Chapter 34

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"I'm so sorry," I sobbed into the crook of Danny's neck as I began to cry harder. "It's all my fault. If... If I had known I was pregnant earli-," I was cut off by Danny pulling away.

He held my face in his hands. His sad, puffy eyes looked down at me. "N-No. There is no way this is your f-fault, Jess. Things... They just... They happen for a reason. We'll make it through, Jess, we alwa-," he was cut off by the sound of a wailing baby.

My eyes went wide. Danny stood straight up with wide eyes, and looked over toward where the doctor and nurse were standing, I could see just a bit as well. They were performing a few tests as the baby's little hands and feet moved around.

Seconds later, a baby wrapped in a little blanket with hot air balloons was brought over and slowly lowered onto my chest. "Congrats Mommy," the nurse said with a smile.

"Danny... I-I..." I looked up at him, he was frozen in his place. Happy tears began to move down my cheeks as I brought my hands up to the little bundle, hugging it tightly.

He nodded and squatted to be down at my level. "That's the most beautiful baby I have ever seen," he whispered, keeping his eyes locked on the bundle.

"We apologize for the scare. The umbilical cord was wrapped around the neck, cutting off air flow. It doesn't happen very often, but the time of death was March 22nd, 2015 at 9:34 pm and the time of revival was March 22nd, 2015 9:35 pm. The baby's health, surprisingly seems to be perfect. There is a 47% chance that there is some type of defect, but right now, everything seems to be well," the doctor informed.

I nodded as sleep began to come over me. The baby was lifted off my chest, and the next thing I knew, was I was fast asleep.


When I woke up, I was back in a standard hospital room, with Danny on my left, and a bassinet next to him. It was clear that Danny was beginning to nod off, but I needed to see the baby.

I moved a bit and realized exactly how sore I really was. There was a full ache in my lower half.

My hand met Danny's dark hair, pulling him back to reality. His beautiful eyes opened, looking at me sleepily. "Hi Babe. How are you feeling," he asked as he leaned into my touch.

I nodded. "Sore, and tired... but okay, I guess. C-Can I see the baby," I asked as I eyed the little figure in the clear bassinet.

He nodded. "Y-yeah. Our little miracle has been waiting for you," he said in a hushed tone. He stood up, swiped the baby up, then lowered it into my arms.

I smiled at the little pastel colored hat on the baby's head. I looked up at Danny, "Have you told Jules the gender yet?"

Danny shook his head. "No, he and Vick are waiting outside, they wanted to let you sleep. And I think they may have fallen asleep out there too," Danny replied.

"Go get em. I wanna see Jules' reaction," I mumbled as I looked down at the baby again. It had soft pale skin, thin lips, just like Danny's, and under the hat, I could tell there was a full head of dark hair— Danny definitely won the gene pool. Danny stood up and left.

I ran a thumb across the soft skin, and smiled as its eyes popped open. Dark blue eyes looked up at me. At first, I was surprised, but then remembered all the books that said humans don't get their real eye color until between three and six months.

After a few minutes alone with the little one, the door opened, and three people came shuffling in. I looked up and smiled softly.

"Hi Jules, hi Victoria," I whispered as I looked up at them with a little smile.

They were both frozen in their spots as they looked at the baby in my arms. My smile only got bigger as I nodded at Julian. "Jules... Would you like to meet your god son?"

Julian's blue eyes went wide. "G-God son?" His tone showed nervousness, and his face definitely showed the same.

Danny ushered Jules into the seat he was just in, and slowly took the baby from my arms and lowered him into Jules' arms. It took Julian a second, but the next sound was a sniffle. He looked up at all of us with watery eyes. "H-He's so beautiful. My god son... Oh my god. I love him."

I smiled and nodded. "He looks like Danny already, huh? All though I can't decide if he has Danny's nose or not."

Julian slowly nodded as he looked over at Victoria and motioned her over. She sunk down onto the armrest of the chair and looked down at the baby. "That's Danny's nose," Vick whispered as she ran her finger lightly over his nose.

Danny sat down on the edge of the bed next to me and kicked his legs up so he was lying on his side. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead and whispered, "Did Jules just admit that I'm beautiful?"

I giggled as I leaned into him and nodded. "Yeah, Babe, he did."

Victoria spoke up again. "What's the little guys name," she asked, as she rested a hand on Jules' forearm.

"Bentley James Amendola," I mumbled with a smile. "Even though Danny wanted to name him Oliver."

Danny scoffed, and probably rolled his eyes.

Julian looked up with raised eyebrows. "He's absolutely amazing guys. I'm so happy for you two," Julian said. "W-When Danny told me he wasn't breathing when he was born... I-I was terrified. I thought you lost him... But then Danny said they... they revived him. I'm glad he's okay... I-I..." Tears began rolling down his cheeks. "He's a miracle."

Both Danny and I nodded. "You two did perfect," Victoria said as she looked up and smiled a bit. "Jules, baby, can I hold him?" She tossed the big stuffed puppy into the bed near my feet.

Julian shifted Bentley into Vick's arms. She smiled down at him. "He's gonna look just like Danny," she mumbled. "I can tell already, total spitting image."

Julian wrapped his arm around Vick's back and rested his hand in her lap. She leaned into him as she continued to look down at Bentley.

"Hey Jules?" I asked softly, causing him to look up at me. "Did you really not look at what the gender was going to be when you got us that Christmas gift?"

He shook his head. "Nope... It was your business... And as bad as I wanted to know, I knew it was your guys' business and not mine."

I nodded, but didn't respond. I turned my attention back to Bentley.

Vick let out a yawn. "Oh man. It's already midnight. I should probably head home. I've work at 9." She stood up and slid him into my arms.

"I'll drive you home. No need for you to take an Uber this late," Julian said as he stood up. He looked over toward us and smiled. "I gotta take a picture of this."

I squinted my eyes but let him take the picture of Danny, Bentley, and I anyway. He moved forward to show the picture, that was when I noticed Danny asleep next to me. His head was resting on his arm, and his mouth was hung open just a bit. He was adorable.

"Send that to me," I mumbled sleepily. "Can... Can you put him in the bassinet and roll it over here for me?"

Julian did as I asked. "Sleep well, Jess. I'll be back after I train in the morning. Love ya." He placed a kiss on my cheek.

I nodded and slowly let my eyes close as the two made their way out of the room.

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