himself having the most difficulty with is knowing Larry goes home to Anthony every night. Laurent fell in love with Anthony and one month isn't enough to change that. Six months probably wouldn't change it. He thinks about him all the time so he does things to take his mind off of him as well as the time they've shared. Thankfully Shawn has been a strong force in his life and if it wasn't for him, Laurent isn't sure how well he would be holding up on his own. Shawn checks in with him everyday and when Laurent isn't working he makes sure to take him out so he can have fun. To be in such a big home with nothing but silence around him for the most part would make it too easy for Laurent's heart to become deeply saddened...constantly thinking about what transpired and the could haves or should haves. He and Larry had a joint photo shoot days ago and while they didn't say much to each other they were and remained cordial. Laurent saw a happiness on Larry's face which could only be the result of being with Anthony for it was the same glow Laurent felt whenever he was around him. He managed to keep it together while being in the same room with Larry and everyone a part of the photo shoot business wise...but on the inside it was beyond tough knowing that Anthony isn't a part of his life anymore. He was also conflicted by those emotions. On one hand he's happy that Larry is so happy with him...but on the other hand it was what Laurent wanted so it hurts deeply. All he can do is use each day he's given to keep pushing through and hope for the best. Now, it's evening and he's in the kitchen cooking himself dinner. He's so used to Larry being the one cooking he's had to self-teach. On the menu is a Cajun Shrimp Alfredo and with the recipe in front of him he follows each step carefully. He's proud of how far he's come with cooking lately. For the first week since the split it was mostly ordering food or sandwiches but by the second week he knew that he couldn't live off of those things any longer. He came to the realization that he will have to learn until love comes along again. He's tasting the made from scratch alfredo sauce for seasoning when the doorbell rings and he's certain that it's Shawn. He lowers the temperature on the sauce and grabs a towel to wipe his hands before going to answer. The moment he turns the corner he sees Shawn's silhouette through the front door and moments later he's opening to greet him...

Laurent: *smile* "Hey bro". 

Shawn: *smile* "What's up bro? You good"?

Laurent: "Yeah I'm just cooking some dinner. Come in". 

Shawn nods as he steps inside and as they engage in their usual bro hug Shawn's senses pick up the savory aroma...

Shawn: "It smells amazing in here. What are you cooking"?

Laurent: "I downloaded a recipe for Cajun Shrimp Alfredo". 

Shawn: "It sounds awesome".  

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