Chapter 1

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Recommended: Read "When No One Would" before you read this book, BECAUSE THIS IS THE SEQUEL.

Also-- I know with my last book I was posting once a day... That may not happen with this one... But I'll try to update as much as possible.

I hope you enjoy! Feedback is always welcomed, good or bad... so let me know what you think! Thank you! :)

I sighed as I leaned forward and squinted at my computer screen. I just got home, but the work still didn't stop when I walked in the door. I had to read through each name on the roster to make sure they were spelled correctly before they were sent off to the Graphic designers.  Unfortunately I was only half way through what needed to be done that night when the sound of a key in my door distracted me.

I rolled my eyes and kept my attention to the screen. My door opened, then closed... Then someone let out a small sigh from behind me. "You're still working, Jess? It's Friday night. You should take some time off," Danny's soft voice said as he moved toward me and sat down on the stool next to me.

"Are you kidding me," I asked as I shot him the stink eye. "You act like you don't think about football on off days." He looked absolutely adorable in his plain white shirt and black jeans.

Danny sighed. "But I don't train on my off days," he reasoned as one of his hands trailed down and was placed on my knee. It was warm and comforting.

"Oh, but Danny... Babe... Darling... There's only one problem with that statement,," I told him with a small smirk. 

"And what is that, Jess," he asked as his beautiful brown eyes squinted back at me. He looked adorable.

This is the man I love. And this conversation is our relationship in a nutshell; we both like to tease each other-- it's our way of showing how much we love one another.

I shrugged and pursed my lips. "Last time I checked... I worked today... And that means that it's not an off day and I am allowed to work right now," I shot back as a small smile came onto my face. The look of dumbfoundment found its way onto his face-- Ha! I got him! 

Danny rolled his eyes and took his hand off my knee. "Oh my god, Jess! You've got to be kidding me! That's so not cool," he mumbled and playfully crossed his arms as a pout grew on his adorable face.

"See? Now let me work," I replied as I turned my attention back to my computer screen. I began to act like I was reading the names, because I knew Danny was just going to speak up.

"Lets go to dinner. I wanted to go on Monday... But you're out of town for work and stuff, and so am I... So let's do dinner tonight instead," Danny said excitedly. His big brown eyes had a wonderful, happy, shine in them. It practically made me melt.

I arched an eyebrow. "Why would we go on Monday? That's such an awkward day of the week to go out, babe," I replied, very confused.

"Do you seriously not remember what Monday is," Danny asked with his dark eyebrows furrowed. He tilted his head to the side just a bit.

What the hell could Monday be? "Uhm... No? Why would I know what Monday is," I asked. "Is it... I don't know... Your birthday is in like two weeks... So that's not it. I don't know, Danny, I'm at a loss."

Danny sighed and shook his head playfully. "You don't know what Monday is," he asked, disbelief taking over his face. 

I shook my head. "Care to explain, Babe," I asked as I tilted my head in question. "Cuz I really don't know what Monday is."

"Well... Monday marks our one year anniversary," Danny trailed off, his big brown eyes looking at me. "You know... Since we made it official?" He motioned to me and then himself. 

I had no clue what to say. I just sat there and stared at him, wondering if that was right. After a second it came to me... "Fuck! Monday really is our one year," I replied in shock. "Oh my god, Danny! I'm so sorry!" I slid off my chair and wrapped my arms around him. I buried my face in the crook of his beck and took in his scent-- His scent has always been the best.  

He slowly wrapped his arms around me in return and pulled me closer. "It's okay, Jess," he mumbled into my hair and rubbed my back up and down. "I know you're stressed with work and all... And I know you're extremely bad with dates. One of the first things you said was that you never kept count of that stuff." I could feel him smiling against my neck.    

I slightly pulled away from him and looked him directly in the eyes. His hands drifted down to my waist and held me there. My hands cupped his stubbly face. "I love you, Danny. Of course I'll go to dinner with you... I just really need to finish proof reading these names," I whispered and smashed my lips into his. 

When we pulled away from each other, Danny smiled at me. "I love you, too. I'll... I'll go get ready... Wear something nice." He tilted his head a bit so our foreheads could rest against each others. 

I rolled my eyes, but leaned further into his warm touch. "Can I just wear my work clothes? I'm too lazy to do anything," I complained as I pulled away and shot Danny a fake pout.

"I mean you could wear anything," he said as he stood up and began to make his way toward my door. He stopped and looked back at me as he swung my door open. "Or nothing. Either one works." He winked before he slid out and closed my door. "But if it's nothing... Then we're staying in this building!"

My jaw dropped. "Danny! Oh my god! I can't believe you just went there," I called after him as I crossed my arms over my chest.

He laughed in the hall, and then I could hear his door close.

He's unbelievable sometimes. I swear to god.

I rolled my eyes and sat back down on the stool, so I could finish up looking at the names as my stomach began to rumble at the sudden thought of food.

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