Chapter 12

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** Disclaimer, I'm sorry I'm a terrible writer. You could probably skip over this chapter if you don't like it... ***

When I woke up the next morning, birds were chirping, and sun was peeking into the room under the shades. My favorite part was, was that I was encased in Danny's strong arms, and enjoying his warmth. I popped my eyes open, and saw his beautiful sleeping face. My heart rate picked up as I studied his tanned skin, and dark stubbly jaw.

I brought a hand up and rested it on his stubbly cheek. He really is perfect.

His breathing pattern changed, and then his eyes slowly flickered opened. "Mmm... Morning," he whispered as the edges of his mouth tipped up in a little smile.

I smiled back at him and ran my thumb back and forth on his cheek bone. "Morning, babe," I mumbled and blinked sleepily. I leaned in and placed a small kiss on his lips. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you. I'm glad you're here to spend it with me." His voice was soft as his deep brown eyes looked at me lovingly. I could never get tired of looking into those eyes.

I let my head down and rested it on his bicep. "I"m glad I'm here, too. I love you, Danny," I mumbled back and let my hand fall from his face, and down to his chest. His skin was extremely hot under my hand, and it made me feel something that I hadn't felt for a long time.  

After I sucked in a breath, I pushed Danny's chest, so he was lying flat on his back and kicked my leg over his waist. I smiled down at him as his big brown eyes looked up at me; shock displayed in them. His hands slowly moved up my bare sides and held me there. "Jess," he choked out as he looked up at me. "W-What are you doing?" His mouth was hung open a bit as he just looked at me.

"You've been waiting a while," I pointed out as I slowly lowered myself so I was completely lying on top of him, and our foreheads were pushed together. "And I think you deserve a birthday gift, since I didn't have time to go out and buy you one." 

Danny slowly wrapped his arms around me and held me in place. "I don't need anything else, Babe, just you are enough." His voice was practically a growl.

Before I could respond, he flipped us over so he was on top of me— his member pushed against me. His lips found my sweet spot on my neck, causing me to let out a loud gasp, and bring my hands up so they were flat in his back. "D-Danny... Please."

One of his hands moved down, and slid under the waistband of my underwear. His fingers quickly found my heat and began to work their magic. "Ah... That... That feels so good." His lips began to trail down my body, stopping just above my bra.

He hooked his chin over my shoulder and pulled me up, then skillfully unlatched my bra with his free hand. After he was done, he lowered me down and continued his lip tour of my body.

"Mmm, you're so beautiful, Jess," his low voice mumbled, then his lips latched in my right nipple.

I closed my eyes, threw my hands down and fisted the sheets as his fingers and lips moved in sync. "Danny, please," I cried out as I closed my eyes and sucked in a deep breath.

His lips left my nipple, causing me to gasp at the sudden coldness. I opened my eyes to see his beautiful brown eyes looking back at me, full of love, full of lust.

"Please, what," he asked, a smirk finding its way into his flawless face.

I sucked in a shaky breath. "M-make love to me... Danny... Please," I begged, my eyes getting watery as fingers came to a stop— I let out a gasp.

A full on smile made its way to his face. "There's one little problem, Babe," he whispered, dark eyes studying my face. "We've both got our clothes on still."

I groaned. "Fucking take them off," I practically screamed.

The fire in his eyes was ignited, because the next thing I knew was, he shimmied out of his briefs, and his hands were yanking down my last article of clothing.

I looked at him again, meeting his eyes. "I love you, babe," he whispered as his length brushed against me. In one quick movement, he was buried in me. "You... You feel so good, Jess."

I brought my legs up, and wrapped them around his back as he slowly began to thrust in and out. "D-Danny," I moaned out as my nails dug into his back. "Oh! Danny! Th-That feels... Harder!"

Within a few minutes, I was reaching my climax. As I screamed through it, he reached his, and collapsed on top of me— out of breath. "Babe... You're... God I love you."

He slid out of me and rolled off me. "You're... you're perfect, Jess," he whispered as he rested on his back and pulled my up to him so I was resting my head on his chest.

I smiled into his warm skin and let my eyes close. "Happy birthday, babe. I'm glad that we could actually spend it together," I whispered and brought a hand up to his stomach.

Danny chuckled into my hair. "Me too. I thought I lost you. I'm just happy I can hear your voice on my birthday. I love you so much." He placed a soft kiss in my hair. "You're so beautiful— inside and out. I'm glad you're mine."

I sighed and placed a light kiss on his chest. "I'm the lucky one, Danny. You put up with my business at work. You're my rock and I greatly appreciate it. Thank you for standing by me. I hope this will be one of your best birthdays yet."

"It will be, as long as you're by my side, Jess."

** Sorry this was so badly written

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