Chapter Six: Oblivious

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In the near blinding light of a sunny afternoon the palms of Laurent's hands are sweating lightly as they grip the steering wheel. Moments ago he dropped Larry off at their home then told him he will be back later and he can't pretend he didn't notice the confusion in Larry's face when questioned about where he's going. It nearly ate at him that he didn't reveal that because he tells Larry everything. He simply couldn't tell him this and the confusion of it all is why he had to get away for a while. What would have normally been an afternoon of time together such as enjoying a nice lunch on their patio with laughter at silly conversations or playing video games turned into Laurent leaving Larry alone and just as confused as he is. They've enjoyed so many beautiful afternoons and after a successful meeting business where they also found out that they're going to Milan next month it should have been a time of celebrating together along with researching all of the fun and romantic things they could do in their spare time while in such a beautiful place. This just isn't happening right now and as Laurent drives the path to his destination he has to struggle to focus on the road as his mind is all over the place. He's never been more anxious to get somewhere. Thankfully, his destination isn't far away at all and the relentless anxiety he's been feeling is beginning to dissipate the closer he gets. He finally pulls up in front of the splendid home which is also a very familiar one and while he doesn't see cars in the driveway he merely assumes that they're parked inside of the garage so he can't see them. He parks alongside the curb then shuts the engine off but inhales and exhales first before unstrapping his seat belt and getting out. He does a light jog around the front of the car and keeps that same pace to the front door to ring the bell. As he's waiting and hoping that someone will appear he begins casually looking around the neighborhood. There are only a few people out. A couple who's seemingly taking a walk since it's such a clear day while a few others are working in their gardens. Several seconds go by and there isn't an answer and with his nerves anxiously rising he goes to ring the doorbell again but is stopped by the door finally swinging open...

Dani: "Laurent. Hi". 

Laurent: "Hey Dani". 

Dani: "What's wrong"?

Laurent: "Nothing is wrong. Well, um...." *pause* "Is Shawn here"?

Dani: "No he isn't. He went to run a couple of errands". 

Laurent: *sigh* "Oki. Can you tell him I came by and ask him to call me"?

Dani: "Sure". 

Laurent nods then leans forward to give her a kiss on the cheek which he normally does the moment he sees her. He then turns around and proceeds to leave but is stopped by her voice...

Dani: "Laurent"? 

Laurent's fast paced walking comes to a halt and he becomes slightly frustrated that she stopped him...but he does turn around to look at her face which reads confusion and also a hint of concern...

Dani: "Do you need to talk"?

Laurent gazes at her while nervously chewing on his bottom lip thinking maybe he should talk to her...but decides against it...  

Laurent: "No that's oki. Thank you. Just please ask him to call me". 

Dani: *nods* "I will". 

Dani is for sure concerned...but also even more confused as she watches Laurent turn around and walk to his car. She can't help but think how strange it is for him to turn down her offer to come in and have a talk. Next to Larry, Laurent has always freely talked to her and not that he's ever required to she thinks it's odd that she didn't take him up on her offer this time. Once Laurent is behind the wheel he has a feeling Dani is still looking in his direction so he looks up and sure enough she is. He forces a smile as he brings his hand up to wave at her then he cranks the engine, puts the car in gear then whips it around to leave the neighborhood. He isn't ready to go home because of course his main reason for even leaving on his own was to make sense of his thoughts so going home now would only cause growing concern with Larry due to Laurent being in his own world. He then decides that instead of driving around and wasting gas he'll go to a local restaurant and have a non-alcoholic drink at the bar...

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