Chapter 13

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** the last chapter was so bad that I had to do a double update!

I sighed as I sat down at my desk and began to list a few things that would be needed to market Marchy's bowling fundraiser.

As I sat there, I couldn't help but think about how exciting it was to be going home today. The Bruins are playing the Nashville Predators tomorrow, and much to Danny's dismay, I'm staying there an extra day to see my family.

All he did was pout when he found out I'd be gone during his game, which I couldn't necessarily blame him, but I was really beginning to miss my family. I really wanted to see them before the Hockey season would be in full swing, and I wouldn't be able to make it home for the holidays...

They've met Danny once, and really liked him, asking me to even bring him around again... but the two of us are so busy that it hasn't happened, and probably won't happen until after the football season and we have another game there, or until we're both in our off seasons.

I glanced at the time on my computer screen and groaned, 6:05. I didn't have much time before I needed to head to the airport to meet the team.

Before I packed up my desk for the journey to Nashville, I checked my phone and saw a text from Danny.

Danny 6:03

Hey babe, fly safe and tell your family I say hi. Have fun. I look forward to snuggles when you get back Monday. Love you :*


When I got on the plane, someone was sitting in my normal spot... None other than Brad Marchand himself. I sighed and shook my head as I sat down next to him.

"To what do I owe this pleasure, Marchy," I asked as I stuffed my carry on under the seat in front of me.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to meet up tonight at a coffee shop in Nashville to talk about the fundraiser," he asked, honey colored eyes looking at me.

I sighed. "I- Yeah sure. I'm not seeing my family until after the game tomorrow anyway," I Replied. "How long do you think it's gonna take? I'm like really tired and do actually have to work tomorrow."

"I don't know... Like an hour? Two tops? We just need to talk about stuff for advertisements," Brad said with a shrug.

I nodded. "Now, let me take a nap. I've been up since 5:30 because I had to run into the office this morning to work on some stuff for you," I told him and rested my head back with my eyes closed.

"Okay... I'll wake you up when we land," he replied, as he knocked our knees together.

If I had my eyes open, I wouldn't rolled them so hard that they would've fallen out. But they weren't and I began to drift off.

Later on in the day, after we checked into the hotel, there was a knock at my door as I was lying back and enjoying some Hell's Kitchen. Of course, none other than Brad Marchand was on the other side— he was really beginning to annoy me.

"Hey Jess! Do you maybe wanna go now? Some of the guys want to go out tonight," he asked, his eyes big.

I sighed. "Yeah, give me a second to change, okay? I'll be right out." I closed the door before he could say a word and made my way to my suitcase. Once I was changed, I slid out of the room and began walking alongside him.

He and I made our ways down the stairs and he began to speak, "Thank you so much for doing this, Jess. I know how busy you've been... So I appreciate it." 

I nodded. "It's no problem at all, Marchy. I mean... I'm earning money while doing it too... And... I think it's good to make money and keep it aside for when it's really needed," I noted aloud as we walked out of the building and made our ways down the sidewalk. "Are there any good coffee shops that you know of?"

"I-I... No I don't... But... Why would you need to keep your money aside? Don't you always complain that Danny won't let you spend any money? Now, I too would like the fact that a girl didn't want my money... But... Do you not think you and Danny are going to last? I'm all for working... But... Why are you acting like you need to save up?"

I rolled my eyes. "I-I... It's just how I was brought up. I always want to do stuff for myself. I don't give a damn about Danny's money... I don't want to need a single part of it. However, it could be good to have a backup plan." I shrugged and thought for a second. "I guess you never really know if things will last forever... So I'd rather be prepared if it ever does happen."

Brad let out a long sigh. "Don't even think like that," he said as his eyes lit up, "Oh! There's a coffee shop! But anyway... You two are perfect for each other! Everyone sees the way you look at one another!"

"I know! And I love him with all my heart... But... You just... Never know," I told him.

He stopped and turned to face me, both of this hands grabbed my shoulders to hold me in place. "For the love of god, Jess, don't you dare feel that way. You're made for each other. You two are going to grow old together and you know it."

I rolled my eyes and pulled from his grip. "I-I hope so... Now... Can we please go to get some caffeine? I don't wanna fall asleep while we're actually doing business and not talking about my personal life."

Brad rolled his eyes and pulled the door open to the shop for me. "You go grab a seat... What do you want to drink?"

"Just a small black coffee please," I responded with a half smile. "Do you want me to give you any money for it?"

He rolled his eyes and waved me on. "No, Jess, just go grab a seat. I'll be right over."

I nodded and moved over to a table by the window. When I sat down I slid my phone out of my pocket to see a text from Danny, and a text from Jules.

Danny 4:23

Hey babe. I love you and miss you. Hope you're having a good time.

I smiled and quickly texted back a 'Love you and miss you too'

Julian 4:15

He and I just started hanging out and he's like whining about you. Come back please... Then maybe I could actually be spending my time with Victoria instead of this big baby.

I giggled and shook my head as a cup was placed in front of me. I smiled up at him. "Thanks Marchy."

He smiled back at me and then took a sip of his drink. "It's no problem, Jess... Now lets get to planning some of this advertising stuff!"

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