Chapter 23

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"Hey Jess," Marchy greeted as I walked into the locker room to help monitor an interview with him. Our camera guy had yet to come.

"Hey Marchy, how you been," I asked as I sat down in the stall next to his.

"I've been pretty good. How about yourself? I haven't seen you lately and I know you're not going on the trip with us Thursday," he responded as his honey eyes looked back at me.

I shrugged. "Nah, they're having Mark go instead because he's from Texas and he wanted to visit his family," I replied. "But I'm doing pretty good. Danny and I are going strong again."

"Oh! By the way congrats to the both of you," he said out of the blue.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Congrats for what? Us being back together? I mean... I don't know if that deserves a congrats," I told him with a small eye roll.

"No, Jess! Congrats on expecting a little one! That's great for the both of you!" He had a big smile on his face.

"What on earth are you even talking about, Marchy!? I'm not pregnant," I exclaimed. "You're nuts!"

"You're not? What?! You just have that... glow... and you've just been acting so weird lately," he replied with wide eyes.

I shook my head. "No, March. I think you've got that one wrong." I stifled a laugh. "You've definitely got that wrong."

He sighed and shook his head. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... to make this awkward," he apologized.

"It's okay Brad. No big deal," I told him and stood up from my spot. "I'm going to uh... see what's going on and where the camera guy is."

He slowly nodded.


Later that night I was lying on the couch as Danny whipped up some spaghetti for dinner. What Marchy had said was really beginning to bother me.

I had my period at the end of October, and wouldn't get it until sometime in January, so I wouldn't be able to tell if I really was pregnant or not. But other things pointed to a yes, like my increased appetite the past few days, or why I've been beyond tired, or even how moody I've been and why I've flipped at Danny.

I let out a sigh and continued to blankly stare at the TV. Next thing I knew, Danny was sitting in front of me, blocking my view.

His hand was placed on my arm and I looked up to meet his concerned brown eyes. "You okay, Jess? You've been zoning out for a bit. I've called your name like four times to tell you dinners ready," he said as he looked down at me.

I sighed, but nodded. "Yeah... I'm just really tired. Only three weeks until I get three whole days off... Granted only two of those are with you, but oh well," I said as I sat up straight. "Now, you said it's ready, right? Let's eat!"

He shook his head as he stood up and held his hand out to help me up.Once I was up, the two of us walked into the kitchen. Our plates were already sitting on the counter. I sat down in front of the one on the left, and he sat down in front of the one on the right.

I instantly stabbed my fork into the pasta and shoved it in my mouth. I moaned. "This is so good, Danny," I said through a full mouth.

Danny chuckled from next to me as he took a sip of his water. "You need to chill, Jess. At least swallow before you talk," he said with a smile on his face.

I rolled my eyes as I swallowed. "Sorry... It's really good Danny! I should make you cook more often," I told him with wide eyes as I looked over at him.

He was just beginning to roll his spaghetti on his fork. "I cook for you almost all the time," he exclaimed with his jaw playfully dropped.

I shrugged. "Yeah? And your point is? I mean you're the one who is the athlete and has a freaking diet plan," I pointed out and raised an eyebrow.

He shook his head. "I hate it when you're right, Jess," he mumbled as he stuffed his mouth.

I didn't respond, as I was stuffing my face with what was left on my plate. When I pulled from my plate, I looked up at Danny who was looking at me with furrowed eyebrows. "You okay, Jess? You like just downed that in like two minutes," Danny asked, concerned.

I nodded. "Yeah! It was just too good to let it get cold," I deflected. He sighed and nodded, then went back to eating his food.

Twenty minutes later, the two of us were finishing up the dishes when Danny turned to me. "I've got my bye week this week... Coach actually gave us the weekend off, and I know you've got the weekend off. What do you say we go on a little weekend away," he asked as he dried off his hands.

I thought for a second. "Danny, it's December... where the heck would we go," I questioned.

He shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe go to New Hampshire for the weekend? We can leave Friday after you're done with work," he replied as he reached out, grabbed my hands and pulled me close to him.

I nodded. "That... That sounds great. I could use some time to relax, just you and I and no one else," I admitted. I leaned in and placed a light kiss on his stubbly jawline.

When I pulled away he was smiling at me. "I look forward to this. Just you, me, and our love. You won't be disappointed, Jess, I promise." His brown eyes were full of passion. He leaned in and kissed my nose lightly.

I pulled away and scrunched my face. "Ugh! You know I hate when you do that," I groaned.

His smile only got larger as he hands trailed down to my ass so he could pull me even closer to him. "Well, tell me something that I do that you love," he whispered into my ear.

I shivered.

Like No One Could | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now