Chapter Thirteen: Ocean Wonders

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The morning's sunrise is a breathtaking display of radiant colors. Streaks of red, pink, and orange slowly overcome the dark blue and purple of the twilight sky. The sky resembles a prism where all the colors blend perfectly into each other. The sun itself is just peeking out of the horizon and its brilliant rays are beginning to shine brightly and warm the air. Anthony opens his eyes and his first glance of the new day is this beautiful artwork in the sky where he marvels at the glistening reflection of the sun over the splendid city. Then his attention is brought to the fluffy hair that's tickling his chin and he groggily yet sweetly smiles. He then remembers that this is the day he leaves for Nice to join Laurent which he didn't hesitate to agree to come...but since agreeing to it he hasn't quite figured out what to tell Larry who is sound asleep atop his chest. He can feel Larry's chest rising and falling gently against his and it's incredibly soothing. He may be conflicted about what's going on between the three of them...but what he can't deny is that having Larry stay with him has been great. The comfort they have with each other and that they always have a good time in each other's presence is what's made this time so special. Now, he has to tell Larry that he can't stay with him like he wanted to and has enjoyed very much. One thing he noticed about Larry right away is his sensitivity. It's another quality of his that draws Anthony in...but it's also the very thing that will make it difficult to tell him. His flight is this afternoon which he booked while Larry showered the night Laurent requested his presence. He also sent Laurent a text during that time to give him a roundabout time he should be there. Now he's turning his head to check the time and while it's really early he has to get up to go to his gym to make sure things are in order there so he can leave without worry and also make sure that the two training sessions he has scheduled for tomorrow are replaced with one of his staff members. He was sure it wouldn't be a problem which made it easier to agree to seeing Laurent. He does take a few more moments in the soft silence of the bedroom mainly because he doesn't want to disturb Larry's peace right now so he takes one arm to gently place on his head and as his hand sinks into that gorgeous fro he takes his other arm to wrap around Larry's back. Even in his sleep Larry feels the tender hold and he sinks deeper into Anthony as he too holds on tighter. Anthony can tell when he's fallen back into that deep sleep and he lightly chuckles. He can't allow them to stay in this position long otherwise he'll fall right back into sleep himself so he eventually gives Larry a light nudge as he speaks to him in a gentle voice saying, "wake up sleepyhead". Larry moans groggily and it's so cute that Anthony can't help but smile at that as well...

Anthony: "Come on babe. Time to get up". 

Larry: *whimper* "Whyyy? It's so comfortable right now and it's still early". 

Anthony: "I know but um, I just have a lot of things to do...." 

Anthony stops abruptly because he was near blurting out that he has a flight to catch later so he stops himself. Thankfully, Larry doesn't pick up on it and instead he groggily moans again then replies with a sweet, "oki" before raising up then sitting on the edge of the bed. Anthony can only see his profile right now but when he sees him adorably rubbing his eye he just gazes at him. Larry feels that gaze on him then turns to look at him. They smile in sync and hold that gaze for another soft second then without one word exchanged Larry stands up and heads for the bathroom with Anthony watching his every step as he walks over. The door gently closes behind him so Anthony stands up and walks over to his large walk in closet to grab some clothes to change into after his shower. He still has to pack which is why he needs to tell Larry something so he's able to. When he hears Larry step out of the bathroom he takes the small step over to the opening of the closet and peeks his head out. Larry doesn't notice him right away and his face is reading slight confusion as to where he went all of a sudden which is more than likely the kitchen. Anthony can tell he's about to leave the room for his search so he chuckles then in a soft voice...

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