Chapter Twenty-Seven: Tension

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Larry is aware that tensing against the trembling of his body is useless...but over these last days he does it instinctively, trying to suppress for a few more moments what he knows he cannot and he has to drink in the silence to counteract the fear that threatens to engulf him. He thought the alcohol Anthony consumed had him out cold so there would be no way for him to hear Larry gather his things allowing him to slip out of the house and never return. But, as quiet as he was Larry's movement still awakened Anthony who's had Larry in his arms for countless minutes as the harsh scent of the alcohol wafts from him. Every few seconds he's pleaded with Larry to stop shaking while assuring him that he doesn't need to be so afraid even though Larry does. It's as if Anthony has forgotten that he punched a hole in the wall that caused Larry to run away then ultimately try to leave. Anthony slurred his words and sounded remorseful whilst begging Larry to open the door then in the blink of an eye he was yelling at him and commanding him to. Had Larry listened who knows what would have happened. Perhaps Anthony would have stormed in and pinned Larry against that wall completely intimidating him. Or perhaps the next punch would have been struck at him. That thought makes him tremble more and the silence that had fallen since Anthony's last whisper of assurance has now started again with him pleading to Larry to stop shaking. He doesn't realize that it's too hard of a task for him in this moment. Larry can't help but think that he was only a few minutes away from breaking free if it weren't for Anthony waking up. Now he just doesn't know what to do. Anthony eventually releases his hold on him to look in his eyes. Larry notices that there's a deep sadness behind them and he also appears to be on the verge of crying so Larry doesn't know how to respond...but it won't be necessary as Anthony is now speaking up... 

Anthony: "I've said this a lot lately but I really am sorry babe. I shouldn't have gotten so upset and it cuts like a knife to know I've scared you so much. I'm sorry". 

Larry softly nods although internally he isn't so quick to believe Anthony's words and he wonders if Anthony can see the doubt behind his eyes. He doesn't appear to and he steps back to seemingly say something else but as he runs his hand over his head he hisses loudly in pain as he doesn't realize he used the hand that went through the wall so he belts out an, "ahh shit" prompting Larry to jump. Anthony doesn't notice. He just sits on the edge of the bed and delicately grabs hold of his wrist as he doesn't want to touch the injury. Larry sees the amount of pain he's in and the only thought he has is to make sure things remain calm so he gulps then begins walking to the bathroom. Anthony looks up the moment he senses Larry walking away and watches his every move. Seconds later he's coming back with a few items in his hands. Now in front of Anthony he gets down on his knees and places all of the items on the floor next to him. Anthony eyes go to the pile and he sees things to clean up wounds as well as other items such as gauze and an ace bandage. His face instantly turns soft as he watches Larry soak a few balls of cotton with some antiseptic wash then take a gentle hold of his hand and begins lightly dabbing the cuts that a strong punch through drywall would do. Anthony feels stinging but he isn't reacting to it. He's gazing at Larry taking care of him and it's as if he doesn't feel any pain. Anthony scared him to the point where he didn't want to go near him then attempted to leave and here he is taking care of him. He can't help but look at him. Larry feels the gaze on him so he innocently looks up. Anthony gives him a small yet warm smile then raises his free hand...careful to not cause Larry to flinch and begins caressing Larry's face. Unable to hold the gaze Larry puts his focus back on finishing. He then begins wrapping Anthony's hand as carefully as possible starting with the gauze then the bandage. Eventually Anthony breaks the solid gaze to look down at his hand being wrapped and after Larry secures it he softly tells Anthony, "that should help". Larry then grabs everything and stands to his feet with Anthony's eyes following him again as he walks to the bathroom to dispose of the used items and wash his hands. When he comes out he begins heading for the bedroom door so in a panicked voice...

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