Chapter Thirty-Two: Hidden Truths

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From the moment Larry stepped inside the familiar home that he's missed so much and dreamed of coming back to he and Laurent have been tightly embraced in each other's arms. Every moment with Anthony strengthened his desire to be here and now...he's here. Wrapped in Laurent's arms where he wants to stay forever. He hears the gentle, rhythmic beat of Laurent's heart and recalls the countless nights his head was rested upon that strong chest as his ear received a full, beautiful melody of such a powerful sound. Laurent attempted to pull away a couple of times but Larry wouldn't let him. He just held onto him tighter prompting Laurent to do the same as he placed soft kisses to his temple while Larry silently wept. Of course he knows that they have a lot to discuss and they will...but he simply can't let go yet. It isn't until he hears that soft voice whisper, "look at me bebe" that he does. It takes him a second but he eventually raises his head and looks deeply into those brown eyes. Laurent's heart nearly splits in two when he sees Larry's face soaked in tears. He takes a gentle hold of that sweet face and as it rests in his strong hands Laurent uses his thumbs to gently wipe those tears away. He then brings Larry's head forward and applies a soft kiss to his forehead before going back to gaze into those eyes...

Laurent: "I'm so glad you're home bebe". 

Larry: "I missed you so much". 

Laurent: "I missed you too", he whispers. 

Laurent wipes a few more tears away then gently caresses Larry's cheek. As anticipated as this moment was...and as beautiful as it's been they are aware that in order to get things back on track they have to dig deep and figure out the why before they can move forward and be even better than before. Laurent takes Larry's hand in his to begin walking them towards the living room. He feels a slight tremble to it so he squeezes just a little to soothe him. It seems to do the trick and once they're at the sofa Laurent sweetly instructs Larry to sit down while he heads for the kitchen. Larry rests against the cushion and begins looking around. When he hears some commotion in the kitchen he knows that Laurent is making some fresh tea to settle Larry's nerves so a small smile forms on his face because this is another part of their relationship that he's missed. Laurent's sweet gestures and the things they did for each other no matter how big or small. Minutes later Laurent is bringing over a mug containing the piping hot beverage as evident by the steam swirling up in the air. As he hands it over to Larry he whispers to him to be careful and take it slow as he sips. He then takes his seat next to him then watches as Larry bring the mug to his lips and after a few careful sips he leans forward to place the mug on the coffee table before slightly shifting his body towards Laurent. They stare at each other as if they're trying to determine who will start the conversation first. It's unnerving to say the least but it's the first necessary step. Laurent ultimately decides he will break the silence...

Laurent: "I am happy to have you home bebe. We just have so much to figure out like how all this happened and how to do better. Be better". 

Larry: *nods* "I know. I think the new therapist I go to can help us so I will call her". 

Laurent's heart instantly softens because he knows that his tumultuous relationship with Anthony is the reason he was even going to counseling. Laurent could tell it had been taking a serious toll on him. He remembers the day Dr. Cote informed him of what she noticed during their session and it breaks his heart in this moment as much as it did then. Laurent only knows of the market incident between his love, Anthony and Shawn. While there wasn't any evidence of physical abuse on Larry, Laurent knows whatever was going on was just as serious. Now that Larry is home he can find out so he reaches over to take a gentle hold of Larry's hand prompting Larry to slowly look at him. He sees nothing but pure love and concern behind those eyes and his heart skips a beat from such a look. He then hears Laurent's soft, sweet voice ask...

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