Chapter 9

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"You okay if I leave, now, Bubs," Julian asked as he finished the dishes from the grilled cheese he made for me for lunch.

I nodded. "Y-Yeah... Thank you, Jules. I really appreciate it. You said you'll be over tomorrow after your game to help me move some of my stuff, right," I asked as I got down from the stool and stood in front of him.

He nodded and I wrapped my arms around him. "Thank you," I mumbled into his chest.

Julian wrapped his arms around me in response and let out a sigh. "I'll always be here for ya, Jess. You don't have to worry about being alone, okay?"

I nodded into his chest.


The rest of the night, I spent most of my time sitting around, trying to watch TV, while thinking about a plan to move. Around eight o'clock that night, there was a knock at my door.

I sighed and got up off the couch. I looked through the peephole to see a girl with short, dark hair, and glasses standing there changing her weight from foot to foot.

I unlocked the door and pulled it open. "Hello, how can I help you," I asked with a small smile on my face.

"Oh! Hi. I was just going to be moving in across the hall and was wondering if you knew of any good places to get some food," she said, at first, I thought she had a Boston accent, but then realized she had more of an Americanized English accent.

"Uh... yeah actually, there's a great Chinese place if you take a left out of the building," I informed with a little shrug.

"That sounds great! Thank you! Oh! I'm Victoria but the way! I'll officially be moving in tomorrow," she informed as she stuck out her hand.

I shook her hand back. "It's nice to meet ya, Victoria! I'm Jess! Unfortunately I'll be moving out tomorrow! My boyfriend used to live where you are, and I'm moving with him," I told her as I gave her a sad look— thinking of Danny hurt.

"That sounds awesome," she exclaimed with a smile on her face... "If you need help moving stuff I'm sure I could help. Like I could help you bring your stuff down after I bring stuff up so it's all productive."

I nodded. "My friend is helping me move actually... but I'm sure he and I could use the help... say, would you like company in the way to dinner," I asked after a second.

"Would you! That would be great," she said with a big smile.

I nodded. "You can come in if you'd like. I've gotta just get some jeans and a hoodie." I ushered her inside and quickly shuffled to my bedroom. I quickly threw on the first pair of jeans and hoodie I could find... It was one of Danny's Patriots ones... And it still smelled like him. I grabbed a pair of slip ons and made my way out of my room to see her casually sitting at the breakfast bar.

I smiled. "Ya ready? I honestly haven't eaten all day," I said as I moved over to the coffee table where I picked up my shattered phone. I slid it into my pocket and moved over toward the door.

"Yes! Of course I am," she replied as she got off the stool and made her way out of my apartment. Once It was locked, we made our way toward the steps. "I really appreciate this. I don't have many friends here."

I nodded. "Okay, I've gotta ask a question," I told her as we made our ways down the steps.

"Shoot," she replied as she held the door open for me. When we got outside, the cool Boston air hit our faces, and I pulled Danny's hoodie closer to me.

"Are you from England or something? You sound like you have a partial accent... but you also sound American," I questioned as I looked over at her with both eyebrows raised.

"My moms from England and my Dad is from New York... I spent 13 years with my mom, but there were better opportunities for me here... I got free schooling at SUNY Plattsburgh in Upstate because he's a dean there... and I've been here for nearly 16 years now," she informed with a little shrug of the shoulders.

I nodded. "That makes sense. What brings you to Boston though," I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I've actually got an internship with the New England Aquarium as apart of the research team. It looks like I'll be getting a full time job as well, so here I am," she replied with a smile. "What about you? What do you do?"

"I work for the Boston Bruins. I'm apart of the marketing team. It's my dream job and I've been there for just over a year," I told her. I pointed over to the chinese place. "That's it right there! They've got really good food. I hope you like it!"

After we ordered and got our food, we sat down at a table and began to eat. My phone was bothering me in my back pocket, so I pulled it out and put it face up on the table. My lock screen lit up, showing a picture of Danny and I.

"Is that your boyfriend, Jess," she asked as she looked down at it then at me with an eyebrow raised.

I nodded and let out a sigh. "Yeah, it is. He's at our new place getting his stuff situated... He's gotta game tomorrow too, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was already in bed," I mumbled.

"Well you seem very lucky to have him... And he's very lucky to have you-- you seem so cool and chill! And he has a game tomorrow? What does he do," she asked as she brought her glass of water up to her mouth.

"Oh," I looked down at the Pats logo on Danny's hoodie. "He plays for the New England Patriots."

She nearly spit her water out. "Woah! That's so cool! And he used to live where I'm moving in? Someone with a big income lived where I am?! That's insane," she was completely baffled.

I chuckled. "He's the type of person who really doesn't spend money when he doesn't need to. Then again, he wont let me pay for anything," I told her with a shrug.

"That's because he's a good boyfriend!"

I rolled my eyes. "His best friend... Who is my best friend is the same way... Won't let me spend a damn dime," I grumbled. "I'll pay them back one day."

She began to talk about how one of her ex-boyfriends was that way, but my mind began to drift to Danny. I was really beginning to miss him. I missed his soft touch... His snuggles... His kisses... His scent... His soft caring voice that he always had while we were together... And those beautiful brown eyes staring into mine.

I wasn't going to be able to last without him much longer.

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