Chapter Twenty-Four: Lost

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The glass mirror that Larry stares into is wall-mounted; encircled by a frame of threadlike strands of silver. The shiny surface is free from smears giving a clear reflection. That reflection being one Larry doesn't recognize for he doesn't see himself. The old Larry wouldn't feel so down. The old Larry would still smile even if everything wasn't going right. The old Larry wouldn't want to feel like crying every other second like he's felt all day. The old Larry just wouldn't feel like this. It's so strange because only a month ago he was very happy and Anthony was a very big reason for that...but for the last twenty four hours Anthony is also someone he doesn't recognize. Actually, it started the night Larry heard that deep roar belt from within him that completely shook Larry. That Anthony is so different from the sweet, affectionate Anthony who loves crossword puzzles and always enjoys Larry's help with those just as much as Larry loves to rest his temple on Anthony's shoulder as they guess each one together. But, since last night Anthony has been distant. He's been short and snappy in his responses. Withholding affection and what's worse is Larry fears he cheated on him last night. Larry can recognize Anthony's cologne from miles away and he's 100% certain that the scent on him last night was not his. Anthony being passive and not responding only confirmed what Larry knows in his mind...and his heart. He hasn't asked or mentioned anything about last night even though the distance between them and the silent treatment Anthony is giving him makes it very difficult not to but he also doesn't want another argument. More than that, he doesn't want a repeat of what he now deems as scary Anthony which is what he's sure he will get if Larry is being too pushy. He doesn't know what's bothering him and more so why Anthony felt the need to be unfaithful but another night means another shift at his club and space between them is what they need even if it's just for a few hours. Larry takes one more look at himself in the mirror and releases all thoughts and how different he feels so he can focus on getting ready to leave. He can hear the sound of the TV Anthony's had his eyes glued to for the last several hours and he doesn't see it being a challenge to leave being that he isn't talking to him anyway. He's simply ready to get out of the tension that's so thick it could be cut with a knife so he quickly finishes up then heads for the front door...

Anthony's back is resting against the couch cushion as he stares somewhat angrily at the television. With this level of emotion even the funniest sitcom couldn't make him crack a smile. Let alone a laugh. Larry's eyes go to the long neck bottle of beer in his hands then he sees the three empty bottles on the table and he feels a knot in his stomach because it's alarming to see him drink so heavily. He's about to announce that he's leaving when he sees Anthony chug the last bit, place the bottle on the table then stand up and head for the kitchen. When he sees the fridge open and another bottle pulled out Larry quickly speaks up...

Larry: "I don't think you should drink so much". 

Silence falls as Anthony uses his bare hand to twist off the cap. He takes a long sip then looks directly in Larry's eyes as he replies in a cold manner...

Anthony: "It's just beer". 

Larry: "But it's still alcohol and it can make you sick if you drink too much". 

Anthony gazes at him and it would have never crossed Larry's mind that Anthony is about to repeat Larry's own words to use against him...

Anthony: "I'm a grown man. I can handle myself". 

Larry went from being concerned that Anthony is drinking so much to being annoyed that he would take it there so he scoffs then replies in an irritated tone...

Larry: "Whatever. Drink as much as you want. I'm going to the club". 

Anthony: "The club you refuse to quit". 

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