Chapter Twenty-Six: Fury

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It's the day of Dani's surprise party and the weather is perfect for the occasion. Lately it's been rainy and dreary days but this day is a pleasant change and is also needed. Laurent is happy for Dani and he can't wait to see the joy in her face when she sees all of her loved ones joined together to celebrate this time with her. He's in the middle of getting dressed and he takes a moment to think about what a wonderful surprise it will be. He also thinks about how elated Shawn has been since he started planning this party for her. He called Laurent with the final details a couple of days ago and hearing the happiness in Shawn brought happiness to him. The night is for sure to be filled with the immense love between Shawn and his lovely wife just as much as it will be filled with a good time to all in attendance. Though as much as he anticipates that there's still a heaviness on his heart because he hasn't stopped worrying about Larry who does check in with him...but Laurent still hasn't heard his voice. Larry is only communicating through text messages. He doesn't want Laurent to hear his voice because it would be impossible to mask the inner turmoil he feels. Laurent would be lying if he said he didn't know Larry's reasoning for the avoidance because he's known that something hasn't been right with him since the day of their last business meeting...but there's nothing more he wants or needs than to hear his voice and he would give anything to hear it. He needs to assure him just as he does through the texts that he's here from him. Of course Larry did accept the invitation to the party as he couldn't imagine not celebrating her so as much as Laurent is happy to see Dani receive all the love she deserves he's also eager to see Larry. He's hoping to get some time alone with him even if it's just for a few minutes to look him in the eyes and hopefully get a dialogue going where Larry can open up to him. He knows that's what Larry really needs right now and if something is going on that's a danger to him Laurent needs to know about it so he can help him. The thought of Larry being hurt crushes his soul and he exhales deeply as he slides into his shoes thus completing his look. He then turns his wrist to check the time and if he leaves now he'll most likely arrive before the other guests to make sure that everything is in place to alleviate last minute checking for Shawn. In fact, he takes his phone out to send him a quick text telling him his plans and to not worry about anything as his focus will and should be on his beautiful wife. Shawn replies back happy and grateful then informs Laurent they will see him soon. He also makes sure to mention how he can't wait to see the look on his loves face. Laurent smiles as he playfully shakes his head then slides his phone back in his pocket before heading downstairs to leave...


Another Saturday means another full morning and most of the afternoon for Anthony at his gym. Before he left he made Larry his customary breakfast and since things have been calmer, although not necessarily better, Larry has been slowly but surely gaining his appetite back. Emotionally, he's still the same. Upon waking in the morning he stays in bed and barely has the strength to get up and do simple things such as brushing his teeth. He does of course but he goes straight back to the bed. No TV, no recreation. The only time he leaves the house is when it's time to go the club and even that's a struggle. The last couple of nights he's been there he hasn't danced and smiling was a task. It's an unknown number of times now that regular club goers and his coworkers have recognized Larry's downtrodden mood. Larry hasn't gone into detail with any of them nor will he so played it safe by saying he's just tired when asked if he's ok. The manager didn't believe him so he asked him if he needed to take a week or so off and although he was grateful for the offer he quickly declined. The last thing he needs is for Anthony to get a taste of him being home at night because he would only push Larry more to quit making an already stressful and difficult situation more of both. Dani's party is the escape he needs and he can only hope that he's able to keep his internal pain from being evident on his face. He knows Laurent will be there and he doesn't want him to know of anything or he will jump into action without question. Anthony has revealed more than enough layers of himself over the past couple of weeks so for Laurent's safety Larry is determined to figure how to get out of this on his own. For now, he's at a park because he didn't want to take the chance of Anthony coming home before leaving for the party. Otherwise Larry would have been faced with a barrage of questions and if he knows that Larry is going to a party where Laurent will be in attendance he shudders to think where that conversation would go. Anthony might go so far as to request that he stay home. Since Larry whispered for Laurent that night he gets the sense of heavy insecurity in Anthony when it comes to Laurent and he wonders if it will ultimately result in Anthony requesting that he stop modeling with him. Anthony gets so enraged during their arguments Larry can see that coming and he can't imagine what he would do when Larry refuses. He thinks about the last words Dr. Cote told him days ago. The best thing for him to do is to get out and he knows she's right. He just doesn't know how to do that because of the fear of what could happen and if Anthony thinks it has anything to do with Laurent he already knows where that can go bringing Larry the ultimate fear. He suddenly grabs the sides of his fro with his fists and slowly rocks back and forth as he just doesn't know what to do. He's fighting so hard to keep the tears from flowing...but lately that's all he's been able to do. He's careful as to not cry when Anthony is home but Anthony can't seem to get out the door all the way before Larry's deep emotional state consumes him prompting him to weep until he's depleted of his tears. If only he had a time machine. He would step in and go back to the day he showed up on Anthony's door step and not shown up at all. He would have re-opened the door of communication with his husband which would have made the outcome of this completely different. But, all he can do now is pull himself together and make the drive to the venue for Dani's party. Hopefully a resolution will come to him much sooner than later. He begins walking to his car and the calm breeze is cascading across his face while also drying his tears. The sensation does bring some relief and a sense of calm though he still feels an abundance of emotions as he drives...but he's confident that he'll be able to keep them in check since he's had some time in the peaceful park to release a bit of those emotions. He just wants the past few days off of his mind so this gives him the chance for that although he hasn't sent any communication to Anthony who isn't expecting to walk into an empty house. He doesn't want to tell him exactly where he's going but he knows it would be far worse to not tell him anything. Minutes later he pulls into the parking lot of the venue and finds a spot then once he's parked he takes his phone out to send Anthony a text...

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