Chapter 18

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"Come on, Jess, you've gotta eat," Julian mumbled as he stood across from me at the island. "You haven't eaten since you got there... It's been nearly 24 hours." 

I shook my head. "I'm not hungry," I told him and leaned back in the chair. I glanced over at my phone that rang more than half of the morning, even while the boys were supposed to be practicing. 

"If it helps you any, he didn't look too hot at practice this morning," Julian said with a sigh. "Please eat. Come on, Jess."

I shook my head. "No! I'm not hungry! I don't want to face him. I don't want to think about him... I-I should just go to work... Fucking... Fucking prove him wrong," I mumbled and let out a huff. "I'm fucking good at my job."

Julian's eyes lit up. "Jess, that's only half the spirit! You've still gotta eat though. I love you, Jess, but come on. Don't make me force you to eat. I'll make you anything you want— anything, Jess."

I shook my head. "Make me a boyfriend who doesn't tell me to quit my job... or who doesn't get jealous about me doing my damn job," I shot back and rolled my eyes. "Oh! Or one that realizes how much I actually care about him! That's all I truly want right now— not fucking food."

Julian sighed and leaned across the counter. "He's been calling you all morning. I think he just wants to apologize," Julian said softly, his blue eyes studying me. "Just answer his next call, please. He looked like shit at practice this morning... You're his everything and he knew he fucked up."

It was as if on cue, my phone began to vibrate and Danny's smiling face was lighting up on the screen. I looked up at Julian and shook my head-- he shot me a 'just do it' look. I rolled my eyes and picked it up. As I brought it up to my ear I took a deep breath.

"Jess?! Jess, oh my god. You finally answered. Thank you so-." He was speaking so fast, but I had to cut him off.

"Danny," I said, "Please stop talking and listen to me."

He stopped his rambling and paused, bus began again. "What is it, Jess? Anything, I'll do it for you. I'm so sorry. I love you so much... Please... I just co-..."

"Danny! Stop!" He stopped and let out a sigh, telling me he was listening. "I think that we... We should take a break. I-I need time to actually do my job and figure out... If this is... If us... is what I still want."

I took a deep breath as I looked up at Julian, who had shock all over his face, and wide blue eyes. I looked back down at the counter and let out a breath-- Danny was dead silent. "I'm sorry, Danny, I really am."

There was a shaky breath at Danny's end, and then his voice finally same through-- he was holding back a cry, I could tell. "I-I... Okay... I'm just sorry. I-I'll let you go. I love you." He sounded beyond broken, and it brought tears to my eyes.

I put my hand to my mouth, then sucked in a long breath through my nose. When I got myself settled, I slowly nodded and spoke again. "I l-love you, too, Danny. I'm sorry."  

Before I could hear anything else, I pulled my phone away from my ear and clicked end call. I looked up at Julian and let out a loud sob. "I'm a horrible person," I practically yelled and put my face in my hands. "Absolutely fucking terrible... he sounded broken, Jules... I hate when he sounds broken! Especially when it's because of me."

I could hear Julian sigh, then a pair of hands was pulling my hands from my face. "Jess, you're doing what's best for you. I know you'll figure it out," he said softly. He was looking at me with a caring look as he leaned across the counter.

"He's going to hate me for the rest of my life, Jules. I'm just terrible," I managed to get out as I sucked in an obnoxious breath. "I'm terrible."

Julian sighed. "It's okay, Jess." He made his way around the island and opened his arms up. I practically launched myself at him and sobbed into his chest.

"Shh, Shh," he mumbled as he rubbed my back. "You'll be fine. I promise, Jess. Just give both of yourselves some time."

** Julian's POV **

I slid Jess into my spare bed and kissed her forehead. Her cheeks were tear stained, and her hair a mess from refusing to take a shower.

When I slipped out of the room, I sat down on my couch to see a text from Danny.

Danny 10:42

Please take care of her while I can't. I'll find a way to make it up to her... I will.

I sighed and thought about what to say. I knew he was heartbroken, but he did it to himself. What he really needed was to give her the distance she asked for. The last thing she needs is more stress on top of working so hard for her actual job.

I shook my head as I slid my phone in my pocket, and grabbed my keys off the counter. When I made my way out the door, the cold Boston night hit me in the face, so I rushed toward Danny's faster.

Luckily, his door was unlocked, so I pushed my way through. The scene in front of me shocked me. Danny was on the ground, in front of the couch, with one of Jess' fluffy blankets wrapped around him and a bottle of Jack Daniels sitting next to him. There was the faint sound of the TV in the background, but his soft sobs were much louder than that.

"Dola?" He didn't look up, he just stayed still. "Danny?" I moved in closer and sat down next to him. I put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it. "Hey Buddy, are you okay?"

He slowly turned his head toward me and made eye contact. His eyes were red from crying, his cheeks were a deep red, and his cheeks had tears running down them. "What do you think," he asked, his voice cracking in the process.

I sighed and pursed my lips. "Danny... I think this could be good for you two... I really don't want to sound cliche... But 'If you love something, let it go... If it comes back, it's meant to be'." 

Danny shook his head. "Christmas is in three weeks. I was going to propose at New Years... I was going to look for rings when she's gone on Friday. Jules... I might lose her..."

I sighed and shook my head. "Just about everything you just said is wrong, Bubs... I'll start off with, you're not going to lose her. She's just as tore up as you are. Next, whatever you do, don't propose on any of those cliche days. She hates those... You should know that... And lastly, Christmas is still like a month away. You'll be back together by Thanksgiving.

Danny's brown eyes met mine as he shook his head. "I'm terrible. I-I shouldn't get jealous! But I just can't help it. I want her all to myself."

I sighed and nodded. "Just give her some time. She'll be in good hands over at mine. I promise."

"I-I... Tell her a love her... Don't let her get hurt."

** hope y'all enjoyed. Thanks for reading! :)

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