Chapter Twenty-One: Regret

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For several heartbreaking and agonizing moments Laurent's forehead has been lightly pressed against the steering wheel as he's belted out every emotion he felt in what was only his first therapy session. He knew it would be tough to talk about everything that's transpired in this last month and was seemingly prepared for the emotions that would accompany such a task...but he never expected to get hit with such a powerful revelation and now his heart is in turmoil. The crying became so strong that Laurent had to take in several slow, deep breaths to control it. When he was successful he slowly raised his head to prepare to drive...but the cloudiness in his eyes from the relentless tears precludes him from seeing what's ahead of him which would make it dangerous to drive. With his face soaked in tears he looks around for something to dry his eyes and luckily he spots a few napkins in the backseat so he quickly reaches for them then faces forward to begin dabbing his eyes. Little by little the cloudiness is going away though there's still a heaviness surrounding those droopy yet beautiful eyes. But, thankfully he can see clearly enough to drive home. He hesitates for another moment as he looks to his left at the building he just ran out of...still in disbelief with what just happened and if he was able to see it coming he would have braced himself for it. Being that he had no idea what turn this appointment would take and that it ultimately hit him with the hard reality makes his heart sink. He eventually looks forward then turns the key in the ignition and can finally back out of the parking space to head home...

Laurent managed to hold it together during the drive back. He's used to being alone and this large home being silence for the most part...but when he walked inside the silence that he's used to feels different. It's no coincidence that it feels this way after therapy and what Dr. Cote helped him realize. It could all be so different now if better choices had been made. Of course Larry made his too so it may not have changed anything. But, the possibility of what could have been had Laurent just thought of something else instead of suggesting a threesome is weighing heavily on him. Perhaps Larry would be here with him. Smiling and laughing. He's now walking past the kitchen where he has a vision of Larry standing at the island chopping vegetables like the master chef he is. So serious, so focused. The finished product always such a delight with Laurent making jokes about how fat he would be due to Larry's culinary skills if they weren't so active. He places his keys on the bar and as he continues looking at the beautiful figure who's merely a figment of his imagination he feels his eyes building with tears again. He began feeling a faint headache as he cried relentlessly in his car and with this onset of emotions it will likely be magnified. He manages to suck his tears back for the moment...but now his phone is ringing so he goes in his pocket for it and when he looks at the screen he answers swiftly. In a shaky voice he greets Shawn who can tell by that shaky voice something is wrong. He asks in a concerned tone, "what's wrong bro"? But, Laurent can't seem to reply. There's just the silent flow of his tears. Shawn calls out to him again and when he doesn't get a response for the second time he senses that Laurent is drowning in emotions. Therapy is more than likely the result so he quickly replies, "I'll be there in fifteen minutes bro". Laurent feels instant relief and is finally able to say something. He replies in a soft, shaky voice, "oki" then releases the call. These fifteen minutes may feel more like fifty as he really needs a friend right now...

Laurent hears the sound of the doorbell and he begins wiping tears away as he walks towards the front door. He hasn't been able to stop crying since Shawn told him he's on the way. He opens the door and when Shawn sees those red eyes his heart hurts for him. He figures this has something to do with his therapy session. He told Laurent that she's really good...but it seems as though she really hit something within him that's caused such deep emotions...

Shawn: "What happened bro"?

Laurent: *sniff* "It was therapy". *sigh* "Come in". 

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