Chapter Thirty-Four: A New Life..

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The launch party for the new campaign has arrived. Larry and Laurent have attended meetings here and there as they along with the entire team have been in preparations for the highly anticipated event. They're also excited because they were able to invite guests and there would be no better guests to invite than Shawn and Dani who gladly accepted the invitation. Next to being a part of the campaign with each other their best friends will be there to celebrate and it's a beautiful night for such an event. The stars above are sparse but are still glowing brightly and beautifully as if the sky is in abundance of them. The entire day had been a pleasant one. Since their last therapy session which has been nearly a week ago they have been mindful of what they shared during that time and went right into action in making sure that they're giving each other the closeness as well as the affection they desire. Laurent has shown Larry affection in that he randomly comes up to hold him in his arms while planting soft, warm kisses to any part of him that he had access to whether it was the side of his neck or his cheek...but lately it's been magnified tenfold and anytime Laurent has the opportunity to plant a kiss on those sweet, plump lips he jumps on it. The kisses are seemingly far more electrifying than ever and it's safe to say that they're already in a much better place in their marriage. Larry is more than appreciative of all Laurent does and his determination to make things better. The physical touch he's been yearning to experience from his one true love is as beautiful and feels as amazing as he ever could have imagined it. He's also been doing his part in reigniting that spark and allowing Laurent to feel the touch of him as often as possible. He hasn't expressed this yet but when they make love for the first time in months he has a surprise for him. It would seem that the night of a very successful campaign would be topped off with finally making love but they agreed that they won't schedule a time for it per se, rather, they will just live in the moment...enjoy each other's presence...celebrate their forever love with tons of affection and applying everything that they learn in therapy from here on out in their marriage to ensure its longevity. When it's placed on their hearts to partake in the ultimate expression of love they will. After all, they have the rest of their lives. For now, Larry is taking care to show Laurent the same, if not more, affection that he's desired for so long but never expressed. Even now Larry hears the way he asserted that it was his job to take care of Larry in every possible way. It was almost as if what he was missing was a cry for it. Larry couldn't bare the sadness in his voice at the moment so hearing it all over again saddens him but he's definitely stepped up and is all the more determined to stay committed to it. He sees the soft look in Laurent's eyes whenever Larry showers him with affection and it brings joy to his heart. That's all he wants. To love Laurent and for Laurent to feel his love. He's currently standing in front of the mirror clad in all black and adjusting his tie when he feels a presence behind him so through the mirror he shifts his eyes to the left. Standing behind him is Laurent who's already dressed and is also clad in all black. These looks are complemented with a pair of their signature Jordan's. Their shoe of choice being paired with formal suits is perhaps a bit unorthodox to most people...but it's very much them and true to their style. As their eyes connect a small smile graces Larry's face as he and Laurent continue to look at each other through the mirror. It isn't long before Laurent is smiling back at his love with Larry eventually whispering "hey" prompting Laurent to respond with, "hey my love". He then rests the tip of his chin on Larry's shoulder and as Larry goes back to his tie Laurent keeps his eyes locked on him. He then offers help but Larry sweetly declines with a smile and wink as he replies, "I got it baby". Laurent softly chuckles and when Larry is finally finished...

Laurent: "You look amazing bebe". 

Larry: *smile* "Thank you. You look amazing too". 

Laurent: *smile* "Thank you". *pause* "This night has finally come". 

Larry: "Yeah and I'm so happy we're back together for it. It will make tonight so much better". 

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