Chapter Fourteen: Better Left Unsaid

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Darkness has long fallen, and the heat of the day has been replaced by a cool breeze. In the dark sky above millions of bright stars are dotted on the black canvas of night. There's a gentle swoosh of the nearby ocean along with its misty and refreshing scent wafting through the air. The beach where only hours ago Anthony and Laurent walked along feeling the sand tickle their feet while also pressing between their toes as they stole sweet looks from each other...ultimately finding a spot to themselves and as Anthony watched Laurent toss small pebbles into the ocean he did so with a warm smile on his face. Laurent wanted him to be there and he couldn't wait for the moment he arrived...but he also seemed to turn shy. Particularly when Anthony caught glimpses of him. The feeling that came over him could only be described as butterflies in his tummy. When he and Anthony shared that sweet kiss on the shore that feeling in his tummy was magnified and there was nothing like feeling Anthony delicately take hold of the back of his neck to place him on his back as their lips remained connected in a kiss. That kiss leading to the heavily erotic moment where Anthony moved so powerfully yet so gently inside of him and it was in that moment where this revelation came to Laurent. Now, sitting on this patio with the phone pressed to his ear he's trying to reveal this to his good friend. There are so many elements of sound in the background...but Laurent doesn't hear any of it for his focus is on how to get these words to flow from him...

Shawn: "Laurent"??

Laurent: "I'm here. I'm sorry". 

Shawn: "What is it bro"?

Laurent: "I, um...."

Laurent stops then takes in a deep breath. He was prepared to tell him but then he tells himself that this isn't the time or place to tell him. Business will end and he'll be back home soon. Besides, seeing Shawn face to face will be so much better as this isn't exactly something he can divulge over the phone. He's certain Shawn's reaction won't be so great and as such it's just not something to talk about now...

Laurent: "I'm sorry bro. I'll be back in a couple of days and we can talk then. Will that be oki"?

Shawn: "Ok but are you sure you don't need to talk now"? 

Laurent: "Yes I'm sure but thanks bro".

Shawn: "You're welcome. I'll see you soon". 

Laurent: "Yeah oki". *pause* "Bye". 

Laurent drops the phone from his ear and after releasing the call he blows out a soft sigh then slouches in the patio chair as he turns his head to the sky...thinking about the mess he's in and how he's going to break this to Shawn. He imagines he'll be surprised which anyone would be...but he can also see him being very angry. Shawn has always loved Laurent and Larry together and Laurent vividly recalls Shawn telling him that their love is inspiring so he couldn't possibly be anything but angry hearing this. Laurent just can't hold it in anymore and he's going to explode if he continues to. Now he's thinking about Larry and suddenly he feels a pain in his heart. He begins to internally beat himself up because he's the one that suggested that they partake in a tryst. He recalls Larry's shocked reaction and saying he didn't think he would ever suggest something like this. Now all Laurent can think about is if he had just explored other solutions that could help them they wouldn't be here now. Perhaps Larry would have joined him on this trip and they could spend time together whenever Laurent wasn't working. That could have been Larry walking alongside of him on that beach. But, he can't lie and say he didn't enjoy that time with Anthony nor can he deny that he's enjoyed each moment spent with Anthony thus far. That, is what makes him completely flustered now. With his head still tilted to the sky he takes his hands to cover his face as he takes a deep breath in then blows it out in a frustrated manner. So frustrated that he doesn't even feel the sensation of the french doors opening and Anthony standing there looking at him with a look of worry. He then softly calls out, "Laurent" prompting Laurent to drop his hands then sit up straight...

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