Chapter Three: Blindsided

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It's finally the night of the agreed upon tryst. Since agreeing, and having been told by Dani that she will ask some friends of friends of their interest, Larry and Laurent have been looking forward to it. The task of finding someone wasn't too difficult because their marriage is widely known around Paris of which more people show approval than disapproval and the buzz about it spread like wildfire although there weren't too many people to jump or quickly agree to it. When Dani finally called Larry to tell him that one of her longtime friends who they've also met before was interested it was still sort of a shock and Larry is still finding it somewhat difficult to believe that it was even Laurent who suggested it. He thought that if it ever came up Larry would have been the one to do it so there was a huge surprise factor that it was Laurent. It's been several days and while they keep their feelings about it low key they can tell that this is something they're also eager to partake in and neither of them seem to be thinking of the fact that this will be the first time they ever engage in something of this magnitude. In the days leading up they had a discussion and agreed that it will more than like be a one time thing and they're also in agreement that it could teach them a few things sexually that they've never tried before thus taking their own sex lives to another level. However, Larry and Laurent can't lie and say that they're not slightly nervous about what's to take place...but not so nervous that they're ready to back out of it. At the moment Laurent is away and Larry is at home enjoying a glass of ice tea while relaxing on the patio when he hears the door bell ring. Normally if he isn't expecting anyone the look on his face would be that of confusion as to who it could be...but something is telling him it's Dani. He actually has no doubt that it's her so he goes inside and on his way to the door he places the half-full glass of tea on the bar. He's in the hallway where there's an easy glance at the door ahead and sure enough he sees the silhouette of her through the door so his steps pick up because now he's wondering if she's ok. An impromptu visit when she came back was one thing because she wanted to surprise what she hoped would be both of them at the time...but normally she calls before she comes to make sure it's a good time so he's definitely worried something is wrong. He opens the door and the fact that she greets him with a worried look on his face precludes him from flashing his wide smile at her as he's always happy to see her...

Larry: "Hey Dani. Is something wrong"?

Dani: "Yes. Well, no. I mean...." *soft sigh* "Can I come in and talk to you"?

Larry: "Yes of course. Come in". 

Dani steps inside and as she walks past him Larry gets a glimpse of her profile. Her eyes are lowered and she looks really nervous. Perhaps it's something between her and Shawn...but then he remembers that he's still away for a dance project so the likelihood of it being a rift between them is very low. Once they reach the living room he sweetly instructs her to have a seat on the couch while he takes the seat in the chair next to it and right away he has a look of seriousness but more so...deep concern so he asks, "what's going on"? Dani doesn't say anything right away. It's as if she's trying to find the words...or she already has the words she just isn't really sure where to start. Larry then wonders if she and Shawn are in trouble...

Larry: "Are you and Shawn oki"?

Dani: *nods* "Yeah we're fine. I talked to him last night and the video is wrapping up so he'll be home soon". 

Larry: "Oki. So what is it"?

*brief pause*

Dani: "I...I just wanted to ask if you and Laurent are sure you want to do this". 

Now Larry's concerned face is magnified and he's wondering why this is bothering her so much so in a soft voice...

Larry: "Yes we're sure. Why do you ask"?

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