Chapter 15

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"Okay, so we'll have a raffle table over there... A merchandise table over there... An event poster that everyone can sign there... And... then a check in there... And then a signature table in the bar," Brad asked, looking over the list of things he wrote down while we were inside.

I nodded as I packed up my bag with my binders and pens. "That's right. I'll get the decorations and sign ordered up on Thursday when I'm back into the office," I told him as I lifted the strap of the bag up to my shoulder.

"That sounds great, Jess. I really appreciate all of this... Do you wanna grab dinner on the way home? It's already 8:00," he mentioned as he checked his watch.

I thought for a second. Danny was going out with Rob tonight to be his wing man, so he wouldn't be back until late, and I really didn't want to cook. "Yeah, sure. Danny is out with Rob tonight."

He nodded. "Okay, is Wahlburgers okay? I've been dying for a good burger," Brad asked as we walked out of the building, and to his truck that was parked by the curb.

"Sure... That's fine with me," I said as I pulled myself up into his truck.

Within a few minutes, we were pulled up to Wahlburgers, and headed inside. When we got in the door, I was shocked to see Jules and Victoria sitting at a table in the corner.

They both had big smiles on their faces, and Julian's hand was on top of Victoria's on the table. If they would've been there as 'friends', I would've gone over to say hi, but the looks they were giving each other were like the looks Danny and I give each other when we undress one another with our eyes.

"What do you want," Brad asked as he pulled his wallet out.

I rolled my eyes and pulled a 20 out of my pocket. "Nothing. I'll be paying for myself."

"Ugh. You're so complicated. Are we eating here? Or just wanna get it to go," he asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Honestly, I just wanna get it to go. I'm so tired." He nodded.

Twenty minutes later, I was jumping down from his truck with my work stuff in hand as well as my paper bag from Wahlburgers. I was surprised to see the lights on in our bedroom, so I cautiously unlocked the door and waved at Brad before I made my way into the house and closed the door.

When I looked around, I saw Danny's keys sitting on the coffee table, and his leather jacket sitting on the edge of the couch. "Danny? Are you home?"

There were a few shuffles in our room, and then Danny came out in a pair of mesh shorts and a Patriots shirt. "Yeah, Rob cancelled on me," he answered, but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me standing there with the bag in my hand. "Oh... You already got dinner?"

I nodded. "Uh... Yeah... Brad stopped because I didn't want to cook," I replied with a shrug as I made my way to the kitchen and put the bag down on the kitchen island.

Danny let out a huff. "I was going to cook for you and I," Danny said softly, slightly sounding hurt.

I sighed. "I-I mean... I can put it in the fridge and just eat it tomorrow," I told him as I raised both eyebrows.

He rolled his eyes and waved me off. "N-No... It's fine... I'll just make something for myself then," he mumbled and sucked in a small breath before shaking his head and walking toward the fridge.

I sighed and put my work bag down, then went to our bedroom to change. When I came out he was standing at the stove... Making scrambled eggs.

I giggled, walked up behind him, and wrapped my arms around his abdomen. "I love you," I mumbled as my lips found his neck.

He shifted his weight so he was leaning into me a bit. "I love you, too," he whispered.

After a second of us standing there, Danny reached over for a plate and tossed his eggs onto it. I pulled away from him, so he made his way over to the island, where we both sat down. I pulled my burger out and looked at him contently. "How was your day, Babe," I asked.

He began stuffing his mouth and shrugged. "Okay. I mean we had practice... And then I had to coach Jules through texting Victoria so he wouldn't make a fool of himself." A small smile made its way onto his face.

I giggled. "That sounds great. He's seriously shit with dealing with girls," I commented as I took a big bite of my burger.

Danny chuckled and nodded. "You've got that right... How was your day?"

I shrugged. "Okay I guess... Brad and Torey played a prank on me today at practice. Torey acted like he was hurt and Brad came in freaking out... so then I go to help Tor... and he just started laughing... Brad was gonna throw shaving cream in my face, but over threw it and got Torey," I told him as I chuckled. "And now Brad's fundraiser is officially planned."

Danny sucked in a breath, leaned back in his chair. "I can't wait for my off day tomorrow. You're off, too, right?"

I nodded. "Yep. I was thinking that we could just relax at home all day and I cook. It's supposed to snow tomorrow. I think they said like six inches," I said as I looked over at him.

He nodded slowly. "Okay... Yeah... That sounds great. Hey, they put up the new season of Shameless on Netflix, do you wanna watch it tonight," he asked as he sat up and looked at me with wide brown eyes.

I sighed. "It's nearly 9:30, Danny... I'm kinda tired... I've been up since five," I admitted as I stood up and threw away my garbage.

"We can watch it in bed," he offered as he got up and put his stuff in the sink to soak. "I-I just kinda want to have your company."

I nodded slowly. "Yeah... That's fine... I'm gonna fall asleep like right away though," I said and let out a yawn.

He shrugged, put his hand on the small of my back and directed me to the bedroom as he flicked off the lights. When we got in our room, he gently pushed me down on the bed and reached down to bring my shirt over my head. Next he pulled my pants off and trailed soft kisses from my knees and up my body until he met my lips.

I wrapped my arms around him as he sat on the bed and held him there. His brown eyes were soft and caring. "I love you, Jess," he said softly and put his hand on my bare thigh.

I rested my forehead against his and let our lips meet. "I love you, too, Dola. So, so much."

He smiled at me as he pulled away. "Let's get you to bed," he said as he began to strip down to his briefs. He slowly lifted me up and pulled the sheets back.

Then I was lowered onto the bed and the sheets were pulled up to my chest. He slowly crawled over me, and slid into his side, then pulled me to him.

I rested my head on his warm chest and draped my arm over his stomach. His heartbeat was so calming. "You're my everything, you know that, right?"

I pulled my head up from his chest and raised an eyebrow as I put my hand flat on his stomach. "What's up with you these past two days? Of course I know that. You show me every day. What's wrong," I asked as I squinted my eyes down at him.

He grabbed my hand off his stomach, brought it up to his mouth, placed a kiss on the back of it, then put it down on the left side of his chest— over his heart. His heart was pounding.

"Nothing's wrong. I just wanted to remind you that I love you, and you're my everything," he mumbled as his brown eyes stayed locked on me.

I sighed. "I love you, too, Danny. You should know that."

"I do... I just... I never wanna lose you," he whispered and broke he contact.

I leaned in with a smile, and let my lips meet his. "You won't, Danny."

His arms wrapped around my back and pulled me into him as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

Like No One Could | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now