Chapter Twenty-Three: Distant

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Larry's eyes gracefully flutter open before catching the bright sunlight through the window. The warmth of that sun upon his face is relaxing and could send him back to dreamland...only the first thing on his mind is last night and the powerful telepathy moment between him and Laurent. The way Laurent whispered his name was music to his ears and the feeling that came over him just can't be described in words. He then thinks about seeing him at their meeting and the moment he looked up at Laurent walking through the door which was nothing short of picture perfect. The backdrop of the sun against his silhouette was quite possibly the most beautiful sight he's ever seen. When Laurent so beautifully and so eloquently repeated the things Larry does when he knows he needs to talk including the way he bites his bottom lip in nervousness only reminded him of Laurent knowing him so well. That's also a feeling that can't be described. But, when his focus comes to and he looks around the room he's reminded of everything. As much as he cares for Anthony he will never know him as deeply and as intimately as Laurent does and for the first time in almost two months he's realizing that. With that thought he takes a deep breath in to prevent his emotions from spilling out all over again. Besides that, he also smells the aroma of breakfast in the air and he doesn't want Anthony suspecting any emotion when he goes to join him. On the way to freshen up he decides that since nothing is on schedule for him today he'll call Dani and ask if she wants to have lunch. It's such a nice day and there's an outside eating area at one of their top restaurants where they can enjoy their lunch and conversation though there has been a noticeable difference in their friendship lately. Larry knowing her as well as he does knows it's because she isn't exactly comfortable with he and Anthony's relationship. It went from an affair to them living together all in the blink of an eye and naturally it's taken her by surprise. She was hoping he and Laurent would work it out so needless to say it's been a hard pill to swallow. It's never been a secret that she adored he and Laurent's relationship and just as Shawn told Laurent, it always inspired their marriage so the divorce hurts her all the same. But, she's his best friend so she will always be there for him no matter what. Being that Anthony was up first Larry is sure it's because he has to go to work so he'll call Dani after he leaves. For now he freshens up then joins him in the kitchen...


Larry: "Good morning". 

Anthony: "Good morning". 

Larry is walking towards the cupboard to retrieve a glass when he stops abruptly and looks at Anthony due the tone of his voice when he greeted him. Normally it's an upbeat tone but this morning it's completely flat and as such Larry's face twists in confusion as he looks at him... 

Larry: "Are you oki"?

Anthony: "I'm good". 

Larry isn't convinced so he stares at him for another moment before turning around to retrieve the glass. As he walks over to the fridge he gives Anthony another puzzling look and he can't help but notice that he hasn't once looked up from his plate to meet Larry's eyes. This person is vastly different from the Anthony he's been waking up to and he doesn't understand it. By now Anthony would have given him a sweet good morning kiss to the cheek or a warm hug and he hasn't given him either. With no direct eye contact combined with this lack of affection it's even more confusing as Larry is unsure of the reason why. He just puts his focus on pouring the juice then places the pitcher back in the fridge. After taking a few sips he retrieves a plate to begin piling food on it then comes over to join him...

Larry: "Thank you for making breakfast". 

Anthony: "You're welcome". 

Larry: "Are you sure you're oki"?

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