Chapter Thirty-One: Courage

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It's morning and there's a spreading sunrise. Colors are spread across the sky announcing the new day, oranges and reds painted over the clouds as if by hand. Larry was awakened by Anthony's movement when he got out of the bed which normally doesn't wake him so he deduces that he never really slept. Sleep proved to be far too difficult as he hasn't been able to stop thinking about last night and what Laurent had to tell him so badly. He's also heavily curious as to why they're on a time limit with whatever this is. He can hear Laurent's exact words in his mind now in a panicked tone stating, "we don't have time". He's puzzled as to what this could be of course but Laurent's voice also has him worried though in that worry he would be lying if he said Laurent calling him by his chosen term of endearment didn't make his heart flutter. It always gave Larry a warm feeling to hear that word roll so sweetly off of Laurent's tongue and last night was no different. But, the sweet memory of that moment was quickly overshadowed by Anthony coming back to the table which ultimately led to the moment where Laurent was ready to fight him. The tension was already there as Anthony merely walked back over and only intensified as he and Laurent stood across from each other with their intense stares. If Larry hadn't jumped up and stood in between them Laurent there would've been a fight in the middle of the restaurant. A large part of Larry would have loved to see Anthony ruffed up by his love...but not at the expense of his love going to jail which he's sure Anthony would have made happen. Over these past few weeks Anthony has made it clear that he sees Laurent as a threat. It's as if he's forgotten that even though they aren't together they're still brothers so Larry doesn't understand why it feels as though Anthony would still do his best to keep him away from Laurent. Sure he's been getting help for his anger and he didn't make a big fuss when he had to be with Laurent for work but if last night told him anything it's that Anthony just might feel even more threatened and weeks of trying to do better is all for nothing. It's for that reason Larry needs to figure out how to free himself. This is the morning of his second therapy session with Dr. Beaufort which he's really looking forward to. He didn't think he would ever feel that way about therapy but she said some things that really spoke to his soul in their first session and maybe he'll hear something today that will push him to do what he knows he needs to. Thankfully Anthony has to go to his gym again so Larry made sure the appointment was after he left. He still isn't aware that Larry is going to therapy...and he never will. Anthony might see the therapist as a threat and try to prevent him from seeing her. He's currently getting dressed so he can take off for work and he doesn't feel Larry's eyes on him. Larry isn't exactly looking at him with anything signifying love but more so of how to get away. Sex last night wasn't what he wanted and while he can never deny feeling physical pleasure, as much as he didn't want to, the emotional aspect of it has been lacking for weeks. He thinks that surely Anthony felt it but he didn't give off any impression that he did. For him it was about proving something to Larry. Perhaps trying to prove that they have a connection too...but it's at the point that no matter how great Anthony is in bed Larry has checked out mentally and emotionally. Anthony is clad in his black workout pants and tank top. All that's left is his shirt that separates him as the owner/manager of the gym and once that's on he checks himself in the mirror before walking over to the closet to put on his sneakers. When he steps out he finally feels those brown eyes on him...

Anthony: "Good morning babe". 

Larry: "Good morning". 

Anthony: "Are you ok"?

Larry: "I'm fine. Why"?

Anthony: "The way you're looking at me. I thought something was on your mind". 

Larry: "I'm oki". 

Anthony: "Ok. I'm sorry I couldn't make you breakfast this morning but I'm running late". 

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