Chapter Ten: Shaky Ground

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Inside of this quaint home is mostly silence. There's the occasional drip from the faucet hitting against the stainless steel bottom of the kitchen sink ...the sporadic sound of cars in the neighborhood whisking by as they head to their destinations. Laurent's head is tilted back and his eyes are closed at the sensation of his manhood getting the last of his sweet juice that he released powerfully only moments ago in such a highly intense moment sucked delicately. When the warmness of this mouth first hit his wood he winced from the sensitivity. Then he relaxed into it as he felt that warm tongue sucking from the base to the tip. The moment he feels this mouth release with a soft pop he opens his eyes and looks down into the eyes of the man who just gave him such pleasure. Anthony. And his eyes are already looking up at him. So passionate, so sensual...and also very beautiful. He's not just someone who really knows how to handle his business sexually. He's also one of the most gorgeous creatures Laurent has ever set his eyes on. Those eyes. A hickory as rich as the earth's soil...stained with the color of hot chocolate on a cold, winter night that wraps around like a blanket...engulfs in its warmth and can make a person feel at home. They consist of raw passion and as Laurent looks deeper into them they reveal the exact thought that crosses the marvels of his ominous mind. That this moment was thoroughly enjoyed by Anthony too just as much as their previous moments that all began with the day Laurent could no longer resist and left the home he shares with his husband to experience this man again. And when he smiles. Wow. The corners of his beauteous eyes luster happiness in soft twinkles which reflect the light that makes his eyes copper against caramel. Likewise, his eyes glaze with a liquid that reveal pure bliss and also gives a sense of innocence and purity. This is the part where Laurent sees all the buried kindness eclipsed behind the saturated color. There's some sort of goodness in his eyes which tells Laurent that no matter what Anthony does their intention will never carry any hint of malevolence or malignity whatsoever. The kindness may not necessarily be shown or exposed...but as he continues to gaze down into those eyes all the mysteries that are hidden in the deep beds of those big, brown eyes are revealed. Laurent doesn't want to move from this spot and Anthony surely doesn't want him to either...but he eventually releases him as his eyes remain hooked onto Laurent's...

Anthony: "You taste so good", he whispers.  

Laurent: "I do", he asks seductively. 

Anthony: "Yeah you do". 

Laurent: "Thank you". 

Anthony: "You're welcome". 

Laurent: "This was amazing". 

Anthony's smirk is his reply and Laurent does the same. He then turns his head to look at the time then looks back down at him...

Laurent: "I'm sorry but I have to go". 

Anthony: "It's ok. I understand".  

Laurent bends over to pull up his pants and secure them around his waist then heads for the bathroom while Anthony gets dressed as well. He then walks to the kitchen and over to the fridge to retrieve a cold beer as he waits for Laurent...also thinking while he waits. It's been two weeks since Laurent came to this very home so they could engage in their first rendezvous and since then they've had many others. As he takes a sip of the cold, frothy beverage he's thinking about the times in between where he's been with Larry too. It was every few days that he was with one or the other and each time he knows that he shouldn't be at the top of what most would consider a twisted triangle...but he's never able to resist. They both excite something on the inside that draws him in each time. It's as if he gets something from each of them that he's never received before in past relationships or when he was merely dating. Larry. He's so sweet and his smile is electric. He comes over and they always spend several moments laughing together about something. No matter how small. He feels as though he's completely gotten to know him...and what he knows he's fascinated with. The sex is amazing and Larry always feels amazing. It's also soft, passionate and Larry completely lets go of his inhibitions when he's with him. He even shows a little vulnerability. He can't help but be attracted to that for they're all great qualities. Laurent. They too have had their moments of smiling and laughter...but the sex is near insanity and in a good way. In fact, their last erotic time together Anthony's body was covered in sweat and he was having orgasm after orgasm. After the second orgasm one would think he wouldn't have any more strength in him...but he simply couldn't stop. It's as if Laurent's warm hole was swallowing him completely so he just couldn't pull out. His continuous hard wood was also validation that he couldn't even if he wanted to. The experience was beyond words and Anthony had been eagerly waiting for the moment they were together again. When this day finally came and Laurent texted him to tell him he would be here soon, Anthony replied back telling him that he would leave the door unlocked so he could just walk in. Laurent did exactly that and was shocked to see him stripped naked on the couch and he was even more shocked that the condom was already in place with his member fully erect. Laurent seizes any opportunity to have that large piece in his mouth sucking hard and fast as he burns his eyes into Anthony's...but Anthony didn't want to waste any time. Laurent shut and locked the door then slowly walked over to him. Anthony already had his bottom lip sucked in and his eyes slowly traveled up and down as he watched Laurent removed every article of clothing from that hard body. He then extended his arms to attach to Laurent's hips to bring him forward. Laurent softly placed his knees on the couch ready to slide down that tall, awaiting manhood...but before he did they looked each other in the eyes and leaned forward to partake in a soft kiss then it was right down he went. They gasped deeply before Laurent began riding the wave of ecstasy and every time Laurent raised himself to stop at the tip Anthony remained in high anticipation of feeling him sliding back down to the rim. The sensation of it was enough to drive him crazy and boy does Laurent know how to ride. Anthony's hands were smoothly rubbing up and down his back as he placed kisses on Laurent's neck whenever he had access to it. He even removed his hands from his back and grabbed Laurent's ass to guide his smooth up and down rhythm. Laurent's mouth was mostly next to Anthony's ear...exhaling deeply every time he felt his prostate being hit over and over again but oh so gently. Ever so often he brought his focus to Anthony just to see the look on his face. There were light beads of sweat on his forehead as well as the tip of his nose...and his lip was still sucked in. His eyes were full of lust...but also of something deeper that Laurent couldn't quite read. The look was too erotic to refrain from a kiss and as he leaned forward Anthony slowly released his bottom lip to connect with Laurent's. From that moment to the next the passion steadily increased until they cried out at the sensation of their simultaneous climax followed by husky breathing as they fought to regain their strength. Now he's hearing the door to the bathroom open so he shakes himself out of his thoughts and seconds later Laurent appears fully dressed and fresh faced. Anthony places his bottle of brew on the counter then walks to meet him at the front door...

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