Chapter 6

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** NOT edited

After we got back from Jules', Danny grabbed my duffle bag and brought it up to my apartment for me. "Here ya go, babe. Is seems like you'll be doing a lot of laundry this week," Danny said as he placed it on the ground by the door.

I nodded as I yawned. "Yeah. I probably will. I have to be into work tomorrow really early, though... So I've gotta go to bed," I told him as I began to shuffle toward my bedroom.

"Okay, Babe. I'll be in in a few minutes," he said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket; he must've gotten a text.

I paused for a second. I kind of wanted to be alone. My mind wouldn't stop drifting to the fact that he wanted kids. "O-okay... I'll... I'll just be in bed then. Come in when you're ready," I mumbled and walked into my room. I threw on an oversized shirt, but kept my bra and underwear on. I slid into bed, made sure my phone was plugged in, and lied down so I was on my stomach, so my face would be turned away from Danny once he came in.

A few minutes later, he did come in. I could hear his clothes hitting the floor, and then the bed dipped down. "You're wearing a shirt tonight," he asked as he put a hand on my back.

I nodded and let out a sigh. "I'm a little chilly," I mumbled into the sheets, keeping my eyes shut.

He reached over and pulled me to him so my back was to him, we were effectively spooning. I let out a huff and pulled from his grasp. "Danny, I need sleep. No fooling around," I groaned as I moved back to the position I was just in.

Danny let out a long huff. "I-I wasn't going to do anything, babe," he mumbled as he leaned over and turned off the lights. "I-I..." I began letting out breaths that were much more even-- making it look like I was asleep. "Goodnight. I love you."

He moved, presumably so he was lying down. After a few minutes passed, his soft snores filled the room, causing me to lie there awake.

I was perfectly content with this being the rest of my life... with just him and me... But, add a kid to the equation? Oh god. A little me or a little Danny crawling into the sheets between us because they're scared of the thunder... Or us waking up to a baby bawling it's head off and having to choose sides... It's hard enough for me to handle a relationship with how much I work... And Danny? We would both be on road trips at the same time and wouldn't have anyone to take care of a kid...

I've always wanted a black lab... But there's a reason why I don't have a dog-- I simply don't have time for one... And Danny and I simply wouldn't have time for a kid. It took me forever to just get to where I am today with my dream job... I couldn't give it up that easily...

It wasn't until then that I realized I was crying. I sniffled quietly and slid out of my bed, grabbed my pillow and shuffled out of the room. I placed my pillow on the couch, grabbed a few blankets, then made myself comfy, before slowly falling to sleep as more tears ran down my cheeks.

I didn't want to lose Danny. I've heard of so many relationships being ruined because each party didn't agree on the children situation.

What I had to do now, was forget everything... and just live in the now... if that was possible.


"Jess," Danny's hushed voice mumbled. "Jess." There was a loud sigh, the couch dipped down, and then there was a hand on my back. "Babe, your alarm is going off."

I kept my eyes shut, not wanting to move-- I was waking up on and off all night, so I was extremely tired. "Leave me alone," I grumbled and burrowed deeper into my blankets. "I wanna sleep."

"Come on, Jess," he said, raising his voice a bit more. "Don't make me get a cup of water and pour it on you."

I let out a huff and pushed myself up. "Fine," I practically shouted as I pushed him out of the way and practically ran to my bedroom where I slammed the door and quickly threw on clothes that were presentable.

Once they were on, I moved to my bathroom, brushed my hair, and stuffed my phone in my pocket. When I got out of my room, Danny was casually standing at my counter drinking a cup of coffee. His tanned skin was on display, and yes, was a jaw dropper... but then I remembered yesterday and let out a sigh.

"Thank you for waking me up, babe," I thanked as he moved in front of him and place a peck on his stubbly cheek. "I'll see you later." My voice was sweet— almost too sweet.

"Babe, you missed," he mumbled as he put his hand at the small of my back and pulled me to him, so our fronts were together. His lips smashed into mine. "I love you. Have a great day at work."

I rolled my eyes and made it look like I playfully pushed him away. "I will. Have a great practice, Dola."

I quickly moved out the door and was off to work.

When I got to work, Brad Marchand was waiting outside of my cubicle. "Hey Marchy, what's up," I asked as I slid in and sat down in my chair.

"Well I was wondering if you'd thought about the fundraiser. It's scheduled for Sunday, January 18th. The bruins aren't scheduled for a game that day... so would you be willing to do it? Please Jess? I'll pay ya five grand," he begged, brown eyes looking down at me. "And I'll pay you ten percent based off of what we pull in."

I sighed and thought. That would be the weekend of the Championship... I'd have to miss it if the Pats went that far. That's... If Danny and I are still together— I was feeling sick thinking about us not being together.

"I-I..." I let out a long sigh, but eventually nodded. I could use the money. "Sure, Brad... what kind of Fundraiser is it?"

"Oh! This year the Bruins handed the bowling fundraiser over to me... So its the bowling one," he replied, excitement in his voice.

I nodded. "Alright. That sounds good, Marchy. I'll let you know when I start a marketing plan."

"Thank you, Jess," he said excitedly as he threw his fist in the air.

"It's no prob... But Torey is still taller than you," I shot at him as he made his way out of my cubicle.

"He is not! What the hell," he called back.

I rolled my eyes and moved over to my calendar where I wrote the event down. If the Pats made it... Danny was going to be so pissed at me...

I was interrupted by my desk phone ringing. The caller ID said it was Danny— Oh lord. After a second I picked up the phone and brought it to my ear.

"This is Jess, marketing team member for the Boston Bruins, how can I help you," I answered once I brought my phone up to my ear.

"Hey babe," he silky voice said at the other end.

"Oh! Hi," I replied, trying to act like I was completely oblivious.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go out for lunch today? I noticed they don't have a game today, which would mean you don't have anything planned," Danny pointed out.

I shook my head. "I do have plans," I simply said, a slight coldness in my tone.

"Oh... Well... I just thought I'd see. I won't keep you." Sadness was clearly in his voice. It kinda hurt, I didn't want to make him feel that way. "I'll see you tonight, Babe. I love you."

"You too," I mumbled before putting my phone down on the receiver.

Throwing my emotions to the side, I dove straight into work. After an hour or so, I checked my phone to notice a rather long paragraph from Danny.

Danny 10:07

Hey Babe, I know you're at work... but I wanna make sure you're okay. You've been acting kinda weird the past day or so. If you need to talk, I'm always here to talk. I don't know if it's something I did, but if it is, please tell me and I can fix it. I won't keep you from work... I love you. Have a great day, babe <3

I sucked in a long breath and tried to hold back my tears. "I'm such a fuck up."

*thanks for reading. Feel free to let me know what ya think!

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