Chapter 31

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I snuggled into Danny's arms while we relaxed on the couch. "We've only got like two weeks," I mumbled as his hand began to rub circles on my rather large stomach. "Two weeks and it'll no longer just be us."

He nodded and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. "We should probably start talking about names. We've both been too busy to even think about names," he replied. "First off, absolutely nothing that could make Julian believe we're naming it after him in anyway."

I giggled, but nodded.

The baby began to kick, causing him to leave his hand in one place. "How about little kicker? It's kicking like there's no tomorrow. How hasn't it broken your ribs yet?"

I shook my head and shrugged. "I don't know," I whispered as I picked my phone up and googled a list of baby names. "The kicking has done a number on my bladder the past few weeks though."

"I wish our little one didn't hurt you like that," Danny whispered and pulled me closer to him.

I began scrolling through the list for some names. "Oh," I said excitedly, "what about Adrian? I love that name!"

Danny shook his head. "Nah. That's too... I don't know I went to school with someone who had that name... He was a total jackass... Yeah... No... Not gonna happen."

I sighed, but nodded. "What about Stacey?" I looked up at him with a fake smile.

He looked down at me with amused brown eyes. "You're funny. Yeah. No. You know I said that I refuse to name our child after a family member... Especially when she was a raging alcoholic and absolutely nuts, Jess," he said. Without looking into his eyes, I knew he was rolling his eyes at me. "You've gotta be playing with me."

I smiled and nodded. "I know, I am, Babe... What do you like?"

He sighed as he began to scroll through my phone. "What about Logan?"

I scrunched my nose. "No. I-I... Yeah no, sorry Danny. Oh! Sam or Reilly?"

Danny shook his head. "I love this one! What about Oliv-."

I cut him off with a screech and zoomed in on my favorite. He tightened his grip around me and kissed my forehead. "That's perfect. I absolutely love it, babe." He kinda bounded disappointed.


"Danny, do we have to have a baby shower," I asked as we pulled up to the Brady household.

Gisele insisted on throwing a baby shower, despite me not wanting it. Danny and I both thought that it may be best not to argue, because she helped us find out the gender, but we have yet to tell anyone what it is— not even our family.

I sighed as I unbuckled myself and put my hands at the top on my stomach. My shirt was riding up, showing my ugly stretch marks, so I pulled it down. I felt insecure about them, despite Danny always telling me that it only showed how much our love was growing everyday.

When I looked over at Danny, he was shooting me a concerned look.

"What?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Are you feeling okay? You seem like you're kinda outta it today," he said as his right hand moved over and he placed it on my knee.

I nodded and unbuckled my seatbelt. "Yeah... I just don't wanna be here. I'm really tired," I mumbled, but popped the door open anyway.

"We can turn around," he whispered.

I shook my head. "We're already here. Let's just go. Besides, Gisele has been planning this for like a month now."

Like No One Could | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now