Chapter Seven: Danger Zone

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The deep voice of Anthony saying Larry's name caused a sensual feeling to come over him. And to add to that, he's standing there shirtless showing off that strong bare chest, rippling abs and a pair of black sweats hanging low enough to show the label of his underwear as well as that perfect V-cut. This body truly is near perfection and the glow from the moonlight is seemingly showing even more definition in each muscle. Larry is mesmerized and hasn't said more than a greeting as he's taken by the sexy specimen in front of him. He meticulously scans him up and down before meeting his eyes again and after a gentle clearing of his throat he finally speaks...

Larry: "I um, I know it's late and...."

Anthony: "No it's ok. I was just watching some tv. Come in". 

Larry softly nods and as Anthony steps to the side Larry walks right in...side eyeing him and that body that he just can't stop looking at. He hears a familiar sound so he puts his attention on the TV and smiles because it's one of his favorite shows so he turns around and smiles at him...

Anthony: *smile* "What"?

Larry: *smile* "You like this show too".

Anthony: *chuckles* "Yeah it's my favorite". 

Larry: "Mine too". 

Right away they begin discussing what they love so much about it even "re-enacting" funny scenes and they burst into laughter. It's beginning to feel like they're old friends merely catching up with each other. Anthony begins doing impersonations and they're so spot on Larry is near laughing tears. When the laughter begins to die down...

Larry: *smile* "You're really good at that".  

Anthony: *smile* "Thank you". 

Larry: "You ever think for acting"?

Anthony: *chuckles* "No. It's just for fun but thank you". 

Larry: "Welcome". 

Silence falls...but it isn't an awkward silence at all. Of course Anthony still doesn't know why Larry's at his home but even as they gaze at each other his face isn't that of confusion. He's merely waiting for Larry to say something so his facial expression is being eager to hear what the reason is. Larry's look at him, however, is one of nervousness and he isn't really sure how to say what he wants. He eventually decides to just relax and let the words flow...

Larry: "I'm supposed to be at my club right now but I just wanted to talk to you". 

Anthony: "Sure. About what"?

Larry: *soft sigh* "I don't really know how to ask this". 

Anthony: "Just say it", he replies softly. 

Larry hears that tender response and it immediately unravels his nerves and he does exactly that...

Larry: "You said what we did was great so I was just wondering if you've been thinking about it". 

Larry watches the adorable way Anthony smiles and chuckles then drops his head shyly and he feels butterflies in his tummy. With his head still down...

Anthony: *smile* "Yeah I do think about it". 

Silence falls again but instead of it being overshadowed by nerves, Larry is pleasantly surprised at his response. So much so that he's in high anticipation of what Anthony is going to say next so he studies his face intently. Nearly a minute goes by before Anthony slowly looks up and directly in his eyes and with a bold sexiness he states, "you guys want to do it again". Larry opens his mouth to reply...but the words are caught in his throat. It would be impossible to ignore the seductive way Anthony said that which is exactly why his words are stuck. He won't leave his question unanswered...but the way Anthony is acting is a huge turn on and maybe he should get out of here...

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