Chapter Four: Prelude

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As the evening at Larry's night club continued at a steady momentum Larry remained behind the bar taking orders. Thankfully it was one of the club's less busy nights so there weren't too many customers which wasn't a bad thing because for the remainder of his shift he was in another world. His focus wasn't so bad that he wasn't doing his job...but he did decline dancing and it's very rare that he doesn't dance when he's asked or even begged to which is more often than not. His mind was just in a trance and while dancing is always good for him mind, body and soul he knew he wouldn't have been into it as much as usual. From the moment he saw Anthony and as he walked ever so smoothly up to the bar for their conversation Larry hasn't been able to think about anything else. Well, other than going home to Laurent and informing him of said conversation. He told Anthony that he and Laurent weren't so sure they would try again...though he vividly remembers agreeing with Laurent about not seeking another prospect but not denying the opportunity should one arise. As he sits in the backseat his head is resting comfortably against the seat as his driver glides smoothly over the gravel en route to Larry's home. Larry isn't even sure why he's struggling so much with what or how to tell Laurent. It should be as simple as just saying it...but for the life of him he can't figure out why it's as if he's confessing some hidden secret when there really should be nothing to it. He looks out the window at the very familiar buildings that are all dark signaling that they've closed for the evening...the streets void of people walking along the sidewalks which signifies just how late it is so he realizes that more than likely Laurent is asleep so he won't have to mention it tonight. That's when he feels some tension release and moments later the driver is pulling up in front of their home. Larry thanks and tips him as always then he gets out and heads for the front door. He unlocks it without a care in the world because he's sure it will be just a matter of tip toeing in the bedroom as to not wake Laurent up then ultimately joining him. What he actually walks into is the light coming from the kitchen with Laurent in there moving around and it doesn't take long for Larry to realize that Laurent wouldn't be asleep. It's rare that he goes to sleep until he knows Larry is safe and sound at home. That's just the kind of man his love is. He walks towards the kitchen and sees him standing at the counter making a midnight snack that's seemingly for the both of them...

Larry: "Hey baby". 

Hearing Larry's voice sweetly getting his attention prompts a smile on Laurent's face as he raises his head to connect with him...

Laurent: *smile* "Hey sexy. I'm glad you're home".

Larry: *smile* "It's good to be home". *pause* "What are you making"?

Laurent: "We had some leftover grilled chicken so I'm putting that and some melted cheese on these little bread things you love so much". 

Larry: *chuckles* "Crostini and thank you my love". 

Laurent: *smile and wink* "Welcome". 

Larry walks over and sees that he's almost done so he heads for the fridge to retrieve two bottles of juice as well as some napkins...

Larry: "I got the drinks for us baby so I'm going upstairs. I'll take a shower first then join you". 

Laurent: "Oki bebe. I'll be up in a minute". 

Larry nods and he doesn't even feel his face change...nor does he realize Laurent has noticed so as he turns around to walk away he hears...

Laurent: "You oki"?

Larry stops briefly then turns to look at him...

Larry: "I'm fine. Why do you ask"?

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