Chapter 3

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"Babe," I asked. I put my hand on his chest. His heart was beating unbelievably fast under my hand. "What is it?"

He let out a sigh and moved so he was sitting up a bit more. "Well... I was thinking about moving out," he began, his voice soft.

I looked at him confused. It wouldn't be the end of the world if he did. I'm sure that we'd still find a way to spend as much time together as possible. "Of course I'm okay with it, Danny. You don't have to be worried... we'll still see each other all the time."

Danny shook his head and gripped my hand a bit tighter. "No babe... I... There's a town house for sale like two or three down from Jules, and I wanted to go look at it," he continued, but took a long pause again.

"It's Julian! Why would I care if you live by Julian? You hang out with him all the time anyway," I told him. "You don't need to ask my permission, Danny."

He shook his head and closed his eyes. When they opened again, his beautiful brown eyes showed of a lot more nervousness. "No! Jess... I want you to come and tour the place with me... to make sure it's 'the place'... I want you to move in with me, babe," his velvety voice caught me by surprise.

My eyes went wide. "Wait what," I asked, shock evident in my voice. "What did you just say?"

"Will you move in with me, babe? I-I... Normally I wouldn't move during the season... but... I think this could be the perfect opportunity. And it's not too far from here and... Please Jess?" His brown eyes were wide and practically begging.

I thought my ears deceive me. He just asked me to move in with him... then it hit me. We already practically live with each other. We spend more of our time chilling together in our apartments together than we do apart.

Granted, we are both busy people with our jobs and traveling, but we spend nearly every second together anyway. We also tend to sleep in the same bed together as much as possible, as well.

I was brought back to reality when Danny's warm hand cupped my cheek. "Babe?"

I shook me head. "Sorry... I Uh... Zoned out..." A smile made its way onto my face. "I'd love to move in with you, babe," I mumbled as I kicked a leg over his waist and lied down on his chest. "We practically already live together."

He let out a nervous laugh and kissed my forehead. "Good. I'm glad, I was nervous for nothing then," he whispered. "I love you."

"I love you, too... Do you have to leave tomorrow," I asked, a pout on my face— even though he couldn't see it.

I could feel him sigh against me. "I do, babe... But just remember you'll be leaving on Sunday anyway." His chest vibrated against me. "It's me that will be having the heart attack. You're not back until Wednesday... That means that I've gotta spend my whole day off with Julian and I don't get to snuggle with you that evening."

I rolled my eyes. "We both have to suffer, Danny. We've gotta go like four days without each other," I mumbled. "Although, I do get to have a hotel room all to myself... and no one will be there to bother me... or snore and keep me awake," I joked and placed a kiss on his tanned chest.

He didn't say anything, so I looked up at him to find him playfully pouting down at me. His brown eyes were absolutely beautiful. "I don't snore," he finally whispered.

I smiled and shook my head. "Yeah you do, babe. You snore so loud... and it's literally only during the football season. Why do you think I'll only sleep on top of you during the off season," I pointed out.

"I thought it was because you liked to piss me off and keep our body temps up when it was already extremely hot out," he joked as be brought a hand up to my face and cupped my cheek. "I'm going to miss you, Jess. Please be safe."

I playfully rolled my eyes. "You're the one who will be playing football. I'm literally there to assist the team and make sure people get there on time," I mumbled. "The good news is, is that I'll be here for your birthday."

He smiled. "Good. I want to spend my birthday with you. That'll be the perfect day," he replied. "I love you so much Jess, I look forward to taking the next step in our relationship. I'll text you when I find out about when we can go and see the place... Would Wednesday be too early? You get back in the morning... right?"

I nodded. "Yeah... I'll be back at like ten... so maybe that afternoon after your practice? Will you pick me up from the airport? Or are you gonna make me walk back here," I asked as I leaned down further so my lips were hovering over his.

"I'll let you know. If we just have team meetings... Then yes... If not... Then I don't know," he whispered. His lips met mine.

When we pulled away from each other, he smiled and ran a hand through my hair. "I look forward to waking up to you every morning," he mumbled. His eyes had a little sparkle in them.

I giggled. "Dola, babe, you already wake up next to me just about every morning," I replied and laced one of my hands through his dark hair.

He was smirking up at me. "That may be true, but I can't wait until I can bother you while you're doing your work in OUR house."

I rolled my eyes. "Danny! You're absolutely ridiculous! You already come to my place to bother me while I'm working! Why did I ever give you a key?"

He laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist before he flipped me over, so my back was on the bed and he was pinning me down. "I love bothering you, though. And you gave one to me because you love me," he dipped his head down and placed soft kisses at the crook of my neck.

I brought my hands up to his bare sides and smiled. "You're right about that, Danny. I do love you. But, we can't do anything tonight... I already told you." I pushed him away slightly.

He rolled his eyes. "Periods are the absolute worst! I just wanna show you how much I love you!"

"I already know how much you love me, Danny... but... I only get it every three months-ish! You can thank my birth control for that," I mumbled and shook my head.

"Ugh! It's been like four days! It's been too long!" He was really beginning to whine. "This isn't fair."

"Four days is nothing, babe. You'll get some soon, I promise," I giggled as I smiled up at him.

He gave me an amused look and rolled off me. He stayed on his side so he was facing me. "Not soon enough! You're outta town until Wednesday," Danny complained, sad brown eyes looking back at me.

"Stop being so horny," I complained and pushed at his chest so he was lying on his back. "If you're so anxious to take care of the issue that was just pushing up against me... You've got two hands! Go to the bathroom!"

"I despise you," he mumbled before he slid out of the bed and made his way toward the bathroom.


Hope y'all enjoyed! :)

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