Chapter 16

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When I woke up the next morning, I was alone in our bed, and the smell of breakfast being made filled the room.

I stretched and let out a long yawn, then rolled out of bed. My clothes were still balled up on the floor from Danny undressing me, so I picked those up and put them in our hamper, then grabbed one of Danny's shirts and a pair of my shorts.

As I shuffled into the kitchen, Danny was plating up the potatoes and waffles he made. When he saw me, his eyebrows shot up. "Babe, you should've stayed in bed a little longer. I was gonna wake you up with this," he said as he motioned to the plates.

I shrugged and sat on one of the stools at he island. "Oh well." He slid a plate toward me and handed me a fork. Just as I was about to stab into one of the potatoes, I noticed my phone out on the counter. I raised an eyebrow, because I knew damn well that I left it in my work bag last night. "Hey Danny, did you touch my phone," I asked as I looked up at him,

He was too busy eating his breakfast to notice I said anything. "Danny!?"

His head snapped up and his brown eyes looked at me as a light blush found his cheeks. "Huh?"

I rolled my eyes. "Did you touch my phone? I know I didn't take it out last night," I pointed out.

His brown eyes got wide, and his cheeks durned a deep red. "Oh, y-yeah I did. You got a bunch of texts from Victoria this morning and it was really annoying so I turned your sound off," he said, sounding kinda unsure.

I raised an eyebrow, and looked at my notifications. I did indeed have quite a few texts from Victoria... but when I unlocked my phone, my messages with Brad Marchand were up... Which was weird because I hadn't texted him in about two days... I looked up at a nervous Danny as I opened my texts with Victoria.

When I glanced down, I saw about five texts in all caps about how her and Jules snuggled last night and that he stayed the night because of when the snow started. I rolled my eyes. "It looks like Jules and Victoria are getting close."

Danny let out a small sigh, but nodded. "I'm telling you. He's like head over heels for her," he said.


Later on in the morning, I was standing in the shower, letting the hot water run down my back, when the door to the bathroom door opened, then closed.

Seconds later, the sound of the curtain opening sounded, then two hands were placed in my waist. I leaned into the touch, and a pair of lips found the side of my neck. "You're so beautiful," Danny's voice said against my skin as his arms completely wrapped around the front of my body and pulled me to him.

I stiffened when his hard-on rubbed against my ass. "Danny," I screeched as I pulled out of his grip and faced him. "What the heck?" I couldn't help but smile up as his grin.

My breath hitched as I watched the water run over his shoulders... Down his chest... And to his length. I closed my eyes, trying to keep my composure, but was shaken out of my thoughts by Danny pulling me to him again. My hands landed flat on his chest, and I looked up into his beautiful brown eyes.

"I love you," his low voice said as he directed me so my back was against the tiled wall. "And I wanna show you..."

I looked up at him with an eyebrow raised as my arms moved up to be wrapped around his neck. My lips met his, as he pushed me up further against the wall.

His length began rubbing against my entrance as his hands moved up to get tangled in my hair. When I pulled from the kiss, his brown eyes were looking at me— practically begging. I slowly lowered myself, until we bottomed out. My breathing pattern became short and ragged as his brown eyes looked into mine. The next thing I knew was his hands were on my thighs and he was thrusting with what seemed like as much force as possible.

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