Chapter Nineteen: Inscription

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Cars are whisking by along the busy city street...the sound of a few car horns loudly honking. There's an area of construction at the end of the street and there's a powerful sound of drilling into the concrete. Several pedestrians are walking along the sidewalk. Some are alone simply enjoying the day and smiling. Some are in groups laughing among one another as they walk to their destination. Standing in the midst of the boisterous activity are Shawn and Anthony. So much unveiling has happened in the past week that's caused an abundance of hurt and anger. Ideally the situation should have been kept between the three involved but neither Larry nor Laurent could help disclosing their betrayals to those really close to them. Dani is home still trying to process not only the demise of Larry and Laurent's marriage as a result of the joint betrayal but also her husband who had knowledge of it. He's standing face to face with Anthony whose nervously waiting to hear what will be said. He's been friends with Shawn and Dani for a while but he knows that they're much closer to Larry and Laurent so it really isn't a surprise that he's here. Seeing the anger in his eyes nearly paralyzes him and precludes words from coming out...but he's finally able to speak before Shawn has the opportunity...

Anthony: "Shawn, I know why you're here and I know you're angry. Listen I..."

Shawn: "No, you listen". *pause* "I would prefer my wife and I not be involved in our friend's personal lives but they confide in us and we'll always be there for them. As much as I wish we didn't know about what's been happening I won't pretend that this doesn't make me angry because it does. This is a marriage we're talking about here and yes Larry and Laurent hold their share of the blame...but you". *scoffs* "You had the opportunity to make sure this didn't go a step further but not only did you fail at that you kept going with both of them like it was nothing".

Anthony: "I was selfish. I know that and there's nothing I can say to take back my part in this but I really didn't mean to hurt either of them". 

Shawn: "I don't believe that because if you didn't want to hurt them or help destroy a marriage it wouldn't be at this point". 

*brief pause* 

Anthony: *soft sigh* "You're right. I'm sorry".  

Shawn: "I'm not the one who needs the apology. I just needed to say that and to tell you to cancel the membership I signed up for. I don't want any part of you as a friend or your gym". 

Anthony: "I understand and I'll go inside and get that canceled right away. You will receive a confirmation in the email that I have on file for you". 

Shawn: "Perfect".  

Shawn spins around and walks away leaving Anthony completely stoic and merely watching him. It's one thing to face the reality of what his actions led to...but to also hear all of this from Shawn is quite another and several things that he spoke hit him hard. It was selfish and he thinks about all the times he's told himself that he needed to end the affairs along with the one attempt he actually tried to with Larry. But, it took all of that to ultimately realize that he just couldn't do it. That was primarily because of how he feels about Larry and the depth of those feelings can't be turned off like a switch. What makes it all the more difficult is Larry making it perfectly clear that he's going to be alone and that's what's best for him so he has no choice in the matter but to accept it. Now that Shawn is out of sight he begins walking towards his gym. From the outside he sees a few of his employees looking confusingly at him but also with a hint of worry. It's evident that they saw the confrontation so when he walks inside he greets them with a smile as if to say there's nothing to worry about. They smile at him then it's back to work they go. Before Anthony begins his workout he has to do what Shawn requested first so he heads straight for his office. On the way he's all smiles as gym members that he talks to often smile and greet him. He's always pleasant and friendly...but the moment he's in his office the smile quickly fades and he takes the seat his desk then presses the button to turn the computer on. As he waits he presses his back against the chair only he's far from relaxed. The truth of Shawn's words are on repeat in his mind and now he's thinking about Larry and Laurent, mostly Larry, but he will never forget the pain he heard in Laurent's voice that day. He expected Laurent to be hurt, confused and so many other emotions and he can feel something pierce his heart at the remembrance of it. He will never deny that he desires Larry, but Laurent holds something special too and he's upset with himself for the hurt he caused him. With the computer running now he sits up and puts his focus on what he needs to do which only takes a matter of minutes. He sends the confirmation email to Shawn and now all he wants to do is begin working out to release the tension in his body from this whole ordeal that he's a large cause of. He stands up and walks towards the door but before he leaves his office he takes a deep breath in and blows it out in an attempt to clear his mind then steps outside to head for the first machine...

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