Chapter 8

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I only looked up at Julian with watery eyes. He slowly moved toward me and sat down on the edge of the couch. "Jess... Bubs... Why aren't you on your road trip," he asked softly as he brushed some hair out of my tear streaked face.

I just looked up at him, trying not to cry. "Jess... Hun... What's wrong? What happened," he questioned. I didn't answer, I didn't trust my voice. Tears began to pull from my eyes. "Woah... Hey... No... No crying." he said as he removed the pillow behind my head and slid into its place.

My head was resting on his thigh as he tried to hush me. By time my sobbing fit was over, his jeans were a dark blue. "What's wrong Jess," he asked calmly as he ran a hand through my slightly greasy hair.

I shook my head against him. "Come on... We've gotta talk about it... Clearly there is something wrong-- You skipped out on your road trip. You love traveling."

It took me a few seconds to find my voice. "I-I... I think Danny and I are--," I cut myself off with a sob. "Are done..." I began crying harder again.

"What happened? Why are you two done," he asked, concern evident in his voice.

I shook my head against his thigh. "I-I can't make you the middleman, Jules. I can't do that to you," I mumbled into his jeans. "That's not what friends do-- it's not fair."

Julian sighed. "You're like a sister to me Jess. Danny is one of my best friends, but you know damn well that I'd stand up for my sister if my best friend hurt them," Julian mumbled softly.

"I-I don't want to put you in the middle," I repeated. "I can't." I began to choke on my breath. I began coughing, and Julian rubbed my back.

"You need to talk to someone, Jess... There is no way I'm letting you bottle this up and lie here in a depressed ball," Julian pointed out with a sigh.

I shook my head. "He... He didn't even tell you! He just walked out on me. I-I'm terrible and he walked out on me. And now I need to be out of here by Wednesday and I don't have a place to go! Jules! My life is falling apart," I cried out as I sat up, wrapped my arms around his torso, and sobbed into his chest.

His arms wrapped around me, pulling me into him, as he rubbed my back up and down. "Shh Shh... what did you two argue about," Julian asked into my hair.

"At... at your house I heard him talking about the extra room being for kids... and... it's... it's been bothering me... I told him last night," I choked on my breath. "I told him I didn't want kids. And he... he didn't say anything! Eventually he just left. Jules... I'm a terrible person! I've lost the best thing I've ever had."

"Woah... Hey Bubs," he said as he hugged me tighter. "You're not a terrible person. You just want different things. I'm sure you could talk it out after everything is settled."

I pulled back and shook my head. "He walked out Jules. He fucking just walked out. I-I can't face him again. He probably doesn't want to see me! I heard you in the hall! He did everything possible to not talk about me! He doesn't want anything to do with me. We're done Julian."

Julian let out a sigh and shook his head. "Jess," he mumbled and let out a sigh. "He loves you too much to let this break you guys up. I'm sure he just needs time to think. Did he ever actually say that you guys were over?"

I shook my head. "N-No... But he just walked out. I-I... Julian... I don't know what to do without him," I cried and closed my eyes a bit. I let out a yawn as sleepiness began to take me over.

"It's okay, Jess... Just take a nap... I'll be here when you wake up," he mumbled as he held me to him.

I really have the best best friend in the world.

Sometime later, I woke up to a phone ringing, and then Jules shifting under me. "Hello," he asked quietly. "N-No... I won't be there for a while... Yes, everything is okay, man... I just got tied up. I'll be there in an hour or so. Yep... Okay... See ya, Dola."

I sniffled and pulled my head from Julian's chest. "That was him?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes. Julian slowly nodded. "He's all moved in then?"

"Yeah, he is, Jess... I-I was thinking... Your lease is ending... You... You can move in with me in the meantime. I know you hate my white walls... but, it's the least I could do for you right now," he said, a caring look present in his blue eyes.

I looked at him with my eyebrows scrunched together. "You'd do that for me, Jules," I asked. He nodded at me and placed a hand on my thigh. I moved forward and hugged him tightly. "At least I have someone."

** Danny's POV **

I sighed as I fell back onto the couch and looked around the new place. It was absolutely huge, and I couldn't wait until Jess' stuff was going to be moved in.

I couldn't get her off my mind. She dropped a big bombshell that she didn't want kids, and she thought that because I did, that our relationship would be over. The truth is, is that even though she may not want kids, I could never leave her.

Jess is my everything. As I thought about last night, I really shouldn't have walked out on her. I couldn't help it though-- hearing her saying that I could break up with her hurt... It made me want to cry my heart out. She'd always be my number one concern— And I wish she knew that.

I let a few tears slip in front of her, but decided to separate myself before I could start sobbing. I didn't want her to see me so weak, especially if a break up was what she wanted... it could make her sympathetic and not get what she wanted— a break up... and I want her to be happy, whether it's with me or not.

"Oh Jess, let us be okay," I mumbled as I rubbed my hands down my face. "I can't lose you."

Tears began to fall down my face. I didn't want to bother her, so I could only pray that she'd shoot me a text when she landed for work; like she normally does.

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