Chapter 21

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When I woke up, I was alone in the guest bedroom. I sighed and rolled out of bed, then made my way into the living room, where Danny was sitting on the couch with his back to me.

"You're just so cute," Danny mumbled, his voice quiet.

I rounded the corner of the couch and sat down next to him. "Did he start crying," I asked as I put a hand on Danny's thigh and looked down at Zack with him.

Danny nodded as he laid his head down on my shoulder. "Yeah... I just got him to fall back asleep. He's just so damn cute, you know?"

I nodded and motioned for Danny to shift Zack into my arms. "I know... I-I love this. You, me... A baby... I-I... I think I want this," I mumbled as I looked down at the baby.

Danny shifted so his head was off my shoulder, and his arm was draped over them. "Jess, look at me," he mumbled into my ear.

I looked up and met his beautiful brown eyes. His lips smashed into mine before either of us could say a word. When he pulled away he smiled at me. "You don't have to. Jess, I'm perfectly content as long as I have you."

I shook my head. "Danny, I want it. I do... I-I love you... and... I'd kinda love to have a little you running around in a few years," I mumbled as I leaned into him and looked back down at Zack, who was just opening his eyes.

A small smile found its way onto his face. "Hi Zack. How are you?" My thumb brushed his soft little cheek.

Danny let out a breath and placed a small kiss on my forehead. "I hope it's a little you. A baby girl would be absolutely amazing... and then when she gets older I'll be able to buy a shotgun just to clean it before her first date," Danny mumbled and let out a chuckle.

"I hope we never have a girl for that soul reason," I joked and glanced up at him.

His brown eyes were still looking down at me. "It doesn't matter. As long as I'm with you, I'm happy."

Zack began to shift in my arms and his big eyes began to well up. "Oh, you're hungry, aren't you buddy? I'll get ya a bottle."

Danny moved away from me and stood up. "Is it in the fridge? I'll get it." I nodded and began to bounce him, so he'd calm.

He didn't cry, only let out some light whines. A minute later, Danny came shuffling in with a bottle in his hand. "Thank you," I mumbled as I popped the bottle into his mouth, and he began sucking. When he was quarter of a way through, I stood up, handed the bottle to Danny and put a towel over my shoulder to burp him.

When he did, I moved to grab the bottle back from Danny, he only moved it away and motioned for me to give him Zack. I shifted Zack into his arms and watched as he put the bottle into Zack's mouth.

Half way through, Zack's little hands moved up and grabbed Danny's pinky. Danny chuckled and smiled brightly down at Zack. "No bud, you gotta drink your milk, then you can play with my fingers," he playfully said, the smile on his face only growing.

I sat back and watched as Danny smiled down at Zack, my heart was beginning to melt. He'd be the perfect dad. The way that he seemed like the happiest person while he had a baby in his arms, and the way that his eyes lit up at the sight of a little person looking back up at him, was just too damn cute.

When he was done being fed, Danny took my towel and burped him again. "He's so adorable. He can lie on his stomach right?"

I nodded.

Danny quickly crawled to the floor and scooted over to the baby blanket and toys in the corner. He put Zack down and then made his way down to Zack's level. Danny scooted closer as Zack's arms moved up and were reaching for his face.

Zack's hands made contact with Danny's stubble, and he began to giggle. His hands ran up and down Danny's face, Danny laughed along with him.

I only shook my head as I moved out of the room, and to the kitchen to make breakfast for Danny and I. I found some cereal and settled for that-- Yes, I'm lazy.

Then, I moved back into the living room with two bowls and sat down on the couch. "Babe, I've made you the most fabulous breakfast you'll ever have," I told him, he looked back at me with a large smile on his face.

He moved so he could grab the bowl from me. Once he had it, he sat down and leaned back against the couch as I looked down at Zack messing around with one of his toys.

Danny's head leaned against my knee as he began to eat. "Thank you for putting together this lovely meal, Jess. I can tell you put a lot of work into it," he mumbled.

"It's no problem, Dola. It was so hard to make," I mumbled with a chuckle.

Danny rolled his eyes as he looked up at me with a smirk. "I can tell. It's definitely tasty."

Zack's hands began banging on the floor as he laughed. "Look at how cute he is! He's just adorable," Danny said as he turned back to Zack.

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, he sure is." I moved so I was down on Danny's level and my head was resting on his shoulder. "I love you, Danny."

"I love you, too." He let out a sigh. "Will Patrice be okay that I'm here? Like I technically wasn't invited over."

I shook my head. "By time he gets here, I'll just tell him that you're here to pick me up... He'll," I cut myself off with a small laugh, "He'll be glad that you and I made up. I've been in such a bad mood at work this past week."

"I'm still sorry," he mumbled and put his bowl down so he could pull me in for a hug. I leaned into his chest and sucked in his scent.

I shook my head. "There's no reason to be sorry. I love you." I pulled away and placed a kiss at the corner of his mouth.

He smiled and pulled me to him. "You missed," he quietly growled as he smashed his lips into mine.

** Thanks for reading!!! :)

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