Chapter Twenty-Two: Missed Moments

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The lingering light once in the sky has been obliterated by the fallen night. The red and pink hues have been transformed into a pitch black that engulfs the beautiful town...which is also quiet at this time as it's a late hour so most are inside their homes warm in their beds on this chilly night. A canopy of luminous stars have materialized among the blackness above. Some are dull...merely flickering into existence every now and then, but there's an adequate amount of shimmering stars to illuminate the moonless night. The activity on the streets is that of people ready to have a good time inside the most popular club in town. The week has come to a close and on this Friday night there's a long line of smiling club goers eager to get inside and enjoy time of dancing to let loose of the week they've had be it long or stressful. Unwinding by perhaps having a drink or two prepared by the best bartender to ever grace this club who's inside working the bar like only he can. It's been a couple of hours since Larry's been doing exactly that and while he's always warm and friendly to everyone he's had some things on his mind. It's been a few days since he and Anthony had their first argument. Larry imagined their first disagreement would be a typical couple issue. Perhaps something pertaining to the household or discovering a quirk about the other. He never thought it would be Anthony suggesting that he quit the club. Sure, Larry doesn't need to work here as his modeling career is sufficient but he's never worked at the club out of necessity. It's because he enjoys the environment and he's met as well as worked with some great people. He's also bonded with a few and he's sure those are long lasting friendships. Anthony suggesting that he permanently leaves something that he's enjoyed so much has completely thrown him and while things have seemingly gone back to normal he's still in disbelief about it. That entire night had a couple of things happen that threw him actually. The biggest one being why he froze upon hearing Anthony saying he loves him. As much as he's thought about such reaction he still doesn't have a clear reason. With the exception of the club argument Anthony has been so good to him. Always making sure he's ok and that he eats even if it means cooking for him. He's joked that his cooking will never measure up to Larry's but just the fact that he tries warms Larry's heart. He always makes making sure Larry is comfortable when they're in bed at night ready to catch some z's...his arm always wrapped around his torso with a gentle, loving hold on him. Each night Larry feels a soft kiss to the back of his neck before Anthony falls into his slumber. With those things in mind he's tried so hard to push past this feeling on the inside of him that he isn't quite sure how to describe. Even working tonight he feels it and he couldn't be more relieved when he's able to hit the dance floor because it means he can release this tension. The time finally comes and when the crowd sees him coming they begin to cheer which lights that fire within him. He hits center stage then puts his eyes on the DJ and gives him a soft yet serious nod. The music begins and it's nothing short of mesmerizing from here on out. Mouths are dropping all around and while Larry can't hear conversation among several of the onlookers one can't resist sharing with a friend how he seems to be more powerful tonight than they've seen him in a while. Or ever. He's hitting every move with such power that eyes are going wide and several people are mouthing the word "wow". They don't know what's come over him...but they're thoroughly enjoying every moment of it and when he stops the crowd cheers louder than ever. It takes him several minutes to leave the dance floor as he has an abundance of people complimenting him on such awesome dancing. He welcomes it all with a warm smile and endless gratitude. Once the crowd disperses he makes a dash for the restroom to freshen up before going back to the bar. He pushes the door open and he's seemingly the only one in here for now so he walks over to the sink. He's relieved that he's danced most of the tension away so he can focus better on work until quitting time...but there's still something eating at him. He turns his wrist to check the time and it's officially going into a much later hour which only leads the way to him thinking about Anthony and how strongly he feels about Larry working so late. He hasn't mentioned Larry quitting again primarily because of how upset it made Larry when he did so he can't imagine there will be an issue about this when he comes home. For that reason he can't seem to figure out what has him so bothered still. He just shakes his head to shift focus then...exhales then cups his hands to catch some water to splash his face. Minutes later he feels refreshed so he leaves the bathroom and heads back to the bar to finish his shift...

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